Flash - Video Streaming Through Webcam Directly To Another Computer

Feb 23, 2010

I would like to know if it's possible for flash to stream it's webcam directly to another computer without a flash media server in the middle, I want to build a highly scalable video system which basically logs people into the site, records their ip address and then when someone wants to chat to that person, connect the output from the webcam to the input of the flash video player and vice versa. The idea being that they basically plug together, rather than a huge, expensive, bandwidth hungry server in the middle. Is it possible? I heard that flash can talk binary directly to sockets now, could this be a solution?

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I'm working on a site, which needs to have a feature of users capturing their opinions about a specific topic with their webcam, and uploading them to the server. After a short research, and viewing similar questions like this one I ran out of possibilities:

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red5 install errors:

xxyyzz@zzyyxx ~/red5 $ sh red5.sh
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/red5/server/Standalone


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Media Server :: Possible To Crop Webcam Video Before Streaming?

Jun 4, 2009

Before I buy the Flash Media Server, I would like to know that:
- Is it possible to crop the webcam video (because I need just one part of the whole picture) before streaming from the client's Flash Player to the Media Server? (it would reduce the bandwidth a lot)
- If not, can the player store some parts of video until it is fully streamed with all it's data (30 fps) to the Server? (e.g: client: low bandwidth, I need all frames that the webcam records, real-time doesn't matter if it takes 1 minutes for 20sec video, that would be ok.

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Flash - Live Streaming Webcam On A Webpage?

Sep 10, 2010

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Jan 30, 2011

I have been working on a Flex application that sends a feed from my webcam to the Flash Media server. The application connects to the server fine but for some reason the camera is not sending anything to the Media Server. I am pretty sure that the answer to my question is really simple but I need another set of eyes to llok at my code and tell me what I am doing wrong.


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Flash :: Save Video Stream From Webcam As An Image Instead Of An Flv Video File Using ?

Jun 30, 2010

This will create an flv video file on flash media server:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
ns.publish("yourCamera", "record");

How can I generate an image for the current video frame every 2 seconds?

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Professional :: Can't See Flash Video On Server, Just On Local Computer

Oct 28, 2010

I am having trouble seeing my flash video on the server.  I just see it in my local computer. I save everything and then preview it, copy the code and insert on the bottom site, and no video. Just the skin appears when you roll over the code. [URL]
I have everything in the same folder, I have added the mime types on the server, and it still don't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Streaming Flash Video And The Dimension Of The Video Is 1280 By 720?

Apr 10, 2011

I am streaming flash video and the dimension of the video is 1280 by 720 (same size as the stage)
but just before the video streams, there is a quick flash of the video (about 320px by 240px) at the top corner of the stage, and then it plays the videos at the correct size (which is 1280 by 720)  .... a quick flash is the best way I can explain it.
This is my code:
function clicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
var video:Video = new Video();

is there anyway I can stop that quick flash of the video .... so when I click on the button, it just plays the video, at the correct size?

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Media Server :: Bandwidth For Webcam Streaming?

Apr 23, 2009

I'm trying to stream a webcam from 1 server to many client, what I really need to know is :1. How to adjust a bitrate video for bandwidth streaming, is it enough just using a Camera.setQuality() ?2. If u set Camera.setMode() at large resolution, for example at 1024x768 is it could make the bandwidth for client access increase too ?I mean is it affect the bandwidth for set the resolution at small (ex: 160x120) or set at large (ex: 1024x768) resolution.3. Same as number 2. just it was for video=new Video(w, h) . Is setting a video size affecting the bandwidth ?

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As3 :: Flash - Recording Video Using Webcam?

Dec 19, 2011

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Using Flash To Record Webcam Audio And Video - Is It Possible?

Jan 11, 2011

Just wondering if it is posssible to use Flash to record the AV from a web cam and save the video file locally?

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Save Video Captured From Webcam In Flash?

Oct 4, 2010

Im making a flash app that will capture video from the users web-cam, show whats being captured and when he clicks submit, send this to the server.Its already capturing video from the user web cam, but its not recording anywhere. Whats my next step to save it somewhere where it can be played to the user after recorded and after he clicks in a submit button send it to the server?

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Flash :: Attaching Webcam Video To A Movieclip?

Dec 30, 2011

my task is to code a flash application that lets an user take a snap shot with webcam, attach it to an movieclip and modify the self portrait by adding hair, hats, glasses etc. that are available on menu.[URL]..

I managed to get the webcam working when i used it as a document class. When i changed my code so that the Free Transform Tool code is in document class and the webcam script is in Webcamactions.as file, i can't control the movieclips anymore...the movieclips (such as "imagecanvas" where i attach the video). My Mac's webcam light indicates that the function works, but the video doesn't appear in the movieclip.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash : Recording Video From Webcam

Jan 20, 2011

I have an application which shows videos from users webcam. I want to know that is there any open source script or something in as3 which can save this video as mpeg or flv format.

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Flash :: Video Player For Video Streaming?

Oct 31, 2010

I need a flash video player for our public site where users will share videos.The video usage model is similar to youtube as far as video part is concerned.Users will upload and share videos. Users will browse and play all shared videos as well.The videos will be streamed from the server and our app is a .NET/C#/JQuery application.We have 3 options:

1) Either buy a commercial flash player

2) Customize a open source player or use free player and customize its gui

3) Develop our own (time consuming and last resort)

I am required to find a flash video player with these requirements:

Player should work in all major browsers (IE, FF, Chrome, Safari)

Player should have way to inject Advertisement clips when playing a video file

Light weight and easy to integrate

Must support streaming and scale

Plus all other basic features of a flash video player.

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Flash :: Video Player For Video Streaming ?

Apr 11, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Flash video player for video streaming.is there any good and open-source video player to be embed in as3, no flex, html, and js.i tried


https:[url]....but i found tons of bugs,if you know any comercial player, that would be awesome too.

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Media Server :: Connecting To Webcam Streaming Chat Site?

Sep 27, 2010

The problem is a weird problem, because I can connect to the application through an RTMP test site, Adobe Flash Server reconginzes the connection and allows it. But when I try to connect from the flash applet (It's called Videowhisper), the connection doesn't go through. I was wondering if anyone knew what the problem is? I host Joomla (open source networking site) on a WAMP server, and Adobe Flash Server on the same machine. Adobe Flash Server is acception connections, just not from Joomla, for some reason.

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Media Server :: Streaming Live Webcam Feed To Website?

Dec 9, 2010

I have installed flash media server, flash cs5, media live encoder to be able to view my webcam feed via my website. Now in addition to these, i started streaming to localhost, and installed a dns updater which updates a name server according to my current ip. Then i wrote this dns address in the feed's source from flash 5 as rtmp://thednsname.somedns.net/live/livestream
so far so good, i also forwarded the ports 1935 incoming and outgoing from modem to my computer as well (because 1935 is said to be the default port number for media server). firewall -> closed (just in case); and my internet provider doesn't block ports...started the media server (with admin privilage in 7), started the live encoder, connect to localhost, start live feed.
NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound : Adobe Flash tried to play a live or recorded stream that does not exist. Source can't be found.

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