Flash :: Professional - Importing Video In Website?
Jan 1, 2011
I am running on Dreamweaver CS5 in Code View...I have imported a flash video, which displays in design view, but will just keep loading in the actual browser and never start the video. It is running through an Apache localhost and is a PHP file...could that mess it up? I am also using jQuery with a bunch of hidden popup views, that work fine. What's wrong with my flash? Here is my source code to my flash video file:
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Feb 10, 2012
im currently making a multimedia product for my A-Levels ICT ... and had an issue with importing a video into my product the video was converted to flv using flash media encoding and then i embeded it into timeline using the movie symbol. the only issue which i have now is thatl it doesnt have a skin e.g. i cant stop or play the video.
I've tried creating buttons to stop and play it but they dont seem to work
here is the code which i used
play button
play.onRelease = function(){kvideo.play();}
stop button
stop.onRelease = function(){kvideo.stop();}
i cant rely flash to access the video from a folder because it has to be sent to an exam board which means that they will only take the .swf file and nothing else so i have to make sure that the video is embeded into the multimedia product... also the video has sync issues with sound ( i know it gave me a warning about this when importing it into time line..) would it solve this if i have two seperate files? have one just a video and the other with sound... maybe import sound seperately?
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Jun 22, 2010
I've got a few encoded high definition videos that are now .flv files and I'm wondering which is the best option to choose when importing the .flv file into my Flash project? I'm looking for fastest loading/streaming with best quality to be the result. If I choose a streaming option like progressive download from a web server, would the choice be dependent on the type of server the file(s) are hosted on? I'm using Flash Professional 8.
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Feb 3, 2011
I am having a problem getting my flash file to work on my webpages. I first converted the original .avi to a .flv format,then I imported the.flv into flash. It has a skin because I wanted the users to be able to stop and pause the video. When I test the file outside of the web page it works fine. The skin file, the .flv and the .swf are all in the same folder. But when i Upload the webpage , the flash does not play online. If i preview in design mode, the flash file plays. Although with out the skin. Now if i open the flash file outside of the webdesign software it opens in a web browser and all works.
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Oct 13, 2010
Just like the subject states, I am indeed having frame rate problems importing video to Flash CS3. When I export a video from Premiere with the settings: 1280x720frame rate of 23.976using H264 or Animation (basically every codec produces the same results),"embed video on SWF and play in timeline" When I do this the file exports fine. Playing it in Quicktime works fine and the audio syncs up no problem. But when I import it into Flash using the same settings, for some reason the movie clip is now too fast in that the video does not match the audio and seems to be at more like 12 fps now (just a guestimate). The action of the video is over long before the audio even comes in.I have verified that the frame rate is correct in Flash so it's not that.
I've done this literally hundreds of times in the past and suddenly it does not work and I can not figure out why. I'm not even really using video, but actually artwork that I am putting together as an animatic for an animated piece so the video could not have been imported incorrectly or digitized wrong either.
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Jun 10, 2011
I have a client who needs a Flash video to stream from a website, the video which is being made from powerpoint slides is roughly 22 minutes long. With the voiceover it's gonna be pretty heavy. Way too long to stream correctly from my experience so in order to do this right I need to know which way to go here.
I broke up the fla's into 4 ( 5 minute .swfs)I finished the first and I'm working on the second .fla. the first fla was published with the html wrapper let's call it v1.swf.on thelast frame of v1.swf I used the loader class to load the v2.swf into the wrapper when v2.swf ends it will loadv3.swf all the way up to 5.
So far this works using the two .swfs which are on my server and are streaming.Before I continue I just to make sure I do not do unecessary work I need to know if the way I plan on doing is correct or is there another way.
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May 30, 2010
I want to be able to record 5-30 sec "green screen" segments on my video camera, extract them from the background, save it as DECENT QUALITY flash that can be embedded in my company website (small motorcycle dealership in Sweden) so that I can reach my customers in a better way. I have seen a website that does this and truly want to learn it. I am willing to buy whatever software is necessary.
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Apr 29, 2011
So for the first time I imported a video clip into Flash 8, used the wizard and even found a tutorial that basically walked me through the steps of the flash wizard.I imported a clip from my computer, progressive download from web server, tried both encodings of flash 7 and 8 medium,SteelOverAll skinning,the let flash do its thing, set my publish settings, published, tried it out and played SWF, looked fine, then uploaded the SWF, FLA, HTML and FLV on my web site but all it does is "waiting for .... .com", my website.I double checked in different browsers, Internetexplorer, Mozialla, Chrome, all having Flash Player 10 latest version and the FLV file is only 1.2MB big, yet after 10 minutes still nothing playing back online........did I overlook something here?
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Jul 31, 2010
I am new to flash and trying to make a simple flash website video intro in Flash CS5 Pro.I have a flv viedo on the stage, under an image with a trasnparent center.I have the video on the bottom layer, the overlay image on the middle layer, and the top layer is my AS layer (AS3).
The video is currently autoplaying when i export.All i want is for it to open my website in the same window as the intro played when the video ends.I dont need a "skip intro button" or anything.I just want it to play the intro when you go to my site, and then bring up the index page of my site after it plays.
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Jun 11, 2009
Using actionscript 3 how do I imort a .swf game into my flash website at runtime, this is the code that I have so far:
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, swfLoadComplete);
function swfLoadComplete(loadEvent:Event)
However when the game is loaded it doesn't register the keyboard presses needed for the hangman game to work.
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Apr 23, 2010
I'm new to Flash. I have edited a video in Final Cut Pro which is exported. At the end of the video, I would like to say 'Click here & have a website address.' Can I do this with flash..Is it a fairly easy process?
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Jan 11, 2011
I created a website in Flash that is suppose to play a video with sound when the site opens. My logo then fades in over the video as it plays. I added the logo on it own timeline. On the web, my logo plays with the fade in effect correctly but the video is missing. The site works fine when I preview it but not on the web.
The site address is: [URL]
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Apr 20, 2010
I have searched and searched for the proper steps to get my flash movies to play on my website. There are many, many opinions on how to do this, but I can not find the specifics on how to accomplish this.
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Mar 24, 2010
I am importing a picture in flash and i found out that there is a difference between importing to the stage, and importing to the library... [URL] I've placed both picture close of each other and if you look closely, you'll notice that one of them is losing some resolution. Both picture come from the same file, a png. The picture imported to the stage is sharper than the one imported to the library. is there a way to import that picture to the library without losing any resolution?
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Nov 29, 2009
All I want to do is have Flash play a single video based on the URL specified in an XML file. I am using the default Flash video player.
I go to File -> Import -> Import Video, and then click on the "Already deployed to a web server" button, and type in the path to an XML file.
I'm confused as to what needs to be written in my XML file as to make the flash video work. Let's assume my video file is located at [URL] What code would I need to write in the XML file to get it to play?
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Mar 29, 2010
I have been trying to import a video into my flash file. I uploaded it to my server but when i try to use the link it always says it doesnt exsist. The file i am linking it to is in my remote files. The url i get on filezilla for it is [URL] this doesnt work as its not a html.
Edit: is there anyway of finding the http link for my video?
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Jul 14, 2009
when i try importing video into the flash library i get a list of about 5 options. this is just for coursework which i will send my flash site to my tutor (it will not go online). so i was just wondering what is the easyest way to stream video inside flash.
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Jun 25, 2009
I have a PowerPoint presentation that has video included and need to recreate it in Flash. I have the video in WMV format and am thinking the best way to have the video play in the flash presentation is to "Embed video in SWF and play in timline" especially since I have to add text and image effects. Or is there a better way to do this?
I'm also having a hard time importing the video especially due to the Flip4Mac WMV Player putting a watermark in the video. Is there a way that I can put use Actionscript to play the video at the beginning (and end) of the Flash presentation and then play the rest of the Flash slideshow?
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Jun 13, 2011
I am making a project, that includes many videos. In short: let's say I want to put 20 videos that are on the screen (I won't put them all together - they would be 4 together each on 5 pages for example) and the user could hear 15 seconds of them and then decide if he/she wants to play the whole video.this is the general code I use for import (just to understand how I import):
playlistVideoDisplay[i].movie = new FLVPlayback();
To my understanding - It would be easier for flash to load 20 videos of 15 seconds each - and then when a user request a specific video - flash will load the full video of this specific short one.BUT - I would much rather use the other way - loading full-length (let's say 10/7/5 minutes) and when the user can play the 15 second sample and, if he/she wishes, he will play the full video (without re-loading a new video - and not making a smooth transform between the short one and the long one).
My question is: Am I wrong by assuming that importing bigger movies would make everything hard and slow on flash?
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Oct 30, 2009
In Flash mx I want to import two and three videos. Now I go to File>Import>BrowseVedio file and and a dialogue box opened and I press OK. The Video appeared in an Embedded form and increases the file size. Now in another flash mx fla I saw they imported the video in this format ?streamvideo 222? but the video imported by me just named in this format? McDonalds_cromo? ( Nme of the video).
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Nov 23, 2010
I have imported video using Flash 8 and am streaming it from my server.
I am trying to incorporate a play/pause button into the center of the movie clip, however, am having trouble controlling this streamed video.
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Dec 2, 2008
I am making a training video list on a web page. When a training video is clicked, the training video is played by an swf file on a new tab, and at the end of the video, the swf displays a web form to gather some data to be saved in MySQL db. The name of the training video is passed to the swf file as parameter to play the training video dynamically. When loading the training video dynamically in the swf, should I load the training video in the flv format file or swf format? The training video can be produced in swf and flv format. I noticed lots of web sites say that flv should be used. But I think training video in the swf format file size is smaller than the flv size. What is the advantage and disadvantage of loading the training video in flv format and swf format whith all other fators being equal?
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Jul 2, 2010
I've used the import video tool in flash with the settings I wanted (buttons - forward, backward, play ...), after it was finished I added to my site,from here starts the problem - when I check the site on the computer (local mode) the video file works when I check (Web mode) it does not work.All files are together in the same folder?
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Aug 15, 2010
Is it possible to load certain text from, say, a blog site to a dynamic text box in a flash site?
I have a link to my blog, but would like people to be able to maybe see the most recent post from the blog before they click on the link.
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Mar 9, 2010
I attached the code here. The problem is after importing the video in the first frame while navigating the video sound is heard which means the video is still playing. How can I stop it when moving to other section. Here is code
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Jul 14, 2011
I am using a set of 4 images. It works fine but now I need to put it in a website that is being created from a template. I know it may not work with the template but I don't even know how to begin to get it from Flash.
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Feb 12, 2010
am i publishing the movie incorrectly? It works great when I preview the flash file (cntrl+enter), but after I publish it and insert it into the html (in dreamweaver), the file shows up and animates perfectly, but when clicked, no link... It doesn't do anything
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May 4, 2010
I have a swf presentation with 28 pages. Each page contains a swf movie. It was originally done in 2005 with Flash Studio MX 2004 . In 2005 I imported a swf movie to each page and it all worked perfectly. The filesize was small and exe-filesize was 1,2 MB. Now when I have done small modifications to the swf in Flash CS4 and I try to import it to the main fla then it imports dozens of bitmaps and other stuff. After adding just that one swf exe-filesize is 5 MB and the swf is not even working. it is just a still.
Why canīt I just add the swf like before and it will work? I canīt/donīt want to do the loadmovie-thingy because this exe will go to a client who will share it over and over in their network. Once the file has external files it will be unusable immediately. It has to be in one file just like before. Do I have to go back to Flash Studio MX 2004 to make my modifications if I need to have just one file? Flash CS4 canīt import SWF directly anymore?
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Feb 12, 2011
I have been making flash titles with a program called Mix FX. Unfortunately it will only save the files as projectors, swf and html files which I cannot use as a banner for my website. So is there any way that I could import a swf into flash so I can save it as a gif?
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Feb 15, 2009
so i've just been learning flash and i'm really enjoying it, i have got to a point when i want to import sound but when i do. i get the following message... "one or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them." i am using windows xp and i have had this problem trying .aif and .mp3. (i haven't tried any other types but i think these should work anyway)
does anybody know why it isn't working? is it because i don't have the latest media players that flash uses? if so do you know which media player i should have? or is it something else?
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