Have Script Grab A Picture From Live Stream And Save It As JPG File?

Apr 4, 2010

Does anyone know how to get a script of some kind to grab a picture from a live stream and save it as a JPG file?

In this way a cron job can tricker the script and thereby grab a picture fx every 10'th minute and the picture can be shown on a website so people that are not attending can have a look into what is happening in the live stream.

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Media Server :: Save To File Live Video Stream In Server?

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- The selected part is recorded locally and saved through FileRefence.
- The selected part is recorded with FMS though a second NetStream and saved with a unique ID. The user can retrieve the recorded video by download.
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Dec 29, 2011

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<video id="liveWebcast"
src="[URL]" controls autoplay>

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Aug 28, 2010

close another live stream B if opening when stream A is closed? Does FMS support this kind of logic?

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Media Server :: Dynamic Live Stream Don't Take The Best Stream For Bandwith

Mar 9, 2010

I build a client side application where is only a FLVPlayback2.5 component and a short AS3 script.


My Encoder is setup with three streams: Vid: 500 kbps - Audio: 48 kbpsVid: 800 kbps - Audio: 48 kbpsVid: 1500 kbps - Audio: 48 kbps I start the encoder and everything looks fine in the log. In my browser (Safari or Firefox) I go to my html site and the stream starts after 6-8 sec. But anytime with the lowest bitrate 548 kbps and nothing look like the stream is switching to another bitrate. I tried it with the smil playlist and the result is the same. Only the lowest bitrate is plublished.


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Aug 27, 2010

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What could be causing this? Is the stream cut off too soon? Is the client unable to send buffered data to the server?

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Media Server :: Stream A HDS Live Multi-bit Stream?

Dec 12, 2011

I'm trying to stream a HDS live multi-bit stream, it seems to push to the FMS but my player doesn't display the stream.Are these settings and files correct? The documenation is confusing on what and which files need to be edited and/or created.

Encoder settings:
Bit Rate: 150,500,700
FMS URL: rtmp://myserver/livepkgr
Stream: liveevent%i?adbe-live-event?liveevent

FMS 4.5

I see the following directories being created when I start encoding and each directory has a single file with a .stream extension in them. Are these correct? fC:FMS-HOMEapplicationslivepkgrevents\_definst_liveevent1[code].....

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Media Server :: Save A Recorded Stream .flv File Outside Of AnFMS Application Directory?

Sep 16, 2009

I have successfully been able to write some client-side ActionScript that allows me to record my webcam and mic data to my FMS server.  The .flv files get saved to a directory under the applications directory.  However, I need to process those flv files for a web application and would like those .flv files to be saved to the web app's directory (outside of the FMS application directory).  I have tried changing the <Streams> tag in the Application.xml file that I placed in the FMS application directory, but that simply did not work.My goal is simple:  to save the recorded stream data outside of the FMS application's directory.  I have been going crazy trying to do this, but would like to know any pointers that any of you experts have.  Can this be done?  If not, how can I execute a server side PHP script after the stream is done recording.  I know about using the exec() function in PHP, but am unsure as to how to execute that script via client-side actionscript.Here is the path to my FMS server (Linux OS) installation and the application directory.  The application name is "ngale"./opt/adobe/fms/applications/ngaleHere is the path that my client-side ActionScript is placing the .flv files of the recorded streams/opt/adobe/fms/applications/ngale/streams/recordings/Here is the path to my web application/home/user/public_html/dev.ngale.net/public/Here is the path that I would like for the .flv recording files to be saved to/home/user/public_html/dev.ngale.net/public/audio/.flv

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Flash :: Save Video Stream From Webcam As An Image Instead Of An Flv Video File Using ?

Jun 30, 2010

This will create an flv video file on flash media server:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
ns.publish("yourCamera", "record");

How can I generate an image for the current video frame every 2 seconds?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling A Picture Into A Target In The Movie Without Placing The Picture Inside An Swf File?

Mar 22, 2003

I recently used the loadMovie action to load a .swf file to a target in the movie which it was being called from. Then I tried calling a picture to another target in the movie, but it did not load the picture as intended. I read about it on my book, but it didn't seem to work. Is there anyways on calling a picture into a target in the movie without placing the picture inside an swf file?

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Record A Live Stream?

Feb 19, 2011

How i can record a live stream.

I need a very simple app that will connect to rtmp and record it. The app will be on the same server as the live stream.

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Live Stream Both RTMP And HLS With FMS 4.5?

Feb 7, 2012

Is it possible to live stream both RTMP and HLS with FMS 4.5?

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Sep 17, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delete A Live Stream?

Nov 11, 2009

How can i delete the Live stream that published by the client(the stream it's not working)

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Text On Live Video Stream?

Feb 21, 2010

Possible to place or insert text on live video stream using the FMS?Whether with any solution or plugin.I am a web radio broadcaster and would like to have information on the screen like the station's phone number instead of having to keep reading it out all the time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Metadata To Live Stream

Apr 14, 2010

I'm having some trouble finding out how you can add metadata to a live stream. I'm streaming the webcam over fms and recording it in main.asc. So far so good. I have 2 applications. One that sends data and one that recieves data. The functionality is more or less like this example. The article says: "Note: If you record the video on the server side (a functionality of FMIS), the  injected events are lso being triggered by the recorded file." That is what I want, but I have no idea how to make it happen. The problem is that I can't find any good examles for as3 and I have never looked into as2 (still new to flash in general )

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Get Timestamp Of A Live Stream Recording?

Aug 7, 2011

I'm recording a lot of live streams for archiving purposes. Is it possible to somehow (programmaticly) get the timestamp of a certain point of such record?

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Publish Http Live Stream?

Oct 24, 2011

When I use Adobe Flash Media Server 4.5  publish http live stream. I found a message from Server Log of Manage Servers of Adobe Flash Media Administrator Console. It says that "Failed to record live stream (disk quota exceeded)."

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Live Stream Connection

Jan 28, 2010

I was wondering how can I connect to a live stream camera like this one URL... or others if you know. And after I established the connection to load it in a movieClip and have it in full screen.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Live Desktop Stream?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm just starting with ActionScript and I want to make an app, but I'm wondering that what I'm thinking of is even possible.Is it possible to make an app that receives a live stream from my desktop??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stream Live Video In SWF

Mar 21, 2012

How do you stream a live camera feed in a flash/actionscript file?What video format do you need to stream it in a swf?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect A Live Stream?

Sep 26, 2008

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);


I am using the above code for a live stream. My quesiton is how do I detect whether there is content being streamed and if not, to show a "Coming Soon" movieclip? I know that a listener would do the trick, but I have no experience with listeners in AS2.

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