Flash :: Download Player On My MAC?

Oct 9, 2010

I am trying to download Flash-Player on my MAC.  I click I get the download.I click on the download get the install flash player red box. It says it downloads but when I open my file that need flash it still says I need to download it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Download Flash Player 10.1 (not Player, But Library)?

Mar 28, 2010

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Download The Flash Player 7 SDK

Jan 5, 2009

this forum is labeled "there is no such thing as a stupid question in here", so... I want to download the Flash Player 7 SDK, but the Adobe website has discontinued it in favour of Flash Lite. So far as I know, it was freely downloadable (at least for non-commercial use) until 2007, but now it has disappeared entirely from the 'net.


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Professional :: Flash - Player Always Wants To Download Again?

Jun 22, 2006

This has been going on for quite sometime and I've just neverfound any solution. On sites with Flash it asks me to download theplayer. I have the player already, but I download it anyway. Thebox on the Flash site shows that yes, I do have Flash installednow. Then I go back to the site that uses Flash and I'm back to thestart - download Flash Player.I can't understand why if it's on my computer, why the sitekeeps asking me to download it again, yet it shows I do have it onmy computer.I started to use Macromedia Flash 8 Training from the Source,James English, and needed to play Flash in one of the tutorials. Itsent me to the download site. I downloaded, shows the Flashmovement in the sample box that if you have Flash you will see itin the box. I go back to the Flash site and once again - wants meto download Flash.So it's just a continuous circle with no end.

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Professional :: Download Flash Player?

Sep 3, 2006

Important Message: You may need to click the gold bar at thetop of the browser window to allow the install.

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Professional :: Flash Player Download Link For Android?

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Media Server :: Installed OK But It Keeps Asking To Download Flash Player?

Apr 3, 2012

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Possible Duplicate: losing extension when use FileReference download I'm having an issue that looks common when using the FileReference class in FP10 when saving a file. The whole thing works fine as long as I don't change the default filename. If I do, then I loose the extension of the file... which is annoying >_< I haven't found any "acceptable" workaround, but the posts I've seen are from a couple of months already. So I'm inquiring hoping that something's been done regarding this issue since then =)

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Sep 28, 2010

I want the last update in V 9.0.280 (or 283?) of this Flash players(s!) for Flash pro CS3 in this page url...Actually on this good page and good old package, exit only file V (46 Mo) to 02/11/2010.Where is the same package in last version (september 2010) V 9.0.280 (or 283?)?Only this package (for Flash pro CS... editor) in more 40 Mo (and normally in "ZIP" format) is the good! package.Not the pages with file Flash Player (for navigator) to +/- 3 Mo or other stranges Flash player packages of +/- 20 Mo (for developpers? or old system?)and not containing the good files for Flash Pro.

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Professional :: Swf Only Displays As White Box Or "download New Version Of Flash Player"?

Jul 2, 2011

I've installed a swf banner on my site but only get either a white box that's the same dimensions as the swf should be or thisContent on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="864" height="216" id="FlashID2" title="decent1">
<param name="movie" value="FLASHbannerDECENT1.swf" />


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Flash 10 :: Getting Rid Of "Download" Icon On Safari Browser Flash Player

Jul 28, 2011

Months ago I downloaded the iSkysoft Free Video Downloader for Mac OSX from the iSkySoft Free Video for Mac website.

I've fully removed the app, BUT - I've inserted two screen shots to demonstrate what I'm trying to get rid of. I'm stuck with a very annoying "Download" icon that POPS UP TOP LEFT when I mouse-hover on any and all Flash Player content on my Safari browser. I'm on Mac OS10.5.8. This is ONLY happening on my Safari browser. Not on Firefox or Chrome. I've removed all traces of the app. I've been everywhere in my system Library - Application Support - Safari folders - etc, I've looked everywhere. Updating Flash Player makes no difference. Clearing all data in the Flash Player System Preferences interface does not get rid of it. Clearing the entire Safair cache does not get rid of it. Re-installing Safari does not get rid of it. I've tried anything and everything I can think of and I've run out of ideas! Short of wiping my hard drive and re-installing Leopard which I do not want to do, I'm stumped. Every time I hover my mouse over Flash content - I'm STILL stuck with this highly annoying "Download" icon in the top left corner of all Safari Browser Flash content.

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Professional :: To Disable "Download This Video To RealPlayer" Option In Flash Player Context Menu?

Dec 11, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FLV Player - Download Before Playing

Mar 12, 2010

my FLVPlayer's autoplay is set to false by default, until I press to play button. it works fine. only one problem. Even FLVPlayer is stopped, it start to download my movie, as I run my swf. How can I control downloading process? I don't want my FLVPlayer to start downloading my clip until i Press Start button

My flash version is: Flash 8, actionscript 2.0

PS. you can see that swf, entering [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Force Download For An Mp3 Player

Aug 21, 2007

i have an mp3 player thats xml and i want to have a button the when clicked it downloads the current song playing. how to achieve this. I already have a lyrics button i think it would be something kinda similar but with download settings. the lyrics button jsut links you to another page. here's the code for it though


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Jun 16, 2010

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Flash :: Download Multible Files With JavaScript(one Download)?

Feb 22, 2011

I generate a HTML page with VB.Net which stores several pinks to files. These links are formatted with JavaScript looking like the Windows-Explorer with folders and files. The problem: There are only download links for the files, not for Folders. A folder can contain Subfolders ,a List of Files or a combination of both. So if I want to download a folder, I have to click manually on every file-link. I have not the possibility to insert PHP or another Server-side language. my question now is: Is there a client side way to Download them by click on a Folder? I prefer Javascript but If it isn't possible Flash will be ok also.

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Media Server :: Download RTMFP Multicast Player?

Sep 24, 2011

Where i can download RTMFP fms multicast Player?
i tried osmf not working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Player - Streaming Or Progressive Download?

Jul 20, 2011

I've developed a video player using NetConnection/NetStream that works fine, in as2 and also in as3. The peculiarity of my player is that read an xml file (editable by a cms) that sets if needed some "cuepoints". In the stream version it's not possible to inject ascuepoints in the video file, so i read the xml and with a listener i set a menu that sets the seek point of the video. Also the user when watch video sets an exit point by closing it. From the second time the user lands on the player, my code put the seek point in the last position seen.

I've seen youtube player and I know that youtube uses progressive download. It's awesome to know that because you can jump from one position to another like a streaming service. It seems an hybrid version with the capabilities of the streaming and the band saving of the progressive download. There's something that i can't imagine..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Player - Adding Seek From Download Functionality

Sep 1, 2011

I have a video player that doesn't have "seek from unloaded time" functionality. I want to add it now. I simply load video like this;
(pseudo streaming)
Server side is ready. I can call videos like videourl.flv?start=xxx but cant play them in player cuz video comes without metadata
To sum up:
1. stream.play("vidurl.flv"); works, video plays
2. user clicks to seek bar. on unloaded part. I get the position and convert it to seconds
Doesn't work! No metadata what I should do after?

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Javascript :: Disable 'Download This Video' Real Player Button In Browser?

Oct 29, 2010

Is there any way to disable the "Download This Video" button from RealPlayer. It seems that when users have RealPlayer installed on their machines, it automatically adds a "Download This Video" button to any SWF that loads an FLV.

Edit: My intention isn't to prevent someone from downloading the SWF or FLV, I would just like to remove the ugly button that RealPlayer adds on top of my Flash content.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Protect From Download Music That Is Played With An Audio Player On Website?

Oct 20, 2009

(I have on a server an mp3, and the server is HTTPS that requires an certificate and a key (TLS) and I need to get that mp3 on flash)I found some classes (Crypto) but there the TLS it's only partial implemented and support for client-side certificates is not implemented yet.So maybe some of you worked with this and you know more things about it.f you don't know many things about the TLS security how can I protect from download my music that is played with an AS3 audio player on my website

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Video Player - Jump Ahead Of Their Current Download Position

Dec 23, 2008

I have a custom video player that I built with AS3. When people are viewing the videos I want them to be able to jump ahead of their current download position so that they don't have to wait until the video downloads to watch that portion.

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Disable Internet Download Manager's Video Download Option From My Youtube Videos?

Nov 23, 2011

I want disable IDM(internet download manager)'s download video option from my youtube videos.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Download A File To The PC Through The Normal Browser Download Manager?

Jul 1, 2010

So I basically have used the fileReference class to allow the user to download a determined file if he wants to.

I use the file.download(URL) function and it works well.

However, the file is downloaded and saved to the hard drive using only the flash player. The browser is not aware of the download, and thus, if I want to show the progress of the download I'd have to make some progress bar myself. I know how to do it, but it would become really tedious and take too much UI space.

Isn't there a damn way in Flash to "send" a determined file to the browser so that it prompts the user to download it? It's an image file, so navigateToURL doesn't cut it since it will just display the image, both if I use a new tab or the current one.

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