C++ :: Parse HTTP POST(file Upload) Stream?

Sep 25, 2010

I am using actionscript engine to upload a file, the engine will select the file and send the file over network thru HTTP POST command, the document says the POST message is like:[code]In server side I have a C++ program listens on port 80 and parse the POST message. I only want the file name and file data. How to decode the file data using c++, is it base64 encoded and is there a library can do it for me? I want to decode the binary, and write it to the file.

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Oct 28, 2009

I'm working on a sample i found on this site:


it captures the webcam & saves the image then posts it to a page.

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if (Request.Files.Count == 0)
Response.Write("ERROR: No files were uploaded");


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C# :: Catch An Http Post File From Flash To ASP.Net Page?

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I'm working on a sample i found on this site:t captures the webcam & saves the image then posts it to a page.but it seems that i couldn't catch the saved image, im kinda rusty on'm capturing the response in a aspx page and save the image in a file. here's my asp.net code:

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urlRequest.contentType = "application/xml";

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Jan 18, 2012

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import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.*;


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Upload Binary (audio) Data From A Flash Client To .NET Server (WCF/REST/HTTP)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: File Upload - OnComplete Fired Without Any File In The Upload Dir?

Aug 31, 2010

my listener.onComplete = function(selectedFile:FileReference) is fired without any file in the upload dir. if the file is small and I wait a bit I can see the file (through FTP) coming up on the server, but most of the times the "onComplete" if fired without any file being saved.

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Stream Live Video - Use Http Or Rtmp Protocols From Player Code?

Nov 21, 2009

I'm trying to stream live video for the first time. I've installed FMIS 3.5 without Apache 2.2. I'm confused on the RTMP/HTTP protocol usage,I can only have port 80 opened on our FMIS 3.5 box.


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Media Server :: Reconnecting Live HTTP Dynamic Stream Via FMLE 3.2?

Feb 22, 2011

As seen the tutorial [URL].. I have successfully implimented the steps. However the problem comes when the stream is disconnected and reconnected again due to network problems. Once the stream is reconnected the video stops coming, even though all 3 streams are succesfully publishing the stream to Flash Media Server but on the client side where I'm using OSMF media player the stream gets stops. Is there any setting that I need to impliment in the OSMF player to resolve this issue ?

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Http :: Flash - Make A POST Request From Within Flash To Processing Php Page?

Nov 6, 2009

I basically have a form inside of Flash that I need to submit to a server-side processing page, which will then return either json or xml telling if it succeeded or not ( json, xml I suppose ). My version of Flash is CS4 and I'm wondering if there are any libraries or frameworks I can use to accomplish this.

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