Flash Integration On Joomla Website

Aug 27, 2008

Are there any really important things I need to know when building a Flash header for a Joomla website? Will the header need to be scalable? Can I use bitmaps? Are there any restrictions when developing for a Joomla site like AS2 only?

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Add Backgroud Music In My Website Done In Joomla?

Dec 22, 2010

I want to add music which runs in the background of a website being developed for a client. The site is generated in Joomla. Does anyone knows about any component (or any way) through which I can add music which runs in the background of the website.

I know it can be achieved via embed tag in the index page of the selected template, but one additional requirement (from the client) is whenever any visitor clicks on any other link, the music should continue but not start from the beginning.

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Data Integration :: Embed Live Streaming Windows Media In Flash Website

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I'm trying to integrate flash with a CMS (joomla) and cart (virtuemart). I made the flash product alteration page, you can check it here: [URL] I pass variables to index.php page=cart and function= addCart. the code is:


Now, this is successfully adding the quantity inthe cart and i can then move to the checkout page... but the thing is.. on the cart page when I try to update the product or delete the product, it doesn't happen. How to solve this? I think it's some thing related to cookies?

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Data Integration :: Works On Development Computer Not On Website?

Feb 13, 2007

I'm using LoadVars to retrieve some data from a table using php. When I use the app from within my Flash environment I am able to retrieve the info, but once I post the swf to the website nothing happens. I"m posting to the same remote page. I don't think LoadVars is even firing since the trace in my else clause is not firing.

var reserved = new LoadVars();
http://www.thefatblackpussycat.com/reservations/getReservedTables.php" );
reserved.onLoad = function(success)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding Content Management System (such As Joomla Or Drupal) For Flash/ FLex Websites?

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Jul 10, 2009

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Data Integration :: XML Integration In Flash?

Nov 12, 2007

I'd like to create one empty Flash movie that is essentially a placeholder for externally loaded content I can change through XML. This content would just be able to randomly load 1 of 3 photos, with a button linking to a website within each of the photos on page load. If the user refreshes the page, a new photo with it's link would appear, but I understand since it's random,having 3 images the same image is likely to reappear, but I can always add additional photos and links.

Does anyone know of a tutorial that might lead me on the correct path to create this? I've found some tuts, but they've been different than my need.

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Feb 1, 2007

We want to be able to upload over 100+ files (if needed) to a server along with desc + keywords. I see that Flash 8 has the neccessary tools to handle file uploading, but my question is, can we have it act as a Stand alone FTP program so that we can utilize the fastest user upload, or will we be confined to the settings in the server INI settings.IE MAX_UPLOAD_TIME,MAX_FILESIZE, etc. If possible we want to avoid using the HTTP upload as it is noticeably slower. So if we can use flash to utilize user BW to upload, then that would be ideal.

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Javascript :: Put Object & Embed Tag In A Page Of Joomla?

Feb 16, 2011

I put object and embed tag in a why page and run on IE Everything is ok.

But when i put object & embed tag in a page of joomla

I get immediately error ( i think joomla have problem )

__flash__removeCallback(document.getElementById("flash"), "loadData");

Object doesn't support this property or method it seem like not exists function _flash_removeCallBack

I have researched and found documents about problem[URL]..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference In Joomla

Aug 24, 2010

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at tv.ustream.components.gui::Button/set label()
at tv.ustream.components.gui::ComboBox/set label()


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Apr 14, 2011

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Professional :: Created Button For Website But "getURL" Only Works When Test In Flash, NOT Website?

Feb 12, 2010

am i publishing the movie incorrectly? It works great when I preview the flash file (cntrl+enter), but after I publish it and insert it into the html (in dreamweaver), the file shows up and animates perfectly, but when clicked, no link... It doesn't do anything

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Jan 7, 2011

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May 21, 2009

I want to ask if these theory is possible in Actionscript 3.0.Basically, whenever accessing an xml file in actionscript 3 we use this var xml FilePath: String = "../XML/XmlFileName.xml" or we could declare a url.I want to ask if it is possible to declare an xml file that accesses variables from vb Instead of declaring the path, we pass a variable in vb instead ? I want the xml to be dynamic instead of being hardcoded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: C# .NET Integration With Flash CS5 SWF

Jan 26, 2011

Is there an alternative to using JavaScript to send information to a SWF at runtime?
I have file uploader written in AS3 which does not seem to be getting updates on file upload progress, etc.

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Php :: Flash Integration Inconsistencies?

Jul 1, 2010

I am having some consistency problems with my flash application, when I echo out variables for flash to get, it doesn't always pick up what PHP is sending, it seems to vary from PC to PC.I am getting info from a database, and I need to pass it to flash, say for instance I need to send through 5 variables $uid,$name,$points,$from,$page , how could I go about sending these from PHP to flash using AMFPHP?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: ASP And Flash Integration?

Dec 2, 2010

I am currently making a website using Flash as the UI and asp.net as the backend. I managed to pass variable to flash to asp and viceversa using loadVariableNum and I found here on some thread explaining the loadVar but unfortunately I was unable to run it don't know why. So what I'm going to ask is could someone explain or give me an example using the loadVar and second how to pass and receive an array in flash and asp ?

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Flash :: Data Integration / VB.net - Use GetVariable And SetVariable From VB To Get And Set Variables In The Flash Movie

Jul 14, 2006

I have a flash8 object embedded in a VB.net form. I use GetVariable and SetVariable from VB to get and set variables in the flash movie. This works great until you try to do a GetVariable on a variable in the movie that hasn't been defined. I would expect it to return 'undefined' or 'null', but instead my VB app becomes stuck, seemingly waiting for the GetVariable response... I tried to do a TypeOf check to see if a null is returned, but no luck with that either.

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Data Integration :: Copy An Object From Freehand Into Flash, My Flash Crashes?

Jun 24, 2006

Using Flash 8 & Freehand 11

Whenever I try to copy an object from Freehand into flash,either with Copy&Paste or with Import, My Flash crashes (closes without any msg)

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Flash :: Data Integration - Integrating With A LMS

Oct 27, 2006

Is it possible to develop original content with Actionscript using bespoke question formats and transfer this to a LMS. I have just developed lots of script without using the question templates & feel that it has been a waste if I cannot make it SCORM compliant. The alternative is that I switch off so much of the functionality and just use the question templates but it will make so much of it bland.

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