ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash CRM (Content Management System)?

Aug 28, 2010

Is there a best way to put a content management system into a Flash website so (very IT illiterate) people can update text on certain pages? Im expecting a simple notepad document that they can FTP to a specific folder is the best way but I didnt want to give them access to the entire site.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML,PHP,CMS - Flash Gallery Content Management System?

Sep 17, 2004

I have a meeting with a potential client this upcoming Wed. If I am hired, I will be redesigning his website, the major components he wants are galleries of his sculpture art and a way to update the images himself.

My idea: develop a custom CMS so he or his secretary can easily update what images are in the online flash galleries. My idea right now is an HTML/PHP form where they would enter what gallery the image goes to and maybe an upload button for the image, they hit submit and the PHP form edits an XML document which is where the gallery gets its image info from. Can anyone help me figure out how to do this? Or if there is an easier way to develop a CMS for them to update the images in the gallery themselves? Being able to remove images via a custom CMS would be ideal.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Flash Offline Content Management System

Mar 21, 2005

I'm working with FLash+XML, and I had a thought: I don't want to give my clients Flash+XML solutions, if they will have to edit the XML themselves. It's too complicated for them.So I thought of a Flash Application for offline use, that would be some sort of a XML Content Management System, built in flash, suitable for offline use (user should upload updated .XML files which is OK). In this app, creating / editing / removing nodes should be like managing folders and their content in Windows Explorer.I don't believe my mind is bright enough to be the first having this idea, perhaps such program already exists. Does it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Offline Content Management System

Mar 21, 2005

I'm working with FLash+XML, and I had a thought: I don't want to give my clients Flash+XML solutions, if they will have to edit the XML themselves. It's too complicated for them.So I thought of a Flash Application for offline use, that would be some sort of a XML Content Management System, built in flash, suitable for offline use (user should upload updated .XML files which is OK). In this app, creating / editing / removing nodes should be like managing folders and their content in Windows Explorer!

I don't believe my mind is bright enough to be the first having this idea, perhaps such program already exists. Does it? If not, please enlighten me: which kind of function allows me to "write to XML file, offline"?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Content Management System (such As Joomla , Drupal) For Flash / FLex Websites?

Jul 5, 2009

Is there any content management system (such as Joomla or Drupal) for Flash/ FLex websites?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding Content Management System (such As Joomla Or Drupal) For Flash/ FLex Websites?

Jul 5, 2009

Is there any content management system (such as Joomla or Drupal) for Flash/ FLex websites?

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Flash :: Build A Giant Management System In Flex 4.0?

Feb 17, 2011

I am planning to build a giant management system in Flex 4.0, and I just wanted to know what are some pros and cons of using 4.0 (or 4.2) over 3.5? Lighter components? Faster pipelines? What are some things I can look forward to when using Flex 4.0?

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Flash :: Best Development Tool For CBT (computer Based Training) / LMS (learning Management System)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Management System Put Together?

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[URL]... How is this video management system put together? This is not a job for me, I am just curous.

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Media Server :: Deploying Into A Video Management System?

Jun 29, 2009

Flash Interactive Media Server seems to be an amazing product, but is it all just hype?I see plenty of tutorials and scenarios on how to grab the video from a flash player and stream it.But would I would like to see are content management systems that tie into fms.

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Media Server :: FMS With Universal Content Management (UCM)?

Dec 27, 2010

I need some advice integrating our content management system with FMS. We are currently using Oracle's Universal Content Management 10g and FMS 3.5.

I am able to get the test video to stream by creating a VOD streaming application in Flash (drag/drop FLVPlayback component and setting the content path to rtmp://serveraddress/vod/TestVideo). However, when I try to incorporate it into UCM the video doesn't load. I have tried checking the .swf skin, .swf video, AC_RunActiveContent .js file, and even the .html file (I have edited the .html file to reflect the new path for the uploaded .swf and .js files) and I still get nothing. I suspect that the .swf video file that creates the connection to the FMS server has something encoded into it that can't be called correctly once it's uploaded to UCM. If this was a traditional website where I could simply drag and drop the files generated by flash into the site's hierarchy, there would be no problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWF Content Management Ability For Client?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a section on a site that my client wants the ability to add her own links within. So basically she wants the ability to content manage that section of the SWF.

I know how to do this using XML but I'm not comfortable presenting it that way to my client. Is their a clean and easy-to-use way for my client to add her own links into the SWF? She has no HTML experience so that's why I'm hoping there's a simple way to allow her to do this. Is it possible to build an HTML page that has 2 input fields and a submit button. The first input field would be for the link name and the second would be for the link path. Then submitting that data would update the SWF file? (I'm sure that I'm over simplying this but I thought I would throw that out there)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Content Management - Dynamic Image Gallery

Nov 19, 2009

I have made a site for an artist with a dynamic gallery using an xml file. I am trying to create a way for him to update the gallery by simply uploading his new photos through a html form. I have an image upload form which puts the images in the directory which the xml file references but I cant figure out how to generate a new xml file to show all the new pictures. Are there any easier ways to achieve an updatable gallery?

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Flex :: Content Managemnt System For Flash?

Jun 9, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML,PHP,CMS - Flash Gallery Content Managment System?

Sep 17, 2004

I have a meeting with a potential client this upcoming Wed. If I am hired, I will be redesigning his website, the major components he wants are galleries of his sculpture art and a way to update the images himself.My idea: develop a custom CMS so he or his secretary can easily update what images are in the online flash galleries. My idea right now is an HTML/PHP form where they would enter what gallery the image goes to and maybe an upload button for the image, they hit submit and the PHP form edits an XML document which is where the gallery gets its image info from.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Photo Gallery Content Managament System That Can Output To Flash?

Feb 11, 2009

I have a client who wants a Flash Photo Gallery.That bit is easy, I've created tons of those... The troublesome bit is that the client wants an easy way to update his gallery.PHP content management system I could use? I've looked into Gallery2, and Plogger but haven't found any tutorials about pulling XML data out of them and into Flash.Does anyone have any experience using a Photo Gallery content management system and plugging it into Flash?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CMS System That Allows Users To Change The Textual Content?

Apr 8, 2011

I've developed a CMS system that allows users to change the textual content and save the changes back to an XML doc.All works fine in English but the writing to the XML Keeps falling over when it reaches a foreign character.. Even when wrapped with the CDDATA tag.The application needs to support users translating the content into different languages.

I'm using zinc to write out the XML string.During runtime all changes are stored back directly to the XML object ( the same one that is loaded at the start and is used to populated the CMS) then I use XML.toString() to create a string variable to pass to zinc to save out the file..

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Easy Depth Management In Flash?

Mar 2, 2009

I've recently created a game in which the logic and programming all runs perfectly, however the graphics are lackluster. I'm currently having a hard time managing the depth of movieclips on the screen.Basically the game is tile based and each frame of the movieclip holds a different type of tile. All the tiles are 50x50 with the exception of one type of tile which is 60x60 and therein needs to overlap the tiles around it which are 50x50.In AS2 I could of set the depth manually, however I'm told (as is this is my first time dealing with depth in AS3) that I cannot do this anymore. Is there any suggestions on how I can make sure that a tile of one type is automatically set beneath tiles of another type - I've thought about simply coding a function to check this but it somehow seems inefficient (considering larger maps will have a lot of tiles, meaning hundreds of movieclips attached to the stage, each movieclip with multiple frames).

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Mar 17, 2010

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Flash :: Professional - Activate Colour Management In CS4?

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Memory Management - Make Flash 'play Well With Others'?

Apr 21, 2010

the Flash Virtual Machine relies on garbage collection by using reference counting and mark and sweep (for good coverage of these topics, check out Grant Skinner's article and presentation). And yes, Flash also provides the "delete" operator, which can (unfortunately only) be used to remove the properties of dynamic objects.

What I want to know is how to make it so that Flash programs don't continue to consume CPU and memory while running in the background (save loading content or communicating remotely, for example). The motivation for this question comes in part from Apple's ban on cross compiled applications (in its SDK 4) on the grounds that they do not behave as predicted with the multitasking feature central to iPhone OS 4. My intention is not only to make Flash programs that will 'pass muster' as far as multitasking in iPhone OS 4, but also to simply make better (behaving) Flash programs.

Put another way, how might a Flash application mimic the multitasking feature of iPhone OS 4? Does the Flash API provide the means for a developer to put their applications to 'sleep' while other programs run, and then to 'awaken' them just as quickly?

In our own program, we might do something as crude as detecting when the user has been idle (no mouse motion or key press) for (say) four seconds:

var idle_id:uint = setInterval(4000, pause_program);
var current_movie_clip:MovieClip;
var current_frame:uint;


what's the best way to detect that an application should be shelved? And, more importantly, is it possible for Flash Player to detect that some of its running programs are idle, and to similarly shelve them until the user performs an action to resume them?

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Flash - Asset Management In Adobe Air For 2D Game

Jun 1, 2011

I'm building an Adobe AIR application (2d platformer adventure game), utilizing the Flash Builder 4 IDE, which will be packaged on a CD for installation. I've embed the majority of the game assets into a static class to keep it simple and organized. This way I can reuse assets and swap them without much digging.

[Embed(source = "../data/gfx/spritesheets/boyHero.png")] public static var boyHero:Class;

In the early days of the projects, everything went to plan. However as the project has grown to be over 28MB, I've started to run into Out Of Memory errors. These occur when I add new assets, refactor for a while, or add new classes. Once I get this error, I can restart FB and then work for another 15-20 minutes. I've modified my .ini file bump up Flash Builder 4's memory allocation. It's currently set at:

While I'm at it, here are the specs/plug-ins that I've got installed:
Flash Builder v 4.0 (build 272416)
JNA Library 3.2.7
subclipse plugin 1.6.17
subversion client adapter 1.6.12
subversion JavaHL Native Lib 1.6.15
SVNKit lib

Mac OSx v 10.6.7
2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

My Questions:
1) Is the issue with the path that I've chosen for the way I'm handling in-game assets? I am streaming in some assets such as tutorial swfs which are loaded via the SWFLoader. I could go this route for all assets... but, should I? Is this the right way to handle a disk game? (The game runs without a hitch when installed on QA machines...)
2) Provided the embedding of static assets isn't an issue, Is this a FB4 bug? Where should I head for more information?

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Flash - Memory Management In Flex Programs?

Nov 24, 2011

I am a flex programmer but i had nothing to do for handle manage memory in my projects. I think lack of memory management is reason for loading lag of swf file. Can any one help me to how to handle manage memory in flex/ as3 codes.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: System.useCodePage - Getting Error 1120: Access Of Undefined Property 'System?

Aug 7, 2009

I got a textfile who i am reading on a serverside script and passing it as a script to my client side as3 code. The problem is that i am using characters like ä,ö,ü,ß and this isn't well displayed. I tried System.useCodePage but the compiler complains about : 1120: Access of undefined property 'System'. It doesnt matter if I tried this on the first line of the 'Action' in the first scene or in the first line of the first .as file i am loading. (btw i am only working with .as file and not in the timeline). When i am importing flash.System.* the compiler complains he dont know useCodePage.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Display List Management In Applications?

Nov 4, 2009

Does anyone have suggestions for a good method to manage the display list in an actionscript 3 project? I'm building an application at the moment and keeping track of all the modules which need to be displayed and reordering them has become unwieldy.I have loaded swfs and instantiated classes that also load in swfs, images and video.. Should I just reference everything to the stage? How should I keep track of the display tree? How can I always force one particular module to the top of the tree?

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Flash :: Actionscript Memory Management - Garbage Collection

May 4, 2011

This blog (and others) state that you should set object references to null inside your dispose() methods when cleaning up objects. However, Actionscript 3 (with Flash Player 9) uses mark and sweep to clear out circular references for you. So I am wondering: is there really any reason to null out your object references?

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Flash :: Task Management, Threads And Other Foes In Builder?

May 31, 2011

I'm building a simple task manager that will at this moment execute tasks in a serial manner. I have been reading about threads in flex and it seems it is not quite clear/prepared for real threads.

What I'm looking at this moment is a way to execute a method at the beginning or end of a flash builder update. This method will be the one that will take the responsibility to start tasks added in the previous update. The removing of finished tasks will be done through event notification (the task will notify it finished) then the scheduler will remove it and dispatch the message again to let the outside world know the task was over.


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Javascript :: Flash - Drawing Network Diagram For Project Management Tasks?

Dec 4, 2009

im developing a web based project management web site using phpi need charts for tasksabout the gant chart it is ok i found a javascript library which functions can take the tasks names , dates and durations then draw a gant chart.but my problem is about network diagram for the tasks , i need javascripts libraries or flash action script can make thi

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Content To Load Into The Loader And Have Its Content Change Once Click On The Other Button Flash 8

Aug 15, 2009

I'm have made some buttons (movie clip) and when I click on it, I want a file (home.swf) to load in a loader (mx.contents.loader) and I want the other buttons to do the same, all load into the same loader. I have no Idea how to do that. The way I have it set up now, the home.swf will load over the entire screen and that is not what I want. I just want the content to load into the loader and have its content change once I click on the other buttons. Here is a copy and past of that I have at the moment, I'm using Flash 8 to do it all.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Edit Dynamic Content And Modify The Content And Save It All Within Flash?

Oct 1, 2007

how it is possible to edit dynamic content and modify the content and save it, all within flash.I have tried some experiments in the past and have got the text to change etc which is easy but i need a way to save the content so the next time anybody sees the flash it will have the latest content until i change it again.

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