IDE :: Big Site, External Swf's Or Library Components?

Jan 21, 2009

I am at the start of creating a large site with many different components: Basic text areas Latest projects with images / video Blog with text, images and video Secure login area to view protected projects

What would you recommend for this type of project. Throw all assets (main text area, blog, latest project etc) and separate them into their own mc's, then call them onto the stage? Or have them all external sepearate swf's?

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IDE :: CS4 External Library Path For Components?

Jun 3, 2010

I want to:

1) Place symbols on the stage manually in loaded.fla

2) Exclude these symbols from the swf because they will already be in loading.swf

So I:

1) Created a component.fla

2) Created a "comp" symbol in the fla

3) Turned that symbol into a component via Component Definition

4) Exported the comp.swz into Configuration/Components/MyComps

5) Opened up loaded.fla

6) Pulled the comp component onto the stage

7) Went to file AS settings and added Configuration/Components/MyComps to the External Library Paths

8) Compiled loaded.swf and played it

BUT the swf includes the comp component on the stage...which is NOT what I wanted. I only want the swf to work and have a reference to comp when it it loaded into loading.swf.Why haven't the classes in comp been excluded?Obviously this is a workaround for runtime shared libraries, which is unpredictable, time-wasting and generally painful. Is there a better way to retain WYSIWYG and share symbols? I don't want to do dynamic placing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Web Site With Clickable Swf Components?

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Code:"themeColor", "haloOrange");
var arUrl:Array=["/browsecategory.aspx?cat=1","/browsecategory.aspx?cat=2", "/browsecategory.aspx?cat=3"];
var provider:Array=[{label:"Selection 1",data:0}, {label:"Selection 2",data:1}, {label:"Selection 3",data:2}];


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Open .fla And The Library Has All Components But The Stage Is Empty Except For A Pink Background?

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exampleBtn.visible = false;

... nothing happens. The button is still visible in my application when I run it.

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<mx:Accordion x="38" y="167" width="200" height="200">
<s:NavigatorContent width="100%" height="100%" label="Accordion Pane 1">


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Jan 19, 2009

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Aug 20, 2009

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var linkLaunch:URLRequest = new URLRequest('content/web/fuel/project/home.html');

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Okay so I am building a website in Flash for the first time and I am having some trouble with the code.  I have a twitter icon that has an instance name of twitter_home and I need it to link to a twitter page [URL]...  The code I pasted below opens up firefox, but does not go to any page.  If firefox is already open on my does nothing.


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*** Gvenlik Sanal Alan °hlali ***security domain-area violation' SecurityDomain esi -- security domain element, 'file:///C|/Users/Acer/AppData/Local/Temp/Untitled%2D1.swf' uyumsuz bağlamına erieye


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Actionscript 3 :: Using A Hyperlink In Flash To An External Site?

Jan 26, 2012

I am using a TextArea in flash and setting its htmlText property to contain the following link:txtMyTextArea.htmlText = "some dynamic text here that ends in you can check this out <a hrefIt works fine when I test it in flash (CTRL + Enter), although when I open the generated HTML I get the following error dialog:How can I make the link work without receiving the security dialog?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Url Into Flash Site Using Anchors.?

Feb 20, 2009

I need to have 4 external links going into my my flash site, seperat frames. It kind of works when using anchors in my "main.swf", and not load the "main.swf" using the loader component, but then all by itself the "main.swf" starts to jump between the 4 different anchors. When I load the "main.swf" using the loader component, nothing happens, and I feel I need to have the loader component aswell. I have tried to put the anchors in seperat frames in the "main.swf" aswll as in the "loader.swf".

This is how my site is build:

index.htm (with the html anchor codes needed) with the loader component "myLoader" in the index.htm loading the "main.swf".

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Flash 10 :: Swf On Localhost And It Loads Another Swf From An External Site

Dec 16, 2010

I am running an swf on my localhost and it loads another swf from an external site. It gives me the following error:Connection to [external site] halted - not permitted from [localhost]localfile.swf.I have included the localhost directory in my Global Security Settings, as well as the local file. swf, so it should be trusted and allow the external link.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preload External Swf's Into My Main Site?

Nov 25, 2008

how to preload external swf's into my main site. I have tried all sorts of differents codes and ways to set it up, but nothing seems to work. I have a preloader I use to load the whole site, with this code

myProgressBarListener = new Object();
myProgressBarListener = function (eventObject) {
myProgressBar._visible = false;[code].....

is there a way i can take this code and the preloader i have made and place it on one frame in my timeline and change the code a little bit to provide for my external swf to be loaded into a holder?If anyone has links to how to do this easily that would be awesome. I am having quite a headache trying to figure this out. I have a lot of photo galleries that i need to preload when the button is hit and you are directed to that frame in the movie, so people have something to look at while that photo series loads.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Site With External Swfs As Subsites?

Mar 16, 2009

I wanted to create a site that would load external swfs as subsites. So you've got main swf with menu and buttons which will load certain swf after click. (I provide the example in the zip folder).Loaded swf further loads a text and image for himself.My problem is that after some time clicking through different sub sites the site is starting to slow down. I'm not sure what am I doing wrong in my opinion it might be:

- wrong way of unloading swfs of the sub sites

- fact that externally loaded swfs load external data from xml and images

I provided only structure example in a .zip file (the problem is more visible with heavier swf's). In externaly loaded swf's there are couple of tweens and reflected images (created using reflect class)

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IDE :: Loading An External Swf File Into Main Site

Jan 16, 2004

i am extreemly new to flash / website design ( i made my first site 6 months ago ) i am very interested in making a good looking flash site. I have made a simple flash site before using dynamic text loading it form .txt documents. too bad the site is realy lame and i want to make a better one. here is the url to my site here This came about throught the useage of tutorials on this site. i am using flash MX version 6 now i am in the process of making a new site for my profile which will be totaly flash, using flash movies getting imported into a main site under a certain is how it is set up.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Web Site Links As External SWFs?

Oct 26, 2004

I want one animation of a content area but i want the menu to run the animation and put in a certain .swf so i can have something like:when u click a button that is suposed to goto Home then it plays a MC that has Home as an external .swf loaded into it and when i click another link like Portfolio it starts that MC over but with Portfolio as an external .swf in it

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Is It Bad Design To Nest Components Inside Components Using Flex 4

Sep 15, 2010

Is it bad practice/design to nest components inside components using Flex 4? Should I simply be creating components and inserting them into my main application as below, or doesn't it matter?



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ActionScript 1/2 :: External Swfs Not Displaying When Site Is Uploaded?

Feb 2, 2010

I've created a flash website and have split it up into different swfs and have added pre loaders so it loads more cleanly. When I preview the site the links open up the external swfs no problem, but once the site it uploaded the swfs don't load, it appears that the main movie restarts insted of the external swfs (only the contact button works because it's part of the main movie).The 4 buttons at the bottom of the main page go to frames with the follwing or similar action script
This frame also contains the clip (designplay) which the design.swf should load into. It appears the issue is with the paths, I've spent a long time trying to fix this and just can't get it.


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