Publish Http Live Stream?

Oct 24, 2011

When I use Adobe Flash Media Server 4.5  publish http live stream. I found a message from Server Log of Manage Servers of Adobe Flash Media Administrator Console. It says that "Failed to record live stream (disk quota exceeded)."

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Media Server :: Publish Live Stream To FMS On HTTP Protocol?

Mar 26, 2012

I want to use customised encoder to publish live steams to a FMS4.5 server?Is it possible to connect encoder and FMS4.5 server on HTTP protocol?i read in other articles FMLE can connect to FMS on RTMP protocol.

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Professional :: Live Stream Lag After Unpublish And Publish?

Aug 9, 2011

I am sending a live stream over the web. I'm testing its performance and reliability, and I've noticed that after unpublishing and publishing the stream again, the video becomes very laggy - about 1-2 fps. It happens when the player has buffer bigger than 0. When buffer is set to 0, everything is ok, and after a short break (the moment when stream is unpublished), video is being played normally, like before the break (fps ~25).

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Media Server :: Reconnecting Live HTTP Dynamic Stream Via FMLE 3.2?

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As seen the tutorial [URL].. I have successfully implimented the steps. However the problem comes when the stream is disconnected and reconnected again due to network problems. Once the stream is reconnected the video stops coming, even though all 3 streams are succesfully publishing the stream to Flash Media Server but on the client side where I'm using OSMF media player the stream gets stops. Is there any setting that I need to impliment in the OSMF player to resolve this issue ?

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Media Server :: Publish Static Content To Live Stream?

Jan 4, 2010

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Media Server :: Publish Live Stream(H.264) To FMS(NetStream.Buffer.Empty)?

Feb 27, 2011

I am developing a C++ program to connect FMS via RTMP, and then publish a live stream I can't use FMLE here because I need collect the H.264 NALU from somewhere and forward them to the FMS.I write a demo app, which parses H.264 encoded FLV file, and send the VideoTag in the FLV as RTMP Message content for publishing.Finally, I make it run and I can see some frames of video!But the problem is: The video does not play smoothly and it just updates some frames.
Then I looked at the NetStream event and found that:Everytime when there is a NetStream.Buffer.Full event, the frame in the video is updated and display correctly But immediately there is another NetStream.Buffer.Empty event followed and the video is frozen.

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Securely Publish Live Stream To Adobe Flash Media Server?

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Ideally I would like to limit the IPs which are allowed to publish streams to the server.

I read about the Adobe Authentication Plugin, but apparently it is broken since it works only for Adobe Flash Media Live Enconder. It doesn't secure the server for other encoders that publish streams.

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Media Server :: 'URL Missing From Media Tag' On FMS4.5 HTTP Live Stream Playback?

Mar 30, 2012

'URL missing from Media tag' on FMS4.5 HTTP Live Stream playback.I have spent a whole day trying in vain to publish f4m live http streams from FMLE using FMS 4.5, and almost everything I try results in the error .The F4M document contains errors URL missing from Media both Flash Media Playback and the fms videoPlayer app.Other people seem to have seen this and solved it, but I've found nothing that helps. I have tried to publish a single stream, and with multiple bitrates. For the latter, I followed the Adobe video tutorial as follows:

Multiple bitrate live
I'm publishing 3 streams from FMLE, using
FMS URL: rtmp://[serveraddress]/livepkgr[code]..........

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Mar 9, 2010

I build a client side application where is only a FLVPlayback2.5 component and a short AS3 script.


My Encoder is setup with three streams: Vid: 500 kbps - Audio: 48 kbpsVid: 800 kbps - Audio: 48 kbpsVid: 1500 kbps - Audio: 48 kbps I start the encoder and everything looks fine in the log. In my browser (Safari or Firefox) I go to my html site and the stream starts after 6-8 sec. But anytime with the lowest bitrate 548 kbps and nothing look like the stream is switching to another bitrate. I tried it with the smil playlist and the result is the same. Only the lowest bitrate is plublished.


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Aug 27, 2010

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What could be causing this? Is the stream cut off too soon? Is the client unable to send buffered data to the server?

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Media Server :: Stream A HDS Live Multi-bit Stream?

Dec 12, 2011

I'm trying to stream a HDS live multi-bit stream, it seems to push to the FMS but my player doesn't display the stream.Are these settings and files correct? The documenation is confusing on what and which files need to be edited and/or created.

Encoder settings:
Bit Rate: 150,500,700
FMS URL: rtmp://myserver/livepkgr
Stream: liveevent%i?adbe-live-event?liveevent

FMS 4.5

I see the following directories being created when I start encoding and each directory has a single file with a .stream extension in them. Are these correct? fC:FMS-HOMEapplicationslivepkgrevents\_definst_liveevent1[code].....

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Feb 11, 2011

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[URL].. The only difference i can make out is that flash http streaming uses an xml manifest and apple http streaming uses playlist warper. I Am not sure if these are any different in concept. What exactly is the purpose of having two different ways of implementing the same concept?.

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FLVPalyback Seek Not Working Http Stream?

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Oct 11, 2011

I have FMS installed on windows server 2008. I have a large number of videos which are served to my clients using rtmp protocol.Now we have designed a new player with some controls which apparently do not work while an rtmp video is playing.

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Play HTTP Live Streaming Video Within Flash Platform Designed For IOS?

Sep 9, 2011

We're using HTTP live streaming service designed for Apple's iOS devices. It's working well with iOS devices currently.

Source video fragments are stored in server formatted in H.264 and with MPEG2(.ts) container. Is there a way to play these video in Flash platform?


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Media Server :: Get Embeded Timecode From HTTP Stream?

Jul 25, 2011

i am wondering is it possible to get embeded timecode from HTTP Stream?Flash Media Live Encoder contains a special built-in handler, onFI, that subscribing clients can use in their ActionScript code to access timecode information. The following client-side ActionScript code shows how to get timecode information using the onFI handler. The object ns is the NetStream object. You can get timecode and system date and time information, if timecode and system date and time were embedded in the stream, by accessing the tc, sd, and st properties of the info object that is passed as an argument to onFI():i am using this onFI method succesfully with netStream object when i am getting stream from it possible to get somehow same results with HTTP Streaming (f4m and osmf)

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C++ :: Parse HTTP POST(file Upload) Stream?

Sep 25, 2010

I am using actionscript engine to upload a file, the engine will select the file and send the file over network thru HTTP POST command, the document says the POST message is like:[code]In server side I have a C++ program listens on port 80 and parse the POST message. I only want the file name and file data. How to decode the file data using c++, is it base64 encoded and is there a library can do it for me? I want to decode the binary, and write it to the file.

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Aug 4, 2010

I've searched quite a few threads:[code]But all of them are talking about playing multiple bit rate live video,my question is how I can publish multiple bit rate live videos in the first place?

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Media Server :: Config Fms 4.5 For Protected On-demand Apple HTTP Live Streaming?

Nov 3, 2011

I am trying to config custom encryption key for different pieces of content at streaming level using jit.conf for On-demand Apple HTTP Live Streaming.I tried to set  "HLSEncryptionScope content" in httpd.conf and placed jit.conf in ../webroot/vod but not success, the m3u8 generate not contains EXT-X-KEY.and, I tried and got nothing in access plugin log file while i http stream a m3u8 file, is it possible to log HTTP Live Streaming using plug-in?can plugin got any event triggered by http streaming?

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Media Server :: Publish A Stream From The Camera?

Jul 3, 2011

i am building an live streaming website and i am use

1- FMS
2- Apache webserver

i have made the subcriber and i works well .but i need to build the publisher to allow users to broadcast thier stream from thier cameras.i have tested a publisher which was build using actionscript and it didn't work untill i have installed the fms on my localhost , but i need a publisher which any user can use in his web browser .

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Media Server :: Publish An Audio-only Stream (HLS)?

Apr 5, 2012

"To serve streams over a cellular network, one of the streams must be audio-only. For more information, see HTTP Live Streaming Overview.To publish an audio-only stream, enter the following in the Flash Media Encoder Stream field:livestream%i?adbe-live-event=liveevent&adbe-audio-stream-name=livestream1_audio_only&adbe-audio-stream-src=livestream1If the encoder specifies individual query strings for each stream, use individual stream names instead of the variable %i:livestream1?adbe-live-event=liveevent&adbe-audio-stream-name=livestream1_audio_onlylivestream2?adbe-live-event=liveevent&adbe-audio-stream-name=livestream2_audio_onlyTo generate a set-level variant playlist when using an audio-only stream, specify the audio codec of the audio-nly stream. Specify the audio and the video codec of the streams that contain audio and video.For more information about using the Set-level F4M/M3U8 File Generator, see Publish and play live multi-bitrate streams over HTTP.

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C# :: Publish An Audio Stream From A Client With FluorineFx?

Aug 20, 2010

I can't figure out how to publish an audio stream from a client to the server using FluorineFx on the client. We want to stream recorded audio data from the client to the stream via the already established NetConnection. There is a NetStream class in FluorineFx but it has no publish method. The NetStream class in FluorineFx only has the play method. But as far as I understand this plays a stream from the server on the client. Is publish not implemented in FluorineFx or do I miss something?

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Publish Flash Contents To Facebook Stream

Oct 17, 2011

I want to share some flash file hosted in my website to Facebook stream, as far I knew my domain should be whitelisted by Facebook but unfortunately I don't know who can I do that. RL...

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Apr 26, 2010

Can I send/publish MP4/H.264 video (live or record) to FMS from webcam? Another similar question; does Flash (10?) support H.264 encoder?

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Publish Prerecorded (or Live) Video, Instead Of Camera In Flash/Flex/Air Via RTMP To FMS?

May 17, 2011

I'm looking for a way to stream video from the desktop to an FMS installation. I know that in ActionScript, it's possible to do:

but not:


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Media Server :: Publish Stream For Specific Users?

Oct 12, 2009

I need to protect my FMS, so that only me (my Username, or IP if its not possible) can start a live stream. I have been reading the pdf on plugin for developers, and i read that the authorization plugin can do this, but it is C++ and i dont know nothing about that, i can understand a little bit, but i do not know how to make the dll i want. Is there another way to do this, the server requests a user and password when i want to stream.

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