Flex :: Which Heap Is Used While Building Project In Eclipse

Feb 23, 2011

I am building a flex project manually in eclipse and want to know which heap is used during this process:The heap used to run eclipse mentioned in eclipse.ini or the JRE heap specified within the eclipse?

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I have one Eclipse Workspace containing two projects. - The first is my actual library. - The second is example code for using the library.When I push this code to GitHub, I don't want two separate projects, I want the example code to go into an "example" folder of the second library.How and where would I do this? From Eclipse, GIT, or GitHub?Or is there a better way of including sample code in GitHub projects? (the example code doesn't actually need any version control)

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Flex :: JBoss Project Setup In Eclipse Using Maven

Feb 27, 2010

I would like to know how to proceed to set up a work environment in order to develop Spring BlazeDS applications. Those server applications are meant to be accessed via AMF remoting from some client Flex application.Actually I have Maven and m2eclipse set up and working, local JBoss v6.0M2 running, Flex 4 plugin installed.Ideally, I would like to know how to create an eclipse project in which I can have both server (Java) and client (Flex) code and be able to deploy everything in one click to JBoss. Maybe there is a special Maven archetype for this setup? If not, I will be happy if someone can provide step by step instructions to setup all this stuff.

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Eclipse :: Using Maven To Build Flex Project Including Stylesheets

Mar 18, 2011

Flex stylesheets are parsed by the compiler and bundled with their assets (graphics, usually) into a swf file, which can then be loaded at runtime. I've got a project with a fixed number of styles (currently 4: old corporate style, new corporate style, and high contrast versions of both). Using Flash Builder (Eclipse with Flex IDE plugin) I'm able to have all .css files compiled to .swf files alongside the primary project artifact .swf file. This is also possible with ant scripts.

My current understanding is that Maven wants to only create one artifact per project (POM file), but may have some additional ones added (like zip packaging). For scalability reasons - I've got a complex setup of many library and module projects, several of them having their own individual stylesheets - it would be very impractical to split up the projects into the 'main' project and copies for each stylesheet. At least on the Eclipse project side, having some subfolders with POM files in each, all refered by a master pom file and referring the same src/ location (and being inside one Eclipse project) would probably work. Though that's ugly and needs individual artifactIds for each, and still need to be assembled somehow.

The important thing is to be able to have a final assembly which contains the (Eclipse) projects main swf file and each stylesheets swf file (and some static files like localized texts to be loaded at runtime). This will be part of a large assembly of several of those projects which I've described in a separate question.

I'm using Eclipse 3.6.1 (Helios) with Flash Builder Plugin (i.e. Flex4), targetting Flex SDK 3.5 (FlashPlayer 10.0). I've installed Maven 3.0.2, using Sonatypes flexmojos-maven-plugin 3.7.1 (as it seems more active than the one from Servebox). I've manually created pom files for my projects and they work (though only compiling one swf artifact file, depending on whether I specify the main .as or one of the .css files as sourceFile)

I've tried for some days now to understand "The Maven Way" (which seems to be tailored for Java and not fitting perfectly for Flex), but couldn't get this to work so that I have a single project, or at least a single assembly with everything in it.

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Flex :: Implement CruiseControl In Project Building?

Aug 26, 2010

I need to deploy my project automatically using cruise Control .

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Eclipse :: Lines Of Code Count For Flex In Eclipse

Aug 1, 2011

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Eclipse :: Build Flash Project With ANT

Apr 9, 2012

Currently we have a large project that was created in Flash and AS3. I know that you can't really compile or build fla's with ANT. I have seen all of the flex capabilities with ANT.We want to customize our final product so that we can swap out images and color schemes (other things too) on the command line.We want to use ANT to be able to build our project and control the command line.Basically end product, the user will just tell it where the images are and only take a couple minutes.Do we have to convert our project into Flex to do this?

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Java :: Heap Space On Deploying With Flex-plugin

Apr 11, 2011

I have one flex project in maven.I am able to package and install it without any problems, but I am not able to deploy it:[code]I have already increased maximum allocated memory (set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms2512m -Xmx3512m), no success.[code]

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Eclipse :: Error While Connecting Eclipse IDE To Run The Flex 4.5.1 SDK?

Oct 18, 2011

I want to run the Flex SDK 4.5.1 on Eclipse IDE. I have followed this http:[url].....step by step and it was same as it was written.But then when i first built my sample code and ran it, it gave me these errors. I cant figure out what the problem is:This is the sample code:

and these are the ERRORS:
Loading configuration file C:Mario's FilesSTFFlex SDKflex_sdk_4.5.1.21328frameworksflex-config.xml
_application_Styles.as(24): col: 38 Error: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before s.[code]....

Do we have to get a compatible Eclipse-FlexSDK-Flash version??

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Flash :: Eclipse - Duplicate / Branch A Project In Builder?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a file that I've been working on, and i want to take what I have and modify it heavily, but I want to keep the original; if there was a 'duplicate' project command I would do that, but I don't see one, and wondered if there might be a way to keep it all in the same project for tidiness purposes. I'd just copy paste the directory myself but just want to make sure I'm not missing some functionality.

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Oct 27, 2011

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Xml ::Static XML Files Are Not Exported When, Building The Project?

Jun 22, 2010

I am doing a video library. Each category has it's own XML files that feeds it data. Everything works great.However, when I Exported the Release Build. I noticed those XML files are gone(i.e. never got exported). I don't understand why. I need the video library to be dynamic so I can add or remove videos.Anyone know why those files are not exported along with the rest of the project. Like a setting in the preference that I need to fix?

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Flash :: Reference Libraries Without Building Them Into The Project?

Mar 2, 2011

Is it possible to build a flex 4 application that references or uses the flex 4 libraries (or any libraries that are compatible) without the project compiling them into the main SWF of the project.

So in a nut shell, I have a project and I want to load the flex 4 library from the server, is this possible? I've seen articles on compiler settings. Could this be the solution to loading the library from the server?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Building A Project That Dynamically Loads External Images And Audio Into It?

Nov 14, 2009

I'm building a project that dynamically loads external images and audio into it.The images in the external folder are numbered sequentially in the order they display as you click through them (1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, etc). No problem.There is audio that is supposed to fade in a play with certain images. (1.mp3 fades in when 1.jpg is displayed.). No problem.Here's where it gets tricky... At least for me.Not every jpg has an audio file associated with it. The last audio that was triggered needs to keep playing until another jpg with cooresponding audio file plays, at which point the two audio files need to smoothly crossfade.1.jpg displayed => 1.mp3 fades in and plays.

(user clicks)
2.jpg displayed => 1.mp3 crossfades to 2.mp3.
(user clicks)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Building A Project That Loads 30 Images In To Empty Movie Clips?

Apr 20, 2005

I am building a project that loads 30 images in to empty movie clips. I want one of the images to apear on top randomly. What is happening now is that the first swf in my loop always shows up on top.Here is a link to waht i am doing:Here is some code i am working with:

// Random range
function randRange(min:Number, max:Number):Number {


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Eclipse :: How To Add Flex To Eclipse IDE

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How to add Flex to eclipse IDE

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Eclipse :: Find Unused Variables In Flash Builder 4 (like Eclipse For Java Does)?

May 23, 2011

Eclipse has a built in functionality to find unused variables (and methods too I guess). Flash Builder 4 is built on top of Eclipse but it doens't have that functionality. Do you know any plugin to achieve that functionality? Also, if you know any other kind of plugin besides SourceMate to improve Flash Builder let me know.

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Java :: Invalid Heap Size: Where It Is Taken From?

Jul 5, 2011

Executing one of the ant tasks, which launches mxmlc (which in turn uses JVM). I am getting the following output:

[exec] Current OS is Linux
[exec] Executing '/usr/local/flex_sdk_3/bin/mxmlc' with arguments:
[exec] '/home/user/dev/branch/flash/FLA/layer.as'[code]......

By googling on the error message, I've realized that the heap size for the jvm was not set correctly. Tried to examine my environment variables by grep-ing "384" or "java" but got nothing. Where are those parameters taken from?

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Android :: Convert Flex Mobile Project To Flex Web Project?

Jun 29, 2011

I have a flex mobile project and I want to convert it into web-based project. What is the best way to do it.

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Java :: New Project Created With Flex Mojo's Archetype Throws Cannot Find Parent Project-Maven Exception

Jun 15, 2010

Maven 2.2.1 unzipped,M2_HOME set and repository altered to point to different drive location in settings.xml Flex 4.0:

Installed Created a multi-modular webapp project using flexmojo:

mvn archetype:generate

with following options



Parent pom has swc, swf, war as modules.

Dependency is war->swf->swc.

With parent artifactId of swf, swc, war set to swf, swc, test respectively.On executing mvn on test folder(for that matter clean or anything) I get this following error.

G:Projects est>mvn -e
+ Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
Downloading: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/test/swc/1.0-snapshot/swc-1.0-snapshot.pom


Looks like its trying to download the project from maven's central repository instead of building it.

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Actionscript :: Disable Warning (especially Binding Warnings) In Console In Flex (eclipse With Flex Plugin)?

Nov 10, 2010

I did suppress warnings in flex compiler using "-show-binding-warnings=false". But what I am interested to achieve is to suppress run time warnings (especially binding warnings - since I am getting data in model mostly in XML structures and it is fine for me if its unable to bind to its nested child nodes) in console (I am working on flex on Eclipse with the flex plug in). Is there a way to achieve it?

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Media Server :: FMS 4.5 Crashing - Shared Memory Heap Has Exceeded 90 Usage

Dec 6, 2011

FMS is crashing with the following errors:
2011-12-06  10:24:02    12461   (w)2581227  Shared memory heap (__FCS__) has exceeded 90 usage. Consider increasing the heap size to prevent future memory allocation failures. -2011-12-06  10:24:02    12461   (w)2581227  Shared memory heap (__FCS__) has exceeded 90 usage. Consider increasing the heap size to prevent future memory allocation failures. -2011-12-06  10:24:02    12461   (w)2581227  Shared memory heap (__FCS__) has exceeded 90 usage. Consider increasing the heap size to prevent future memory allocation failures. - 
When I try to restart I get:
2011-12-06  17:33:27    7933(e)2781340  Process 7933 failed to create IPC queue __FCS__ : Failed to allocate shared memory. - I've noticed the problem resolves when I restart fmsadmin. I think fmsadmin is using up all the shared memory, not sure. There are HTTP requests periodically being sent to fmsadmin, could this be a source of memory leak?
The server has 6 GB RAM and there are only about 100-200 connections being used. Runs without issues most of the time, crashes once every few days.What is the shared memory heap and how do I increase it?

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Actionscript :: Disadvantages Of A Flex Project Vs Project?

Oct 20, 2009

I've recently started making a game in FlexBuilder. The game is currently a Flex project. Is there any downside to using Flex as opposed to just Actionscript? A friend of a friend told me that Flex is slower than an Actionscript project. I've been unable to validate this on the internet; is there any truth to that claim?

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Flex :: Get Project Framework Into ActionScript Project?

Mar 27, 2011

If I create a new flex project with flashbuilder, these are the libraries that get included by default through the Flex SDK[code]...

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Flash :: Flex Project In A CodeIgniter Project?

Jun 18, 2011

I have a CodeIgniter project and I made a back-office in Flex. I was wondering how I can implement the Flex project in my CodeIgniter since I'm working with routing I can't route to any directory. So there isn't a way to display the back-office.

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Flash :: Call Flex Project From Other Flex Project?

Sep 16, 2011

I have 2 flex projects which were create in flash builder 4.5.....how can i call one project from second??? the best would execute to the same window.... I'm interesting about both possibility (in browser and air too).

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