Flex/AIR: Export DataGrid To Excel With Multiple Sheets?
Oct 8, 2010
I have an AIR application with two DataGrids that I would like to export to Excel. I've found the as3xls library, but it can only handle one sheet (as per the comments). Ideally, I'd like to export both DataGrids into separate sheets in the same workbook.
The AIR application is running entirely on the user's desktop and doesn't have a connection to any server, so the solution would need to be Flex/AIR only.
Datagrid with 3 columns namely Name,Place and Country. In order to export these columns values to Excel sheet by Clicking a Button called 'Export to Excel'. When Click this button, the values in datagrid is exported in excel sheet.
with the platform j2ee,data of datagrid is from java dao(from the database),so which way is better,to export the data of datagrid to Excel with java dao or flex?
How do I export data in my datagrid to an Excel file in Flex?Can anyone provide some examples for that? I am browsing but couldn't find out a single example of that kind.Browsed a lot and found out how to convert datagrid data to csv format. Now How to convert that to excel? Is there a way to do that without using any server script ? Can't it be done in Flex alone?
I'm doing a quiz system now, which allow user to type into his name---start quiz---choose a correct answer from questions---account the result----export an excel/word/txt file of different users information and result on backstage.[URL]..now i just duno how to allow user type his information into it and how to export an excel or word file after quiz taking. does anyone did tat be4?
Is there anyway to export JSON data to CSV/Excel without any interaction with the server side? Using Javascript only? or Flash? I'm currently using ZeroClipboard to copy the value into the clipboard but I'd like to open directly the generated value into Excel from the browser (FF, Chrome, IE, etc...).
I have to load and read the content of a Excel sheet into a datagrid. I am using AIR to load the FileStream, but when I display that stream, it gives me some junk character.
Site loads two flash files at the same time with multiple dynamic text fields that load .html files with external css style sheets. The site works almost perfectly when viewed offline, but when you upload it the text boxes sometimes load and sometimes do not. I'm a graphic designer so I really don't know actionscript 3.0 (or any version) very well... so I'm attaching the footer .fla file which by itself suffers from the same problem, and the other files are too big to upload so here is the link to the other .fla file used on the homepage
One thing i've learned in VBA, is there are multiple ways to skin a cat in Excel. I want this:
Only, I'm rather frustrated with trying to convert my AS1 coded template into the AS3 for the day. So I'm guessing I can't use the UiLoader like in the video unless i'm missing some checkbox somewhere.
Any one now how to do the similar thing only using AS1 and in "for dummies" language please?
So far this community rocks with the feedback and help. I'm sure some genious knows.
I wanted to ask if there is a possibility to have both strings and radiobuttons in one column depending on the value of another column perhaps|column1 | column 2 | |r | radiobutton||s | string |If there is an r in column 1 in column2 should appear a radiobutton, otherwise column 2 just shows a string.
i want to reuse an image multiple times within an item renderer, is it possible to embed the image and then reuse multiple times without having to go back to the server for the image? Is this the most performant solution?
I actually wanted to create an itemrenderer which will contain below code : <mx:HBox xmlns:mx="[URL]" width="0" height="0" > <mx:Label text="{data.xval}" /> <mx:Spacer width="100%" /> <mx:Image source="edit.gif" width="16" toolTip="Edit" /> </mx:HBox>
Now when I click on the image datgrid column should be editable, for that I am using a textinput as an itemeditor. Now I also want to highlight all those cell for this datagrid column which are having data more than 8 characters. I am able to do this separately using 2 different itemrenderers. But I want to get this all together. Can we have multiple itemrenderer for any datagrid column?
I have a main datagrid, and want to launch a window with another datagrid in it, bringing in a different dataprovider. However, when I do this it acts funnny, brings in some default datagrid information and then gives me an error when I try to set the dataprovider:"multiple initializers for property dataprovider. (note: 'dataprovider' is the default property of mx.controls.datagrid)"
I have a flex datagrid with 3 columns. The first column contains the image name(unique key). The other two columns have username and size details. I want to split the username into lastname, firstname, address and some other stuff. Can we have multiple rows in the grid for one image? Tried multi-line, it works but we need to keep adding spaces and its cumbersome. Since each row in the flex datagrid is represented by one index in the XMLList which is enumerated, is there a way to have more than one row assigned to one image and shown in the grid? something like this.
My aim is to copy multiple row content from Flex datagrid, to a clipboard enabling users to take pieces of information and pasting them were they are necessary. I bumped into a problem that in Flex (as far as I know) its not possible to paste whole array of information in the clipboard. At the moment, I pass selected datagrid items to a textfield, and then run "System.setClipboard(text_area.text);" I was wonderng if there is a way to pass it to multiple Clipboard directories, without overwriting previous entry, similar as when you can copy multiple items from different location into a clipboard, pile them up and then paste all at once?
How can i update multiple cells of the same row changing the value of a single cell of the same row ??
Example: id, height, weight, fat percentage, corporal mass. When i change one of the values in a row (except id of course) the corporal mass cell value must change using a formula like: (height/weight2)*fat percentage*100. Is this posible with Datagrid or AdvancedDatagrid in Flex ??
I tried using custom item renders and inserting actionscript code inside the datagrid with no good result.
When I try to export my application to native installer with using Export Build Release, it isn't importing my sqlite database files which are in my application directory. Is there a way that I can import those database files ?
Just like in title i know how to load(import) data from xml to datagrid, but don't know how to save(export) it into another xml, i know i will have to use php file to save it, but how to export.
Our users want to copy and paste some rows from an Excel spreadsheet, or a chart generated in Excel, into a text box within a Flex application.It would be ok for it not to be fully functional, like an ActiveX object, embedded in the flex app. If it converted it to a static image, that would be fine. But I don't know of any Flex component that supports this.
I am trying to develop an application which can be used locally by my team mates. its a sort of issue tracking application with report generation. am planning to do it on flex. in my company environment, i do have a lots of restrictions like, can't install AIR, no database, etc.
so am planning to develop on flex app, and put it in a shared drive. now the main problem is how can i store data. i have an idea like using excel files as database. I want opinion about this option, as well as, if anyone has tried reading and writing excel files from Flex application I want the suggestions also.
I have a flex-application deployed on tomcat with blazeds. User constantly selects ranges excel-document. Now, a user enters a cell addresses in text fields (for example, C1: C20). But it is very inconvenient! How to display excel-data as a table in my application? I think, I can parse excel-document using Apach POI and transmit these data to the Flex-application. But there are other ways?
I'm at a very basic level with Flex and with programming in general. I am working on a project where I have data in an Excel (.csv) format, it's a large Excel plot/matrix where each cell has a temperature number. I want to import this matrix into Flex somehow, or parse the data in Flex, so that this matrix turns into an interactive heat with colors corresponding to varying temperatures from blue (cold) to red (hot), and each spot on roll over shows the temperature number.
Should I use plot charts, or some other control? should I convert data into XML or import into a MySQL database, would that be easier for Flex? But then, again, the data is basically just a large matrix, there's no headers/ fields in a traditional database sense, just many cells each having a temperature number. how I can import the data into Flex and use it as data provider to plot the heat map?