Flex :: Use Ant Tasks To Automate Building Of App?

Nov 8, 2010

I know I can use a combination of ant & flex ant tasks for automating builds. However, I'm unclear on how to compile all the mxml and actionscript files of an app. For example, does the build file below compile just the Main.xml file or all files in the app?


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Flex :: Ant - Automate The Building Of A Component Library?

Sep 8, 2009

I would like to build a flex library project automatically instead of the current process, which involves one of our developers compiling it on his machine and then us checking in the resulting .swc file. It's gross. I am coming at this from the perspective of a java developer, so I'm having a hard time getting the hang of the compilation tools provided in the Flex Builder 3 application, but here's what I already have: I have created an ant file that loads the ant task library correctly, and can therefore execute <mxmlc/> and <compc/> tasks.

I have located the source code that I need to build, and know what sort of .swc I want to end up with. What I want is an ant script that will do the equivalent of these steps: We build all sources (actionscript and MXML) and assets in the project into an swc file. The library.swf file is extracted and optimized


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Automate The Process Of Building Banners?

Oct 27, 2009

I have a project on which is going to involve me building thousands of flash banners.Which means I want to automate the process as much as possible. Each flash ad, is going to be exactly the same, apart from one word. So, what I want to do is the following:

- list 1,000 different words in my database
- Have flash pull one word from the database (php)
- Change the default text in the fla to the new word.
- then publish the swf, but naming the swf the word from the batabase.
- then repeat the process for the 2nd word in the list.

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Flex :: ANT Tasks Can't Find My Assets?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm attempting to compile my Flex project with an ANT build script.One of my MXML components references an external XML data file, like this:

<mx:XML id="treeData" source="assets/data/help.xml" />

When I build the project using Flex Builder, it compiles fine. However, when I try to compile it using ANT, I get the following error:

Error: Problem finding external XML: assets/data/help.xml

How come ANT isn't finding the XML file? Apparently it knows the source path otherwise it would not have found the component to begin with. I added the source path to the target anyway, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference:

<source-path path-element="${SRC}" />

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Flex :: Get Propery From Scriptdef Using Ant Tasks?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a working build.xml file that I'm using for various tasks like building a swc etc. One of the things I want to do is parse a version number from a class and append it to the swc filename.I am using scriptdef to parse the version number, but I can't work out how to access the result from outside of the scriptdef call.

<target name="output_version">
<loadfile property="version" srcFile="src/Main.as"/>
<script_test str="${version}"/>


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Flex :: Use Custom Tokens With Ant Tasks?

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The thing is now I am supposed to use flex ant tasks and it looks like they disabled (or forgot about) the custom tokens like += as I haven't found a way to pass those to the mxmlc task.[code]...

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Flex :: Customize Datagrid To Show Connectivity Between Tasks

May 18, 2010

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The tasks of the schedule are represented as Gantt Chart, for which I created a itemRenderer inside one of the rows in the DataGrid. The tasks are shown as gantt diagrams, but I would also like to show the connectivity between tasks.

take a look at the image below, to see what I am trying to accomplish here: (above is the image of how datagrid looks now, and below is the thing I would like to add)

how I could do this inside DataGrid's item renderer?

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Flex :: Compiling Content Of Directories / Wildcard To SWC Using Compc Ant Tasks

Jul 29, 2010

Here is how I usually write the compile task:


What I'm looking for is a way to compile the entire director of classes without having to specify each class. I'm sure there's already an option for that, but I couldn't figure out the exact syntax.

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Flex :: Error : Could Not Load Definitions From Resource FlexTasks.tasks. It Could Not Be Found

Oct 23, 2009

I'm attempting to compile a Flex application from an ANT script, inside of Eclipse (CFBuilder, based on Eclipse), and I've run into this error:

Could not load definitions from resource flexTasks.tasks. It could not be found.

I haven't been able to find anything that gives directions on where this file (flexTasks.tasks) should be copied to, if it's needed at all. Some places indicate that it should be part of the flexTasks.jar file. I've tried two different things:

Copy the jar file into the ant/plugins/lib folder (and restart my CF Builder instance)Specify the path to the jar in the classpath attribute, as suggested by the comment on this page Neither helps me get past this error.Here's my build script, for reference:

<project name="Tagging" default="compile-tagging" basedir=".">
<!-- setup flex compilation capability -->
<taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" />
<property name="flex.src" value="./src" />


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Flex :: Use The Mxmlc Task Of The Ant Tasks With A User-definable List Of Source Path Or Library Paths?

Jun 10, 2010

use the mxmlc task of the Flex Ant tasks with a user-definable list of source path or library paths? The idea is that the user can define an arbitrary list of source paths and/or library (swc) paths into an Ant properties file and the build file takes these values and evaluates them for use in the mxmlc task. Just wondering if there are any tricks (maybe utilizing filtering/string replacing) to get this working?

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Flex :: Possible To Automate Font Embedding

Aug 5, 2010

I've searched high and low for an answer and it might be a foolish endeavour but i'd like to be able to read fonts from a directory at runtime for use in an actionscript/flex app.Ive seen the answers on the web and all rely on putting fonts in external swfs and certainly rely on embed meta tags or styles when i'd like a local fonts directory to be able to be used, its not too user friendly asking a user to compile their own swfs to use the app.The only answer I can see is to have a server running mxmlc and creating .mxml files with embed tags every time a user wants to update their fonts and recompiling the app when needed but its a bit much.

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Flex :: Automate Testing Of Application?

Mar 25, 2011

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Flash :: Automate Testing In Flex?

Mar 25, 2011

Possible Duplicate: automate testing in Flex I want to automate testing of flex application. I have heard that Flex provides with classes that help you automate the testing. But I don't know where to find them and how to use them.

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Flex :: Can't Automate Some Objects Which Uses Degrafa Libraries

Jun 15, 2011

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Rest of the application like filling the textfield and dropdown are working fine.

Is there any way I could automate these degrafa diagrams like clicking on it or changing the description.

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Flash :: Automate Testing Of A Website, Major Parts Of Which Are In Flex?

Oct 7, 2011

I'm looking for a good solution to automate testing of a website, major parts of which are in flash/flex.

The preferred language is c#, but I wouldn't mind java, python or php if the solution on any of those languages is better (meaning, easier to write on, less bugs and more tutorials and samples).

What is the best framework around for flash automation in my case?

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Flex :: Ant Tasks Compc For Air Errors "undefined"?

May 26, 2011

I'm trying to compile the SWC from the source I have writen, but for some reason I'm getting this error:
[compc] Error: 'flash.events:StageOrientationEvent' is undefined.
[compc] Error: 'flash.data:EncryptedLocalStore' is undefined.
[compc] Error: 'flash.desktop:NativeDragActions' is undefined.[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Wait For Several Asychronous Tasks

May 25, 2011

I quite often find myself needing to wait until a bunch of things have happened, for instance, wait until I get an Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, an Event.COMPLETE from a URLLoader loading up XML and an Event.COMPLETE from a Loader fetching some assets.

I have no idea and don't really care in what order these things will happen, I just want to know when the last one has happened. I have used various tactics to deal with this - none of them have yet felt "right" or "good".

Is there a standard pattern or solution for organising multiple listeners like this?

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Flex :: Specify Swc When Building A Swf?

Jul 7, 2010

I have implemented some utility classes in Flex that I want to use in multiple AIR projects. I have created a swc which contain these classes. I am working on a Linux machine and do not have FlashBuilder. So I am using the compc and mxmlc command line SDK tools. My problem is that I have not been able to find a way to specify the swc when building the standalone project. A tutorial suggested the following command: mxmlc -load-config /opt/flex/4.1.0/frameworks/air-config.xml -library-path=/path/to/utility.swc hello.mxml. However, using that gives me the error hello.mxml: Error: Unable to locate specified base class 'mx.core.WindowedApplication' for component class 'hello'. Everything works fine if I move all code from the swc to a single monolithic pro ject. The code for the standalone project is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" windowComplete="completeHandler();">


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Flex :: Enterprise - Building A New System In Flex / Air?

Feb 21, 2011

This maybe a bit of a 'wide' question, but am putting together a brief overview of a new system I'm proposing at work. It will be a POS style system, that does quotes and invoices + crm for our work enviroment across 100 + locations.

It will communicate with server via the Internet. Flex / Air feature set (offline SQL is Internet goes down, Rich communications, rich client environment etc), the fact that we run Macs + PC makes it looks like a great choice. I know HTML 5 has offline SQL and stuff, but flex feature set is way more comprehensive / usable etc..Is anyone doing any big corporate Flex / Air projects that need to last a long time? Or are you pushing HTML and its new technologies to provide a more safe investment.

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Professional :: How A Flash Based Website Manages Tasks

Mar 4, 2011

I need to run a webservice from a webpage that is based on swf, the webpage is hosted localy on the same computer with the webservice, and is browsed from remote computers. I wanted to knoe thw proccess that runs on the page, if the page is run localy and localy it runs proccess of the swf or is loaded to the browser amd from there it performs opperations.

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Flex :: Building Charts With An Ant Task

Jun 1, 2009

Using the Flex ant task to build our application results in the "Flex Data Visualization Trial" watermark being displayed in our charts. We have professional licenses for flex builder but do not know how to tell the ant task about these.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Code Behind (building For AIR)?

Apr 12, 2010

I've been trying to set up a nice environment on Flex 4 and Flash Builder 4 by using the "code behind" philosophy on my Application tag. This has given me a silly amount of problems!


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Flex :: Run Custom Scripts Before Compiling/building?

Mar 9, 2009

I am creating an AIR app. In this app there's a need to copy a folder from a fixed known localtion C:xyz to app:/. I would like to know how can I do this copying before compilation/build so that they get packaged when I run the 'Export Release Build'

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Building Flex - Runtime Fault On Constructor

Sep 4, 2010

I am building a Flex with AS3 application. I am getting a runtime fault on the constructor that declares: public var assetss:Array = new Array;
The fault is:[Fault] exception, information=undefined

import mx.core.BitmapAsset;
import flash.display.Bitmap
public class colorstim {
public var assets:Array = new Array;
public var imgobj0:Object = new Object;
[Code] .....

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Building Charts In Flex Builder Professional?

Dec 29, 2009

I have Flex Builder Professional Ver 3 (Built with Eclipse) version.

I need to build an application with charts. The problem is that there are no charting components to be seen. There is no datavisualization.swc file in the libs folder.

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Flex ::Building A SWC From IntelliJ Idea Without Resorting To Ant?

Jan 18, 2010

First, here's what I want to do:

* Compile my library code into a SWC * Do not staticly link the Flex framework

At first, I tried just setting up a Flex module, clicking the "library" and "use framework as an RSL" buttons. This however doesn't compile any of my code into the SWC, and it basically just compiles a new SWC of the entire Flex framework, all resources and classes included.

Then, I managed to get my classes into the build using a custom compiler config, but it still includes the few Flex classes that I reference in my library code.

Finally, I figured I could use the custom flex-config.xml file, remove the parent reference to the library using <library-path append="false"></library-path> and then using a custom command line parameter (and also from ant), add -compiler.external-library-path references to the SDK and PlayerGlobal.swc. This should probably work, but Idea won't let me set command line parameters when I'm using a custom config file

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Flex :: Free Tools For Building AIR Applications?

May 16, 2010

There is an ongoing argument on the web right now about the "openness" of the iPhone OS and Adobe Flash platforms. Adobe's argument is that anyone can build a Flash application without having to worry about being allowed to distribute it.

This made me wonder... is it possible to build and distribute an AIR application without giving any money to Adobe (without violating any licenses, of course)? Are any of these tools free? Are any open-source?

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Flex :: Call A Function When Building An Array?

Aug 16, 2010

Can I call a function when building an array in Flex 3?

public function gridBuilder(myArray:Array):void {
var i:uint;
for (i=0; i<myArray.length; i++){


MyArray is the result of a remote call to the database. I then prepare the array to be used in a dataGrid. I also want to call a function that provides a grade. Unfortunately, my function appears to be called only once. Is it possible to call a function when you're building an array? see the "Grade:" bit.

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Flex :: Implement CruiseControl In Project Building?

Aug 26, 2010

I need to deploy my project automatically using cruise Control .

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Flex :: Which Heap Is Used While Building Project In Eclipse

Feb 23, 2011

I am building a flex project manually in eclipse and want to know which heap is used during this process:The heap used to run eclipse mentioned in eclipse.ini or the JRE heap specified within the eclipse?

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