Flex :: DataGrid Item Editor - DropDownList Fires Focus Out On Scroll
Feb 24, 2011
I have a data grid with a custom item editor that displays a DropDownList component. When I click the scroll bar in the component, it is firing a focus out event on the list, which is causing itemEditEnd to fire. Why the list is not keeping focus, or how to make it keep focus. I'm using Flex 4.
I am using a combo-box as a Datagrid ItemEditor (Not just Renderer, my Renderer is a Label, double clicking on a cell makes the combo-box visible, as is the case with all item editors) Now, selecting one of the entries in the combo-box is no problem. But my problem is only when i select the "Fruit", which in turn pops open another layer called "Select Fruit" dialog
Questions: How do i keep item editor, while the focus is on the layer; right now as soon as i click on the fruit, my handler popsup the "Select Fruit" dialog and the focus is on the layer. Once the focus goes out of the editor, the ItemEditor goes away and ItemRenderer label comes back. I want to keep the ItemEditor alive! where do I hook up interms of events like begin/end ItemEdit etc?
My application has a tree with a custom item renderer, which depending on the type of data at a leaf uses different components as editors. In one case I am trying to use a datagrid so that the user can choose a row that meets his needs (several columns need to be displayed), ie. similar in concept to a ComboBox.To do this I have a function assigned to be the handler for 'itemEditBegin' (for the tree) in which I'm dynamically creating the datagrid, and then using the popup manager to display it as a (modal) popup. So far so good.
However, if you click anywhere (eg. scroll down button in the datagrid) the popup disappears because the itemEditEnd event is fired - why ?In another scenario, I have a DateField setup as the editor, and the user can click on the icon to bring up a DateChooser, scroll through the months, etc. I looked at the code behind this, and it is using a popup, seemingly in exactly the same way as my code !Here is the 'itemEditBegin' code:
dataGrid = new DataGrid(); dataGrid.dataProvider = mddTable.dataCollection; dataGrid.editable = false;
I have a spark datagrid on a mobile application, I set the
and the dataGrid scrolling is good, I got some problems adding a selectionChange eventListener to it, because scrolling the dataGrid will automatically change the selection and instead simply scrolling it, the function binded will start...
How can I add the touch dalay before select the index, so if I scroll the grid the selection won't change, and it change only if I press the item without scrolling?
I am using FlashBuilder 4.5 for PHP. I have a simple MySQL table with the fields {tID, tName}.I am able to populate a DropDownList in a Flex form as below. The DropDownList shows the name of the people without problem:
I'm having difficulty figuring out how to add a dropdownlist control to only a single row of a data grid. For example, if I have two rows of data in the grid, I want the top to be the normal text from the data provider, and the second row to be a dropdownlist (bound to an array collection).
My stakeholder has a request to remove the currently selected item from the DropDownList control(s) in the application. For example a drop down with [item1, item2, item3, item4] if item2 is selected then the only items in the drop down will be [item1, item3, item4]
I make the datagrid editable so that the selection can be passed from renderer to datagrid the scroll bars in the dropDownList fail to work. What can be done, nobody seems to know. If you know please let everyone know.[code]
I need to display DropDownLists in a column of a DataGrid in my Flex application. Here is what I am doing:
First, I have a item renderer function that creates a custom item renderer, and passes it a property that is an IList that will be used as the dataProvider of the dropDownList:
private function rendererFunction(item:Object):ClassFactory { var itemRenderer:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(AudActionDropDownIR); itemRenderer.properties = {AudActionData: AudActionData};
First, how can I call the init function when the renderer is created? Second, when I set the column's itemRendererFunction="rendererFunction", the app will not launch, a white screen comes up. But when I set itemRenderer="components.AudActionDropDownIR", the app will launch, but of course there is no data in the dropdown list.
I have a DropDownList inside the itemEditor of my DataGrid. There are enough items in the DropDownList to justify scrollbars. You can see the scrollbars, and the mousewheel works fine. If you move the mouse over the scrollbars, they'll change appearance fine (mouseover is working). If you click on them, the DropDownList closes as if you'd clicked elsewhere in the data grid.
I've been experimenting with custom skins hoping to find a way to trap the mouse event, but have been unsuccessful.
I'm using FlashBuilder 4 and trying to create a dropdownlist that populates a datagrid. The functionality is fine but my data is being chopped up too much. Currently every since "nepName" tag in my XML file is showing up in my dropdownlist (which makes for many duplicates of the same names) and only shows the data associated with that nepName tag. I want each nepName (by name ex. Barnegat Bay National Estuary Program) to display only once in my dropdownlist and populate my datadgrid with ALL the data in the XML file that is associated with that name
I'm trying to intercept the value that is taken from a DataGrid's GridColumn's itemRenderer and applied to the itemEditor, and vice-versa. I need to be able to format this value. However, my project is complex, so I may be focusing on the wrong idea in what I'm trying to accomplish.
I have a Spark DataGrid component (with ID dg) that I am dynamically populating from XML. I create an ArrayCollection from some nodes, and a regular Array from sub-nodes that is added as a property of the ArrayCollection. That ArrayCollection is then used as the dataProvider for the DataGrid.
Here is an example segment of a typical XML node and it's sub-nodes:
This is the only method I've been able to use to achieve the desired result. This all works fine, if all I want to do is merely display information. But I need to be able to edit the values in each cell, and apply this back to the dataProvider, as I need to rebuild XML with the updated values later.
I have tried everything I can possibly think of to be able to do this. I built my own itemRenderer, then my own itemEditor, then scrapped them because it felt like I was re-inventing the wheel. But was I? I tried reading through the code for the DataGrid, GridColumn, and related classes, but I couldn't find any reference to the itemEditor beyond it being an IFactory. I have no idea where or how it tells that IFactory to be a text input or whatever it is.
Here is my issue:
When I turn on the DataGrid's editing, and double-click a cell, it takes the entire array of the col dataField for that column's cell, converts that array to a string, and displays the entire string in the edit text box. If I cancel the editing, or save the editing, it sets the string to the .col property. Then the labelFunction tries reading that string as an array, and it crashes. I was able to get the typeof the col dataField and converting it to an array if it's a string, but I shouldn't have to.
I need to have it display just the value of the cell for that particular row and column when the instance of the itemEditor is created. When that value is changed, I need it to apply back to that column's index in the .col array of the dataProvider. So, similarly to how it displays information in the labelFunction, I need to edit the information and send it back.
I've seen lots of custom itemEditors and itemRenderers for GridColumns, but these are hard-coded in the MXML. My grid is almost entirely dynamically created, so that's unfortunately not an option for me, as I won't even know how many columns or rows there will be when the DataGrid is created. I tried using rendererIsEditor, but that only seems to be on the MXML instantiation of the GridColumn, as there's only rendererIsEditable in the ActionScript, and it doesn't seem to work (or I don't know how to use it as intended).
What I want to do is, when I select an item in the datagrid, the selected item of the dropdown should be the correct one (the one which has the field idCompSuperioara equal to the third element in the selected datagrid row).
issue is that when a user clicks a datagrid cell that has a combobox editor and then immediately clicks away from the cell, the text value in that cell disappears. I have an itemEditEnd handler on the datagrid and it shows the value of the property I use as the editorDataField just fine. But the labelFunction (which gets called after the itemEditEnd handler) on that grid column sees it as zero. Why aren't the labelFunction and item editor playing together nicely? Here is the DataGridColumn:
I have a list component and I have an item editor for the items in the list. I would like to have a button that the user clicks once they are done with their changes because I am having them edit multiple pieces of data in the editor and I would also like to validate the data before closing the editor as well. I just don't know what to do on the button's click event to make the item editor close and commit it's changes to the data provider.
I want a spark datagrid that allow a user to input numbers only. They can only input number with up to 5 decimal places. I am struggling with this in Spark. I can do it in Flex by using the itemEditEnd parameter of the MX DataGrid.
How do I do this is Spark? Any pointers would be great.
a datagrid which renders some items. clicking on an item would bring up a popup editor (as the item has lots of properties and may not be edited right in the datagrid).
the popup contains just a form and a [Bindable] reference to the item it edits (which is passed from itemClick handler of the datagrid). form's default values are taken by binding to corresponding item properties with {} notion, while form values are bound back to the item using mx:Binding tags.
and now the problem. when the popup is brought up for the first time, everything is fine. however, when after being closed the popup is brought up again by clicking on the same item, the browser hangs (afaik because of change watchers being endlessly fired resulting in stackoverflow or something similar).
we have same behaviour in Safari, IE and Chrome, so i guess it's not to do with something browser-related. removing either [Bindable] from the item reference in the popup or mx:Binding tags from editors suppresses the problem, but of course the editing no longer works.
In my Flex Project using Cairngorm, I have a model that stores a bindable ArrayCollection displayed by a DataGrid. My problem occurs when the model is updated by the responder (from a Java service, after an "update" event), because the focus located in a cell of the DataGrid is lost (the scroll position il also lost). So, I retrieve the position before the update, with DataGridEvent.ITEM_FOCUS_IN event :
How can I get back the focus to the column after editing datagrid by Keypress.Enter, so that I can move to another column using arrow keys. Now its stuck in the edited cell and I cant move to another column.
I am trying to create a dropdown that can display both past state and possible state for a customer.But I want to make add a separator between past and possible state.Actually to do that I add an item like "-----" on the dataprovider.But the look and feel is not good and this item may be selected.My ideal approach is something like that:
I have a datgrid with two inline item renderers. The dataprovider for my DG is a nested object (objects within objects within objects i.e 3-layered). Main Object - 1st Level
I use 2 item renderers (one for each datagrid column) which loops thro the 2nd level object1 and 2 respectively (the 2nd level object is a dynamic array of objects, in that the number of objects within keep changing). Within the item renderer I loop thro the 2nd level object using a foreach and then display the data. The data is a linkbutton, which when clicked , calls a remote object function to delete the data from the database
now on the result event of the remote object function call, i call the function to repopulate the DG, so that the updated data is displayed. When i click on the linkbutton in the first row, the backend works perfectly fine (the data gets deleted from the database and the refreshed data is sent back), but for some reason, the deleted data suddenly appears in the 2nd row. When i delete it from the second row, it appears on the 3rd row (nothing happens in the backend since the data is already deleted).. and so on, till it appears on the last row and then the DG looks exactly the way it shld have looked after the first delete.
This is just the beginning. The second item renderer also displays a linkbutton, which when clicked, displays that data in the previous column (the one where this data can be deleted). When i click on 1st row, the data gets added in the previous column of the second row. and so on.. Basically, my DG is acting really weird. I overrided the set data function in the item renderer to refrsh the data and called its invalidateDisplayList. I also call the Datagrid's invalidateDisplayList function after each refresh. The behavior remains the same.
I am trying to bind a datagrid item to a combox, so that when the user selects the item in the datagrid the form displays the selected data for editing, however one of my items is a combobox using a dataprovider.
I would like the item selected in the datagrid to match the selected item in the combobox, this part is fine however if my datagrid item is null then I cannot get the combox to set the selected index to -1?(the same happens if you use the CRUD wizard in Flex builder 3 for ColdFusion)I am using the following code for my custom combobox:
I'm setting selected element in s:List component with Actionscript, it works, but List doesn't scroll to selected item -- need to scroll with scrollbar or mouse. Is it possible to auto-scroll to selected item
I am in search of finding a way to display shopping cart items in a flash 8 datagrid in the order it was chosen by the user & also to ability to delete an item if the user choses. Currently I have the items displaying however they are displaying in a position as it is stored and called in the array. [code]