Flex :: How To Get X / Y Coordinates Of Caret Inside TextArea Component

Mar 4, 2011

I googled for almost a day to find the answer to my question: [URL]. This almost works (and is a great solution), but the solution doesn't work when I do:
1). Copy and paste multiple-line texts.
2). Write long and scroll the texts.
I also found another working example at: [URL]. (The autocomplete prompt appears when you press ctrl+space right at the caret's position). But an email from its author says he uses monotype fonts to calculate individual character's location. Is there a way to get multi-line input from a textfield?

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IDE :: Remove/disable Right Click Option Inside TextArea Component

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I am working on flash cs3. I am having a TextArea component in my application.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove / Disable Right Click Option Inside TextArea Component?

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<s:BorderContainer ...>
<mx:VBox ...>
<mx:HBox ...>


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With the Flex 3 SDK you simply needed to set the borderThickness style to 0, or set borderStyle to none. With the Flex 4 SDK ad the Spark theme, this has no effect.

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Flex :: Move Cursor Inside Textarea To End?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a text area control on a form that is supposed to accept 5 digit US zip codes. I have assigned the control a keyUp event that checks the number of characters entered until it reaches 5 then forces a new line.

public function forceNewLine(event:KeyboardEvent):void
var maxLineChars:int = 5;
var currentLine:int = 1;


It works fine except that when the new line is inserted, the cursor moves to the beginning of the textarea. I want it to go to the end.

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Flex :: Getting The Global Coordinates Of A Component+flex?

Feb 20, 2012

I have a texInput component,which is placed inside containers like following

<s:BorderContainer ...>
<mx:VBox ...>
<mx:HBox ...>
<mx:TextInput ...>


Now after initialization i want to get the location of my textInput with respect to Application.I tried with with localToGlobal(PointofLocalCoridnate), then it is not giving the correct location of textInput.

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Flex - Setting Focus On A List ItemRenderer With TextArea Inside?

Oct 29, 2010

I've wrote a custom itemrenderer for a List component (Flex 3.5) which is a VBox with a Label and a TextArea wrapped inside. All works fine so far but I want the TextArea in the first itemrenderer to receive focus so that it instantly becomes editable when tabbing onto the List. Is that possible and if how would I achieve this?

I've already added an event listener that selects the item at index 0 but the textArea in it should also be focussed at that moment _list.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onListFocusIn);

private function onListFocusIn(e:FocusEvent):void
_list.selectedIndex = 0;

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Sep 3, 2009

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Actionscript 3 :: Convert Global Coordinates To Local Coordinates Of A UIComplenent In Flex Project?

Dec 19, 2011

I was trying to convert global coordinates to local coordinates of a UIComplenent in my flex project using below code using below code

var gp:Point = new Point(e.stageX,e.stageY); //global point
var lp:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp); //local point

uic is UIComponent in which I have subclass of Sprite for drawing something I have set the sprite's mouseEnabled and mouseChildren to false to not interrupt the mouse event. above code is within uic's mousemove event where I was tracing the gp and lp gp was giving correct value and suprisingly lp was giving negetive values. when I move the move to the top left corner of uic i expect lp to be 0,0 but it is giving the -width of of uic. I broke my head for hours and ended up finding an alternate by using offsets. Infact my original code was much simpler like this which was same issue

var lp:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);

I am not sure what exactly is causing this problem. the workaround had lot of issues and it creating a mess in my rest of the algorithms.Just now I found even more interesting thing (which is actually weird). for some reason I went and create a new lp2

var lp2:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);

now surprisingly it was giving correct values as expected and I went back and changed the code as

var gp:Point = new Point(e.stageX,e.stageY); //global point
var lp:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp); //local point
var lp2:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);
var lp2:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp);

now it is expected to have all the lp, lp2 and lp3 variables to be same but weiredly lp two is giving wrong value and lp2 and lp3 were giving correct. I am suspecting using the variable lp has something to do. I am not sure about that but above proves it so right now I am using lp2.

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Flex :: Caret On TextInput Never Goes Away

Jan 29, 2011

I have a login form with various textInputs and a submit button. If you submit proper login credentials the system unloads the login view and loads the app view. Pretty standard. Unfortunately I've noticed this weird bug where if you hover over one of the textInput boxes with the mouse, then fill the form using only the keyboard (and leave the mouse parked on top of the textInput), and then tab to the submit button and press the space bar, i.e. login via keyboard, the mouse cursor will remain a caret in the new view, no matter what you do (move, click), until you find another textInput to undo the cursor state. I've tried to do all sorts of stuff via CursorManager but nothing seems to do the trick. I've tried dispatching events ROLL_OUT or MOUSE_OUT events to the textInput but that doesn't do the trick either.

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Jan 27, 2010

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I want to call an App function inside a (I know about the Component scope already).What I mean is this:

public someFunction():void {


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Flex :: Set Caret Cursor Position In RichEditableText Control?

Dec 1, 2010

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Flash :: Flex Custom Component With More Inside?

Apr 14, 2012

I am creating a custom component in Flex with extends the BorderContainer class, and I would like to be able to place additional content within the tagset when I use it in my main application, like this:

<components:CustomComponent title="Hello">
<s:Label text="If you have one enter it below:"/>
<mx:Spacer height="15" />


This works just fine, except that my component definition had some additional things inside of it, such as a <s:Label/> and styling, which is replaced by the content within the tagset above when I go to use it.

If I do not put anything within the tagset, the content that was originally in the component is not replaced.

Is there a way that I can simply append additional content inside of the component when I go to use it, instead of it being replaced each time?

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Flex :: Say An MXML Component Is Inside Some Package?

Dec 21, 2009

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Flex :: Data Binding With A Value Inside A Component ?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm using Flex with Cairngorm framework.I have a custom component which I create like this:

<components:FriendSearchPaginator id="searchResultsPaginator"
visible="{_model.friendsSearchResultsPaginatorVisible}" />

Where the findFriendsPaginationElement is inside the model locator:

public var
findFriendsPaginationElement:PaginationElement = new PaginationElement();

Inside the custom component I have button that uses a property of findFriendsPaginationElement object:

<s:Button id="previousButton"
label=" prev "

But I get a warning from Flex that the binding wouldn't work that way and it doesn't. It works the first time I load up the component but every time I change findFriendsPaginationElement it doesn't reflect on the component. Do you know how I can go about doing this? (making changing a value in the binding variable changes the status of an element inside a component?)

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Flex :: Bind To Global Variables Inside Component?

Aug 19, 2009

I've developed a component which is a combination of a few items (canvas, labels, etc...) but when I try to bind it to a variable such as: {stationXML.getItemAt(1).AAA.@value}, it doesnt work. Before I combined all the items in a component, they were all in the main MXML file at which time they worked. Not sure if it matters, but the "stationXML" arraycollection variable is declared inside the file "Station.as".

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Flex :: Respond To Change Of Data Inside A Component?

Feb 17, 2011

I've created a custom component based on Image component. I want to teach it to respond to change of binded variable. E.g. if main class has a variable balance, I want the component to change image in case balance = 100 one image, in case balance = 50 to another.[code]...

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Javascript :: Run Inside HTML Component In Adobe AIR Flex 4?

Mar 26, 2011

I have the following component in an AIR application from Flex 4:

<mx:HTML id="viewObject"
x="10" y="42" width="634" height="313"
location="http;//localhost:8080/mypage.php" />

Now I want to run a javascript when the page loads but the javascript isn't inside the target page. I want to run the following javascript:

javascript:alert('Hello world.');

I tried approaching it by setting the location property again to the javascript after the page has loaded like below.

<s:Button x="10" y="10" label="Button">


Unfortunately for me, that doesn't seem to work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Getting Width Of Sprite With Component Inside It?

Jun 3, 2009

why I can't get the width of a Sprite when it has components in it.

For example


var foo:Sprite = new Sprite();
var comboBox:ComboBox = new ComboBox();


I'm assuming the component possibly isn't set before I'm trying to get the width?

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Flex :: Access Properties Of Component Inside Item Renderer

Jun 1, 2010

I have an Item Renderer having HBox. Now I want to add child in that HBox from my application file using addChild method. Any way around for the same. I am not able to access the properties of HBox inside the item renderer.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Font Tag In TextArea Component?

Aug 28, 2008

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properly if the font is installed.

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Auto-scrolling A TextArea Component

Jun 23, 2009

Is there a way to get a TextArea to automatically scroll down when text is added to it?I have had a look around but havent found anything that works.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextArea Component Scrollpolicy Being Ignored?

Nov 20, 2009

The scroll policy for the textArea component appears to be "auto", and that works just fine.However, I want to be able to turn it off in certain situations, i.e., not have the scroll bar appear.I do the following which I thought would turn it off but the scroll bar still shows up.
Code Snippet:
myTF = new TextFormat("Arial", 10,  0xFFFFFF,false);
myText_mc.myTextArea.setStyle("textFormat", myTF);
myText_mc.myTextArea.verticalScrollPolicy = "OFF";
myText_mc.myTextArea.horizontalScrollPolicy = "OFF";

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Professional :: How To Customize TextArea Component

Jan 27, 2010

How does one customize the text area component ( I mean text font, text size, colour and so on). Nothing like that appears in Component Inspector.

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