Professional :: Global Settings Option Won't Open?
Jul 30, 2010
I right click in the window, the flash player window opens with a menu:Settings...Global SettingsAbout Adobe Flashplayer 10..I click on Global settings and nothing happens. I'm trying to delete a website, to remove the information they have stored on my PC. It's a game, Cafe World. It's been crashing, so they said to open the Global settings and click 'remove website'.I can't do this because Glob. Sett won't open!!what, such a simple error in a simple logical application.
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I am having a problem with Flash.I get the message Movie not loaded if I right clich where the video should be.I may have set the hardware acceleration on/off by mistake, but I cannot get the Settings manager to open to check it.I am running Feroda rc14.If I go to http:[url].... and right click in to white area at the top, I get the message 'Movie not loaded' and the flash version - This is where I should be able to open the settings window.Where does Flash store that info on my PC? How can I check it/change it without Settings manager?
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Aug 31, 2011
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Content Resolution 1280x720 (width x height)
Pixel Geometry Square 1:1
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My global storage settings are set for 1) 'none' , 2)allow 3rd party..unchecked and 3) store common flash... unchecked. I can make changes but when i click another tab and come back to the storage settings tab every thing is still set for 'none' etc. This is true for all the tabs. no change I make is retained once another tab is activated or if I close the browser page. I have uninstalled flash and reinstalled. Searched and deleted every entry in the register that I thought may be relevant but no change. would like to be able to enable these options
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This problem persists on IE, Firefox and Google Chrome. I've shut off all adblockers, all firewalls, all anti-virus software, uninstalled and re-installed Flash twice and still nothing. I'm at my wits end. I'm running Windows on a PC.
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if you don't know what the settings manager is, it's this thing, [URL]
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Mod4but.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK , downloadFunction);function downloadFunction(event: MouseEvent):void { var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""); new FileReference().download(req);}
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Jul 3, 2009
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Apr 7, 2010
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Mar 25, 2011
No matter how much I look, I can't find that option anywhere in Flash. The manual doesn't say either.
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Oct 4, 2011
I'm tweaking a flash website for a freind and he wants to have some videos play from a page. There are 25 files and ideally I want to achieve the 'Lightbox' look so that the browser window dims and the video plays over the top. After looking around I haven't found any easy solutions.What is the best way to achieve this, bearing in mind I shall have all these buttons on a page and want to have the video 'float' on top of the actual site?I'm relatively new to this although a long standing flash user when it comes to animation etc - not great on scripting.
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Feb 9, 2010
When I click the Edit button next to AIR Settings in the properties panel in Flash CS4 Version 10.0.2 I get the following error: The following JavaScript error(s) occured:
At line 984 of file "Apollo_OpenSettingDialog.jsfl":
exportSWF: Argument number 1 is invalid.
I've installed the new AIR2 (beta2) I found here: http:[url].....but I don't think this error has anything to do with it.I'm currently running Mac OS X 10.5.8.
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Jul 24, 2010
So I've got an .swf file embedded in a document (SMART board in this case, but a simple Word doc would probably serve in the same fashion). I'm trying to replicate the same functionality I see in another .swf. Basically its got a configuration menu where you can open and configure the .swf to behave differently, then save off and have it keep that. More importantly, if I close the document and re-open, it keeps the configuration. Harder yet, if I mail the document to someone else, it will keep the configuration.
Oops, its that last step that kills me. I understand how to use shared objects to save settings locally. I don't believe they're using server based shared objects in this case (no maintained server for it). So how can they be saving settings that travel with the document?
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Mar 19, 2011
I'm trying to change a Flash animation into a Quicktime movie to post to YouTube, which I've done with a much smaller file, but have had trouble with a larger 2.6M file. When testing Flash movie I get dialog box saying- Content will not stream... Change Runtime Shared Library Library > Advanced ActionScript 3.0 in Publish Settings. So I enter Publish Settings, on Formats I leave Flash and HTML checked. Select center tab for Flash, click on settings for ActionScript 3.0 in scripting box. In Advanced ActionScript Settings dialog at the bottom I've tried changing the Runtime Shared Library drop down to the Merged into Code option but it didn't help. The other option is the Preloader Method, where I think the problem is, but when it is changed form Preloader SWF to custom the Preloader SWF box at the very bottom empties and when the movie is published I get a warning of no Librarys linked and when movie is played int the Quicktime player some of the animations fragment and leave the fragment as remnants.
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Oct 19, 2011
I bought a template but can figure out how to change a few flash settings .My website is done except for these few minor changes.To see what Im talking about go to the website main page here [url]....
1) There are two flash files, a menu and a header, in the menu when the page paods the buttons are white and turn orange when you scroll over them. Id simply like them orange when the page loads and then to turn white when you scroll over them. I can figure out how to get the scroll over to white but not the first part to getting the load orange.
2) In the header file there are several pics. Beside the pics there are scroll over buttons. Id like the first button, that says domestic contract, open when the page loads.
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Jul 23, 2009
when I create a medium or large text block, Flash (cs4) starts to work very slow, only a objet move or a click on stage takes a lot of time to process. My computer features should be ok... 4gb ram, intel 2 core duo 2.4 hz... The only thing that I think can be a problem is that I'm using Windows Vista 64 bit.
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Jul 3, 2010
I have a Flash drop down list component, I also have a set of buttons. When a user clicks one of the buttons, I want one of the options in the drop down list to be 'selected', but without the form being submitted.Just to clarify, I have a map of the France where all the French regions are buttons, and next to this I have a form.When a user clicks a region on the map, I want the drop down list in the form to select that region from the list.
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Sep 19, 2010
where the Alpha Value is located? It is not show up on the properties menu. I'm trying to animate and object to fade in and out similar to this walk through. CS flash 5 seems be different.
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Nov 15, 2010
I am migrating from Flash MX to Flash CS 5. One of the most annoying things so far about the changes is that whenever I open a file - it opens a tab - How can I stop this? I was able to stop this in Photoshop CS but there does not seem to be that option in Flash CS
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Dec 19, 2010
Basically, I created an image and converted it to a movie clip. Inside of this movie clip, I create a new layer and I give both layers 70 frames. On the top layer, I then draw a path, right click on the layer, and choose guide. I then drag and drop the bottom layer, which represents my movie clip, under the guide layer. The next step is to right click on the bottom layer, my object layer, and choose create motion tween. This for me however is blocked out, and my only option is to create a classic tween.
Just as a note, I am using CS5 and the tutorial I am following looks to be using an older version. Additionally, they don't right click on the layer and choose motion tween. They select the layer and from like their properties panel, they have a tween option, and from the drop down, they choose motion. I cannot find this option box in my interface however. Is there any logical reason why it wont allow me to do a motion tween?
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