Flash5 :: How To Duplicate Content Scroller W/html

Dec 7, 2010

I created a project w/a dynamic html scroll box on one page/spot on timeline. I want to use the same scroll box, but have it call a different .htm file for different content at a different part of my timeline.My problem is the file naming. I tried to just copy the entire scroller project I made and append a "_2" to all the file names, so that they wouldn't interfere with my original scroller in my main project, but that didn't work out.Is there anyway to duplicate the original scroller within my project and just have it call a different file?

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// Example.


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<s:Scroller width="50%" height="50%" >


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Is there a way to get the content of a component inside a scroller to be at 100% height.

here is a simple example:

<s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%">
<s:Group height="100%">


As you can see, the green bar (set at 100% height) is just using the height of the viewport, not that of it's parent group, that is stretched by the red one to be 500px high.

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Flash :: Adjusting 4 Scroller Height To Content

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I am having a little difficulty properly sizing a Scroller component in Adobe Flex/Flash 4. As soon as I add an element to the 'widgetsGroup' VGroup, the scroller's height property resizes to match that of its parent border container, even though the content height of the vGroup may be significantly less than this value. This is a problem because the scroller then 'covers' other elements in the border container. I guess what I am looking for is the scroller height to match the widgetGroup content height until this height exceeds the bordercontainer height, at which point the scroll bar would become visible.


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Flash - Flex Scroller Cuts Content?

Jun 16, 2011

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<s:Scroller verticalScrollPolicy="on" width="100%" height="100%">
<s:Group scaleX="{breite}" scaleY="{hoehe}"
id="mapView" > <!-- zum zoomen -->


The zoom just works fine by changing the value from 1 up to 3 with a slider. Midpoint of the zoom is the center of the container (map).My problem: when i zoom, the scroller cuts a part of the groups. it zooms out of the window?!

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I have spent the last 2 weeks searching the web for a tutorial on content scrolling. I have a movieclip/graphic that I want to scroll from left to right on the stage. Example of what I am trying to do: [URL] but without the vertical scroll. There seems to be a couple of AS2 tutorials around I doing it in AS3.

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Flex :: Force Scroller Scrollbars To Overlap Content?

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<s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%" gap="0">
<s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%">
<s:DataGroup width="100%" height="100%"


which is set to 100% width. The DataGroup is also set to 100% width. What I want to achieve is for the scroller's vertical scrollbar to OVERLAP the DataGrid. In other words I want the DataGroup to maintain the width of the outer VGroup even when the vertical scrollbar is displayed. I don't need the vertical scrollbar to move my content to the left, i want it to be displayed in top of that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Functional Smooth Dynamic Content Scroller

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Can someone point me in the right direction to making a functional Smooth Dynamic Scroller just like [URL] (Under Portfolio). I'm not saying "The Same" - I mean like, be able to have two icons that I create (One Up and One Down) then have them function the same as the 2Advanced website. Click and hold, it smoothly rolls down/up, release it stops. Also for it to only scroll as far as the content does.

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Jan 29, 2009

I have one very large movieclip, and I'd like to create a very smooth (eased), tween, that moves it around the stage, on mouse move. so far, I've read the "get mouse direction" article, and that's helped a lot. and I'm calculating the distance the mouse is moving.. and that's all good and dandy,.. but I'm having a little trouble converting that into a smooth scroll.. I'd like to use tweenmax preferably, and not an on enterframe.

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Oct 15, 2009

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var scrollLower:Number = -92;
var scrollUpper:Number = 39;
var textLower:Number = -92;[code]....

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var _root=MovieClip(_root);
xPosition = 0;
yPosition = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)


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<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,24" width="100%" height="100%">


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I'm dynamically loading JPG file using Loader class. Everything works except if I want to tile the image few more times using addChild(loader.content) it just doesn't work. It always removes previous instance and leaves only the last one. I've tried everything but with no luck. Here's my code:

var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(true);
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaderDone);


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Aug 15, 2010

My workspace is 1000X1200 and I have a background image in Flash 1920 width. I want the SWF to aligned to center in the HTML with a regular browser scroller.
I'm trying to publish 100% X 100% with no scale but the scroll bar doesn't show from bottom to top and the SWF parts are missing!
How can I make it to show the background (what outside stage) with regular browsers scrollers and align to center?

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Flash :: Html - Duplicate Sites One Wordpress One

Mar 28, 2012

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Html :: Css - Enable Content On Top Of Flash Content Without Using The "transparent"

Jan 24, 2010

I'm developing a Flash application which is communicating with Javascript to allow more features such as custom html input etc., by placing an absolute positioned div on top of the flash application and controlling it's position etc. with Flash & Javascript.

Because these html elements have to appear above the flash content, I figured the following basic css would be enough to do the trick:

#flashContent {
position: absolute;
left: 0px;


So, the htmlContent has a higher z-index than the flash content and thus it should be shown above it. Unfortunately, this only seems to work when you set the Flash object's "wmode" parameter to "transparent".

The problem with this setting is that it's seriousely decreasing the application's framerate to an unacceptable amount.

For static content this does not seem to be a problem, however for my application there's all kinds of elements that you can drag around which have to be moved real-time (while moving the mouse).

So, how do I enable html content on top of flash content without using the "transparent" wmode parameter or how do I optimize framerate when using the "transparent" wmode parameter?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Edit The "content" So That It Display Html Content?

Jun 28, 2008

I have an xml doc which works beautifully....now I want to edit the "content" so that it display html content, ie....within the text of the "content" I could add bold tags or add a links or something like that....I have looked up and down and no thread I could find has a straight forward definitive answer...not just on here either...is it that difficult...i doubt it?I will have to set the properties of my text box to accept html...right?so something like this....

theText.html = true;

THis was my attemp...(the first part)...but no deal...

<icons><icon image="shoes.png" tooltip="www.shoes4crews.co.uk" content="I made this...<![CDATA[<a [code]....

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Javascript :: Duplicate Flex Object In HTML Without Re-Initializing?

Oct 16, 2009

I am creating a flash object that does some heavy image lifting. What I am looking to do is load many flash objects onto the same page to take an image, modify it, and display it within the flash object.The problem I am running into is that when I try to add 100 flex objects to the page, the browser freezes as it tries to re-load/initialize each instance.Once they are all loaded, the processing of the images goes by quick.Does anyone know how to duplicate the flash piece without having to reload everything?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Vertical Sliding Scroller Based On A Tutorial For A Horizontal Slide Scroller

Feb 21, 2004

I am trying to build a vertical slide scroller based on a tutorial for a horizontal slide scroller and am having difficulties undertanding what values I need to change in the code for the slider mc in order to make it work. The horizontal slider is quite smart [code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Menu Text Above Scroller It Controls The Scroller?

Jul 29, 2005

my problem is that if you go over the menu text above my scroller it controls the scroller. I wan this areas movement to have no effect on the scroller below. is there a way to script my scroller to set it to this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Vertical Scroller To Horizontal Scroller?

Aug 17, 2007

have a cool vertical scroller that I did try to convert to horizontal, but I could not make it work.

//code by Billy T
//set a variable
//set the x position of the dragger
dragger._x = 370;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Vertical Scroller To Horizontal Scroller?

Jan 10, 2011

change vertical scroller to horizontal scroller?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Vertical Scroller To Horizontal Scroller?

Oct 24, 2009

I would like to use it as a horizontal scroller for an image gallery. Just to clarify a horizontal dragger and a horizontal stage motion for image viewing.

fscommand("allowscale", "false");
bar.useHandCursor = dragger.useHandCursor=false;
space = 20;


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