I've seen the Full Browser Flash video which has tiling in the background. Can somebody supply code, and possibly an example of how to have one scalable image as the background without distortion whilst the foreground flash remains the same size. the site below is exactly what i'm after with the menu fixed to the left.
Is it also possible to have the menu bar a fixed percentage from the top of the browser?e.
I took the tutorial on using the bitmapdata to effectively tile a background, but it doesn't tile it across the full screen. Only the size of your flash movie. I want it to cover the entire screen muc like [URL]I'm looking for a way to tile the image across the full background regardless of window size. So if you maximize your browser, the background tiles the the full screen. I've been racking my brain all morning trying to figure it out!
[URL].. Anyone know the AS to make it automatically check the size of the browser for the listeners_notice when you resize the browser it works perfectly...but not when it first loads up.
am using bitmapdata to make me a nice lil' background image, and it works great...until it's resized. Whats happening is it's creating a new bgHolder clip on the resize, NOT resizing the current empty clip "bgHolder"Here's the code(taken from various posts)
I am working in Flash CS3 and Actionscript 3.0 My application resizes according to browser width and height. If the user first resizes the browser and then loads the flash application, I could not get the full browser width untill the user goes for full screen. Is there any way around, to get the full browser width before the user goes for full screen.
I'm working on a small flash site and I want the swf file to have "bleed" or to go to the very end of the window so that the swf isn't just ploped over top of a background. [URL]
I've just followed the tutorial "Full browser flash" URL...I've got it setup so everything will be inside of the "centered" movieclip. view it here: URL...BUt I can't seem to get my preloader included in the centered movieclip.[code]Basic, but it works on the main timeline just not in movieclip. Something I need to change?
I am making full browser page, but resize doesnt work well. It looks like the flash took wrong stageWidth and stageHeight at the start... Then it all works but with wrong numbers [URL] (when you launch swf in standalone player, it works well - download [URL]
I was checking out flash templates looking for inspiration, when I ran across this template.If you open the link, you'll see a button on the right side of the flash file which allows for full screen display. There are no browser elements visible at all.
My flash program isn't using the full browser window, even while in full-screen mode. It uses the full height but not the full width. I end up with a large chunk of white space. I have the following code for full-screen mode:
So the problem is that the stage's width isn't the full size of the browser. I'm using Flash Builder 4.6 is there a way to set the stage's parameters to allow for true full-screen?
I have a website.. and the website's background is a flash video that takes up the full browser window..now i want to put html on top of it.so essentially i have a dope full browser flash video as the background (or 1st layer) -- but then all my content / anything else is on top (2nd layer).
I am in AS2 with a working full browser flash site. I have an mc I'd like to start out at 100% but scale up to 120% if the browser window area increases. How do I tell example_mc to scale proportionally up to 120% when the window scales?
Im working on a full browser flash and i want to resize an xml loaded image to fit on it but i cant find the relation between proportions to set properly the x and y scale of the image container movie clip.
I have a script on my first frame to have a full browser tiled background. I also have a script to preload my file. My problem is they don't seem to be working well together. The preloader works but the full browser script doesn't center my file until I resize the browser and then it snaps to the center.
I have a full-flash site which is fixed size, most controls and assets are added to the stage at runtime, the aligment is set to center, and it is embedded in html with 100% width and height - you can visit www.janelaurie.com to get a better picture of what I mean.Everything here is working perfectly, but I would like to add some stuff to the very edges of the browser and I cannot find the values that I need and its driving me crazy. I've added a listener to the stage.resize and stage.stageWidth / stage.stageHeight are giving the correct values but obviously that is not enough, I also need the coordinates of the top left corner which should be negative something - but I cannot find those values anywhere. I've tried getRect and getBounds but they don't work obviously as they only measure the full contents of the stage.
The only solution I can think of at this point is to set my stage.align to topleft, but that would mean i need to readjust the entire app and all of the main controls etc. are directly on the stage and I really do not want to change all that. All I need are two numbers, the coordinates of the top left corner of the stage in the resize event of the stage, is there anyway of retrieving that?
I have to launch a full browser Flash site tonight, all is working great except one issue. The doc type which should be a validated working doc type (below) is throwing my whole flash to the top of the page leaving about 80% of the page all white:View problem site: http[url]....
Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
But if I use an outdated doc type (below), it works just fine and fills the browser fluidly as it should.
i'm recently creating a full browser flash website. the important thing is: the stage.height should never be smaller than 768px because things are cut then. but how to tell actionscript not to make the stage.height smaller than 768 onResize? i've tried the following things, but they don't work:
I have a full-browser background slideshow. To do this, I'm using some AS in conjunction with the handy dandy swffit. I would like to ensure that the slideshow scales appropriately with the browser window size (as it is currently doing), but I would lilke the location of my logo, which is in the lower left hand corner, to remain fixed so that it is not pushed out of view when the browswer gets scaled to a small size.
I want my SWF to fill the browser window, but it's not working in Chrome/FireFox unless the user manually resizes the browser. I'm using Adobe's default, generated html + swfobject.js to show my SWF. In the html, I replaced all flashcontent heights and widths with 100%. Unfortunately, in Chrome when you first open the page the Flash MovieClip doesn't fill the browser and instead retains it's default height and width.
If the user resizes the browser window, everything works fine. Is there a javascript trick or something I can do to make the Flash think it's being resized? I never want scrollbars to appear. I want my application to scale and fill the browser window perfectly -- I want it to get really small if the browser is small and really big if the browser is big. Basically, I want my app to run like a normal Windows app, such as Visual Studio, but in a browser.
I've been trying to find the answer for about 3 days now.. I'm not even sure if it is possible to do but I've seen a lot of full browser flash's I'm just wondering if its possible to limit it to a certain height but have it go any browser width while keeping the content in the center and not scaling it down to any size..
I'm making a fluid full browser flash site, and things are coming together nicely, but at some point, if the stage size gets too small (such as if someone is using a 800x600 resolution), things just don't look right. Things get all smooshed together and cause for a cluttered mess. To solve this, I put constraints on my stageResize function so the stage would only shrink down to a desired size. This worked great for the flash file, but I can't get the browser to add scroll bars are this point. I figured I would need a JavaScript file that would size the browser (or the div that contains the swf) and then constrain it as needed, but after digging around a few sites that perform the way I would like mine to, I am not seeing any such JavaScript files. Example: [URL]
I'm attempting to put together a Flash site that fits the entire browser window no matter what the user sizes it to. I have searched here along with Google and can't seem to find a solution to my problem. I found a nice example on how to achieve it however it is missing one key aspect of what I need which has got me wondering whether or not what I'm looking to do is even possible.
My flash site has movie clips that will animate from off the stage on the right and bottom edges. What I want to have happen is in the browser window I want it to look like it comes from off-screen as well. So for example, you have a ball bounce in from off the right side of the screen into the center of the browser and then maybe it bounces down off the screen at the bottom of the browser.
The solution I have found fills the window and doesn't scale which is what I'm looking for, but any items that are off the stage in my Flash file will show in the browser if it is resized big enough. Here's the example I found[url]..
I don't know whether anybody here's been to [URL] before, but if you'll notice, the site's background doesn't appear to tile, yet continually re-fills the browser window upon re-size while still loading quickly.
I'm having an issue with getting external .swf's to load and position properly in my full browser flash site. I used a template I created for an XML slideshow which worked perfectly, but now the positioning and stage listener doesn't seem to work properly.
Here is the AS in frame one of the stage. Content is to be externally loaded into an MC called "container". The problem is, the container is not showing up initially until I resize the browser or .swf window, and when it does show up, the registration point is all wrong. I put the loadMovie script on a button since it was not loading at all with a simple loadMovie script on a keyframe. This seems to load the movie properly, but once it's loaded, not only is it positioned to the bottom right of the screen, it doesn't move at all when I resize the browser!
[AS] /////////////// Full Browser Control //no scale stop(); Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
how people use the full browser size in flash, even when resizing? Just like they did on [URL], the navigation is always on the bottom of the window, still after resizing the same for [URL], here also the background images resize real time
This is a thing I developed using Flash and Javascript, to set any image dynamically as a background image of a web page and allow all other page content to scroll over the top of it.
Would be interested on anyone's comments feedback, particularly about the flash (source code can be downloaded)
i have a question about resize listener for a full browser flash. OBJECTIVEto make some function like "initiateAll()" that will be triggered when Stage is resized.the function should "hide" all the elements and reposition/re initiate them when the resize is completedWHAT I HAVE NOWnow i am moving elements constantly using a function moveStuff() that you can see below.
Code: function moveStuff() { myBack._width = Stage.width;