Flash Won't Save Cookies + Global Settings Manager Broken

Aug 30, 2009

I've had a problem which has been persisting for a long time now - Flash won't save any cookies to my computer. Originally I thought that it was my security settings, and indeed when I went to the global settings manager I clicked the "unlimited" option for data saves and allowed this for all sites. But when I reloaded the page the changes hadn't been saved. No matter how many times I clicked on the options to allow cookies and give unlimited data storage, whenever I came back the settings had reverted to default, as I had found them originally.

And when I went to C:/Documents and Settings/[user name]/Application Data/Macromedia/Flash Player#SharedObjects/ I found that there were no folders there, for none of the sites that I had visited.

This problem persists on IE, Firefox and Google Chrome. I've shut off all adblockers, all firewalls, all anti-virus software, uninstalled and re-installed Flash twice and still nothing. I'm at my wits end. I'm running Windows on a PC.

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Professional :: Change Settings If Settings Manager Won't Open?

Apr 18, 2011

I am having a problem with Flash.I get the message Movie not loaded if I right clich where the video should be.I may have set the hardware acceleration on/off by mistake, but I cannot get the Settings manager to open to check it.I am running Feroda rc14.If I go to http:[url].... and right click in to white area at the top, I get the message 'Movie not loaded' and the flash version -  This is where I should be able to open the settings window.Where does Flash store that info on my PC? How can I check it/change it without Settings manager?

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Flash :: Flex - Change The Local Settings Manager Of Programmatically?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open Settings Manager While Off-line?

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i have been developing a game that runs in an on-line version as well as offline. so far everything has been cool, UNTIL! the ID's wanted the ability to make pop-ups in the xml that feeds to htmlText, so that was a little tricky but using TextEvent i was able to turn their links into external interface calls. everything was perfect then i remembered that this thing must be fully functional without any sort of internet connection, SO long story short is there a way to launch/open/prompt the settings manager without intertubez?

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Nov 17, 2011

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AS3 :: Xml - Flash Global Security Settings - Programmatically

Sep 11, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Send Events Between Objects On Same Level (Global Event Manager)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Save / Load Variables In Games? No Cookies

Nov 30, 2004

Once, I wanted to make a large RPG-game. I wanted it to be like Zelda, Diablo2 style of RPG with much Hack-and-Slash but also a little quests and a big world to explore. (a BIG game). A game needs to be programmed, so I had to choose a programming language. I chose Flash, because its easy to make graphics in it, and its not that hard, I thought. The game was planned to be a stand-alone-application that you could have on your computer and play whenever you wanted to. Much like any other game. But, this was not something I thought of in the beginning, games you make in Flash usually is web-games, right? But this RPG I wanted to make was not an online-game, and I didn't want it to be either, because it would be to big to download everytime you wanted to play it.

A RPG-game needs a save game/load game function. But Flash cannot write to external files! This was terrible! Now, its a great safety protection to make flash files not write bad things into your computer. But I need it in order to save my games! There is this way, that flash can load variables from external text files. But is there some way that I dont know about to make it save there to? One way is to make the player manually copy a mass of code (variables) from a window in the game, into the textfile. Any way to write from flash to a textfile?

I know these other two ways of "saving".
1. Using cookies to save and load.
2. Using an online database of some sort to store/load variables.
But they're for online flash applications only... So I'd rather not use them.

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Global Security Settings For New Location

Dec 4, 2009

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Professional :: Changes To Global Settings Panel Are Not Retained?

Jun 25, 2010

Win xp pro 32bitFirefox/3.6.4 same problem in IE 8.006.001 or opera 10.54
WIN 10,1,53,64
My global storage settings are set for 1) 'none' , 2)allow 3rd party..unchecked and 3) store common flash...  unchecked. I can make changes but when i click another tab and come back to the storage settings tab every thing is still set for 'none' etc. This is true for all the tabs. no change I make is retained once another tab is activated or if I close the browser page. I have uninstalled flash and reinstalled. Searched and deleted every entry in the register that I thought may be relevant but no change. would like to be able to enable these options

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May 2, 2011

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Sep 1, 2011

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Jan 9, 2012

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Jan 12, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Cookies Through Flash?

Apr 27, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Cookies And SharedObjects?

May 6, 2003

So I did the tutorial about SharedObjects, and I created a login movie which works fine.

My questions are as follows: Can i use a shared object I created in one movie (call it "mycookie") in a separate movie on another page, similar to an HTML cookie? If so, what is the syntax?

I tried reusing the mycookie = SharedObject.getLocal("user_profile")and it didn't seem to work. =(

Also, I know that alternatively I can pass flash variables to the URL with the POST method, but I forget the syntax. Time is of the essence here (project due tomorrow) so I'd really like some help if somebody knows the answer..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Cookies With Javascript

Dec 9, 2008

me and and a friend are working on an application for the PSP in Flash 6. And we're looking for a code to save variables. We tried everything, can someone post a clear tutorial! The function, and the Javascript part, us ASAP Edit: is it possible to save the cookies to a textbox in HTML?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Advertisement Manager For Ads Within Flash

Oct 8, 2007

Im running a flash website, Im getting around 15,000 visits per day, and I have allocated 4 areas of the site for advertisements. I want to have 2 types of advertisements: pay per click, and pay per impression/view.Ofcourse there are many php ad managers out there, but how can I display the ads inside of flash? I don't mind if I manage the whole thing in a php page, but at the end, I want the advertisements to be displayed within flash, and ofcourse have all necessary changes made when a user clicks on an Ad (pay per click), or when the Ad is displayed (pay per impression).

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Flash :: How To Delete Privacy-Invading Cookies

May 9, 2009

Adobe is, in my opinion, intentionally deceptive on a number of levels about the privacy-invading cookies that Flash stores on your machine. These are NOT the cookies that get deleted when you clear your browser cache. These cookies remain on your machine until you MANUALLY DELETE THEM. And Adobe know that most users are not technically proficient enough to even find where they exist.There is a good site that describes how to get rid of them here: [URL]


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Sep 2, 2010

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Flash :: Recorder Not Including Cookies In Firefox

Nov 16, 2010

GI have a problem where a flash player, when run through firefox, is not including the HTTP cookies. These are included when run through internet explorer.

I want to know if anyone knows how to force flash to include cookies when communicating with a flash server?

We have a flash recorder which connects to a red5 server. These connections are opened through a load balancer which offers a pool address. There are multiple servers in the pool.

The recorder sends data using the RTMPT protocol. This sends the RMTP over HTTP (this allows firewall traversal). To ensure data arrives at the correct server we used cookie based load balancing. If a certain cookie is present the load balancer directs the connection to the correct server.

This cookie is set when the user logs into the site through thier web browser. The flash player then includes these cookies in the RTMTP HTTP requests when communicating with the server. This ensures the RMTPT connection is opened to the correct server.[code]...

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Delete Flash Cookies In A Selenium Script?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm running a selenium script that tests an authenticated application.

The application uses a flash cookie to know if a user is authenticated to the site. Mid-script I need to delete the flash cookie.

I've tried to script the flash player settings page [URL] with no luck.

We use PHPUnit/Selenium if that helps.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Read Flash Cookies With Json?

Jul 12, 2010

I made a flash cookie[code]...

my question is how can i use Java Script to read the flash cookie?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Flash Cookies With HTML/JavaScript??

Jul 18, 2008

I have a Flash game in one html page, and then I have an html link ("next" button) in another page that will direct the user to the page that contains the Flash game. What I need to do, is to have the "next" button, tell a MC within the Flash game to go to the second frame, and save it as a cookie so it will be at the second frame whenever the user returns to that page with the Flash game. The MC is basically a button and the second frame grays out to show completion. Clicking the "next" button on the previous page verifies that the user has reached the end of that section, which should then trigger the MC in the Flash Game to gray out. I want to set it as a cookie so the user can keep track of their progress.

Anyway, my original thought was to use the Flash External Interface to allow the html "next" button to communicate via JS to the Flash movie, and to use Local Shared Object to set the cookie. Well, I have been trying to employ several of these tactics with no success. :-( I am currently working on a Mac, and need something that works in Firefox on both Mac and PC, and IE for PC.

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Flash - Popup Dialog Box Manager Using PureMVC

Apr 22, 2010

I am developing a a game in Flash using the PureMVC framework. From time to time I need to show dialog pop-up window to get a user response back (e.g. "Cancel", "OK" and other kinds of asynchronous user feedback) while "locking" the background for interactivity.

I need some management for my pop-ups: all pop-up notifications should be stacked up, so that if two (or more) pop-up messages are initiated at the same time I show them one by one.

What's the best practice here? Should I employ a proxy to manage my pop-ups (sounds unreasonable). How do I get feedback back from my dialog? using notifications?

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