Flex :: Datagrid And Inline Item Rendered

May 24, 2011

I have a datgrid with two inline item renderers. The dataprovider for my DG is a nested object (objects within objects within objects i.e 3-layered). Main Object - 1st Level


I use 2 item renderers (one for each datagrid column) which loops thro the 2nd level object1 and 2 respectively (the 2nd level object is a dynamic array of objects, in that the number of objects within keep changing). Within the item renderer I loop thro the 2nd level object using a foreach and then display the data. The data is a linkbutton, which when clicked , calls a remote object function to delete the data from the database

now on the result event of the remote object function call, i call the function to repopulate the DG, so that the updated data is displayed. When i click on the linkbutton in the first row, the backend works perfectly fine (the data gets deleted from the database and the refreshed data is sent back), but for some reason, the deleted data suddenly appears in the 2nd row. When i delete it from the second row, it appears on the 3rd row (nothing happens in the backend since the data is already deleted).. and so on, till it appears on the last row and then the DG looks exactly the way it shld have looked after the first delete.

This is just the beginning. The second item renderer also displays a linkbutton, which when clicked, displays that data in the previous column (the one where this data can be deleted). When i click on 1st row, the data gets added in the previous column of the second row. and so on.. Basically, my DG is acting really weird. I overrided the set data function in the item renderer to refrsh the data and called its invalidateDisplayList. I also call the Datagrid's invalidateDisplayList function after each refresh. The behavior remains the same.


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name="item name" selected="true"

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Error: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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Here value is coming null, so I am getting above exception.

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Dec 15, 2011

I have a spark datagrid on a mobile application, I set the


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How can I add the touch dalay before select the index, so if I scroll the grid the selection won't change, and it change only if I press the item without scrolling?

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Flex :: Delete Item From Collection Bound To Datagrid And Update The Grid Selected Index

Feb 20, 2011

I have a datagrid with an xmlListCollection bound to it:

<mx:DataGrid id="dgCompetente" includeIn="Competente" x="10" y="66" width="547" height="468"
change="dgCompetente_changeHandler(event)" dataProvider="{colCompetente}"


I want the selectedIndex to remain the same. So, if I delete item 2, the next in the list should be selected. The problem is that if I delete item 2, item 3 will be selected and I have no idea why.

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Oct 12, 2009

In datagrid i shows number of checkbox for example 20 checkboz ,in 20 checkbox if i select any 15 checkboxs then remining checkboxs will be disable (enabled="false" But 15 selected checkbox accessable ?
How can i do that . i tried

<mx:DataGrid id="dg" width="100%" height="100%" rowCount="5"

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