Javascript :: Flash - Drawing Network Diagram For Project Management Tasks?

Dec 4, 2009

im developing a web based project management web site using phpi need charts for tasksabout the gant chart it is ok i found a javascript library which functions can take the tasks names , dates and durations then draw a gant chart.but my problem is about network diagram for the tasks , i need javascripts libraries or flash action script can make thi

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Javascript :: Drawing An Interactive Diagram

May 26, 2009

My boss wants to draw the local network and then, if you click on one of the computers or roll the mouse over one, he wants to see stuff like RAM, CPU, OS, etc. This has to be done in a browser, more specifically, the intranet's wiki.One of my coworkers suggested using flash (I am a complete noob but I assume ActionScript is what would be used?) and I think it could also be done in javascript but I dunno.He wants it to be extensible if possible, so adding another computer later or editing values shouldn't be too hard, though the topology shouldn't change very often.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Network Diagram?

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I am trying to make a tool for node network visualization and I am stuck with connections - they don't move when I move the nodes.[URL]
here is the code:

ActionScript Code:
var NodeArray:Array = new Array();
var NodeCounter:int = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX2004] Drawing Lines Animation, Such As An Airline Route Network

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Currently I am working on a map that will animate the drawing of a line between two points as soon as the user hovers over the end point. A good example of this can be seen on the home page of (the map of Europe).

It seems I am having difficulty with drawing the line dynamically. Of course, just drawing a still line between two points is easy, just use MoveTo() and LineTo(). However, having the line expand in an animation is quite difficult for me.

Here is what I've come up with so far:

// Create the clip
// Declare variables


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Javascript - Jquery And SIFR Link Management?

Feb 5, 2010

Ok, I'm using Jquery to build a dynamic menu, and sIFR to change the text to TrajanPro font.

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Being a newbie (but I have done some related scripting: JavaScripting-ECMA-262, HTML, CSS), I am not sure if this can be done in AS3, Flash CS4. But, if it is possible, I would like to learn how to create this.

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Java :: Flex 4 IFrame Open Url Internal Network To An External Network?

Sep 6, 2011

I have the following scenario:

One application JEE / Flex 4 running on a tomcat, inside my Flex layer I have a iFrame passing a url to an ip of my internal network (http:url....) which is another application running within an industrial PLC.When access this app from within my internal network works fine, but when I try to access this iFrame to an external network in my home for example have a timeout error onhttp:[url].........

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Professional :: How A Flash Based Website Manages Tasks

Mar 4, 2011

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CS3 Flash Spider Diagram Interactive Movie?

Dec 9, 2009

I am currently creating a interactive flow chart in flash CS3 using action script 2.0, I have run into a few problems along the way though. My first problem is this:

They are four buttons to begin with, when you click on one of the four buttons the other shrink and the option you have selected displays its own options, but you can still click on the first three buttons that are first shown, so you can flick through the choices faster. This all works fine until certain selections are made and then the animation breaks and shows you two further options at the same time.

My second problem is:

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Professional :: Use Flash To Create An Interactive Diagram?

Aug 10, 2010

I would like to create an interactive diagram and somebody said I should use Flash to do it.
The idea is to create an organisational chart (like the ones you can produce in MS Word 2010). Each position will have its own box or button. When a user clicks on that box or button, a Word document or internet link will be activated and take the user to this other resource.
The reason why I am choosing Flash is because I would like to make alot of these diagrams and they have to go into Moodle. Apparently Flash is the only program I should use to import the diagram into Moodle.

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Flash :: Robotslegs Flow/Responsibility Diagram?

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JavaScript :: Best Method Of Drawing Bezier Line?

Apr 12, 2012

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The complexity comes in because as the user scrolls more posts are loaded (facebook/google images style) so the line could almost be endless.

As far as I can tell my options are:
SVG - poor support in old browsers
Flash layer - embed will be huge and cause performance issues
Canvas - again the canvas will be huge and might cause performance issues

Question: Are there any cross browser gfx libraries which could do this, preferably with support for IE7/8? Or is there a smarter way to do this which I might be overlooking?

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Action Script 3 :: Make A Diagram With Either Flash CS4 Or Flex Builder 3?

May 31, 2010

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Javascript :: Place File In A Flex 3 Project?

Sep 16, 2010

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<script src="myJSFile.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

I use Google Code's library to access JQuery.

Is it okay to put the javascript file in the html-template folder? The idea being that it would be included in the release build. Any reason not to do so? Will this cause an error?

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Create Simple Flash File That Allows Users To Make Their Own Spider Diagram And Then Print It?

Aug 30, 2011

I was wondering is it possible to create a simple flash file that allows users to make their own spider diagram and then print it.

Is it just a matter of letting them create their own boxes and labeling them?

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Javascript :: Facebook Game Development / University Project / Front End Woes

Dec 8, 2011

I have been requested to make a port of an iOS game for Facebook.The game itself is fairly simple, it is a puzzle game using a 2d array for a grid with XML passed from a server for loading objects onto the the grid, to create levels.The game will ask questions at stages which will be passed to my server and stored for research purposes.Some questions for those with experience.What front-end options do I have with Facebook? I have looked into both Flash and HTML5/js both of which i have little to no experience in (I'm experienced in Java/C#/Ruby + Rails).Javascript seems like a nightmare from what I have read, even looking into javascript game engines, but at least it is free. My backend will most likely be rails for handling server logic.Summary(because I ramble too much)

-Is javascript for programming games really a problem for simple games on Facebook?

-Are js game engines worth using? Does anyone have any experience with them?

-Would prevention of cheating be possible with a js/rails game, do server side checks work?

-Are there any alternatives for a front end for someone with C#/Java/Ruby background?I've never seen any Unity or Java apps on Facebook(I don't use it much) and I don't know if the licensing will be an issue for this research project.

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Javascript :: Run In Flex Mobile Project - Error #2067: The ExternalInterface Is Not Available In This Container

Dec 21, 2011

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Add A Widget Board To Flash Project So Users Can Embed Project In Their Webpage?

Jul 4, 2009

I would like to add a widget board to my flash project so users can embed my project in their web page or wiget display. To see what I'm talking bout go here [URL] and click the white + mark on their widgets.If your a moderater please put this in the correct area, and consider making it a sticky so we can post new ways to impliment in different sites as they become available.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Import Authorware Project And / Or Director Project In Flash

Dec 10, 2010

I just wanted to ask if I have a project created in authorware and one more in director.I just wanted to ask can we convert authorware project in flash directly or indirectly?Or can we import authorware project and/or director project in flash.does anybody know or anybody has done this b4???

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Flash :: Buider Project Can't Listen Event In CS4 Project

Jan 28, 2010

I am developing a project in Flash Builder which will load a file built by Flash CS4. The code in Flash CS4 is below, it's a doc class. I am sure the dispatchEvent has been invoked[code]...

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Flex :: ANT Tasks Can't Find My Assets?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm attempting to compile my Flex project with an ANT build script.One of my MXML components references an external XML data file, like this:

<mx:XML id="treeData" source="assets/data/help.xml" />

When I build the project using Flex Builder, it compiles fine. However, when I try to compile it using ANT, I get the following error:

Error: Problem finding external XML: assets/data/help.xml

How come ANT isn't finding the XML file? Apparently it knows the source path otherwise it would not have found the component to begin with. I added the source path to the target anyway, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference:

<source-path path-element="${SRC}" />

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Flex :: Use Ant Tasks To Automate Building Of App?

Nov 8, 2010

I know I can use a combination of ant & flex ant tasks for automating builds. However, I'm unclear on how to compile all the mxml and actionscript files of an app. For example, does the build file below compile just the Main.xml file or all files in the app?


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Flex :: Get Propery From Scriptdef Using Ant Tasks?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a working build.xml file that I'm using for various tasks like building a swc etc. One of the things I want to do is parse a version number from a class and append it to the swc filename.I am using scriptdef to parse the version number, but I can't work out how to access the result from outside of the scriptdef call.

<target name="output_version">
<loadfile property="version" srcFile="src/"/>
<script_test str="${version}"/>


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Flex :: Use Custom Tokens With Ant Tasks?

Oct 26, 2011

I am trying to use the flex ant task to build my Flex project.Before using ant, I ran the mxmlc command like this[code]...

The thing is now I am supposed to use flex ant tasks and it looks like they disabled (or forgot about) the custom tokens like += as I haven't found a way to pass those to the mxmlc task.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Wait For Several Asychronous Tasks

May 25, 2011

I quite often find myself needing to wait until a bunch of things have happened, for instance, wait until I get an Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, an Event.COMPLETE from a URLLoader loading up XML and an Event.COMPLETE from a Loader fetching some assets.

I have no idea and don't really care in what order these things will happen, I just want to know when the last one has happened. I have used various tactics to deal with this - none of them have yet felt "right" or "good".

Is there a standard pattern or solution for organising multiple listeners like this?

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Easy Depth Management In Flash?

Mar 2, 2009

I've recently created a game in which the logic and programming all runs perfectly, however the graphics are lackluster. I'm currently having a hard time managing the depth of movieclips on the screen.Basically the game is tile based and each frame of the movieclip holds a different type of tile. All the tiles are 50x50 with the exception of one type of tile which is 60x60 and therein needs to overlap the tiles around it which are 50x50.In AS2 I could of set the depth manually, however I'm told (as is this is my first time dealing with depth in AS3) that I cannot do this anymore. Is there any suggestions on how I can make sure that a tile of one type is automatically set beneath tiles of another type - I've thought about simply coding a function to check this but it somehow seems inefficient (considering larger maps will have a lot of tiles, meaning hundreds of movieclips attached to the stage, each movieclip with multiple frames).

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Flash :: Flex Project In A CodeIgniter Project?

Jun 18, 2011

I have a CodeIgniter project and I made a back-office in Flex. I was wondering how I can implement the Flex project in my CodeIgniter since I'm working with routing I can't route to any directory. So there isn't a way to display the back-office.

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Flash :: Professional - How Many Database Management Systems Available Like Xml

Mar 17, 2010

how many external sources available in flash like xml....

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