IDE :: External Html And Internal Flash Frame Links?

Jan 3, 2010

Not sure if I'm in the right place, I apologize in advance if so. I'm somewhat proficient with html, but fairly new to flash, using cs4pro, as3.Here's my dilemma. Converting an existing html/css site to flash. Flash is main site now but a few html pages are still linked, a buy page and a form page, a few others. I can get the all the external html pages to link to a frame in the flash movie, and I can get the flash to link with all external urls.My problem comes when I move to a frame outside the main timeline. The movie is lets say 393 frames. All symbols/content are on seperate layers, and so is the action. Once the full movie ends, I have several frames past that where I have basically created frames for additional "pages" and created anchors for those frames, new layes for content, new layers for anchor (labeled) and new layers for a stop(); on each frame, I extended the pertinant graphic frames out to 410 from the original movie.

Now when the movies runs the buttons appear at about frame 115, so in the action layer I coded a keyframe and then added frames of it out to frame 410 or so: I have attached the .fla (not able to attach at this forum .fla here:s say to an external link (button) like members, the html member page opens, and if you click home button, back to flash frame, and all works, all buttons, on the home frame 393. But if you go to any of the external htmls, and then go back to any other frame like frame 401 the about page, and all the rest 402 403, etc, the page appears properly, but then none of the links function.

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External And Internal Links - Move To A Frame Outside The Main Timeline

Jan 3, 2010

Not sure if I'm in the right place, I apologize in advance if so. I'm somewhat proficient with html, but fairly new to flash, using cs4pro, as3. Here's my dilemma. Converting an existing html/css site to flash. Flash is main site now but a few html pages are still linked, a buy page and a form page, a few others. I can get the all the external html pages to link to a frame in the flash movie, and I can get the flash to link with all external urls.

My problem comes when I move to a frame outside the main timeline. The movie is lets say 393 frames. All symbols/content are on seperate layers, and so is the action. Once the full movie ends, I have several frames past that where I have basically created frames for additional "pages" and created anchors for those frames, new layes for content, new layers for anchor (labeled) and new layers for a stop(); on each frame, I extended the pertinant graphic frames out to 410 from the original movie.

Now when the movies runs the buttons appear at about frame 115, so in the action layer I coded a keyframe and then added frames of it out to frame 410 or so: I have attached the .fla Now I'm lost here. When you navigate the site, from home lets say to an external link (button) like members, the html member page opens, and if you click home button, back to flash frame, and all works, all buttons, on the home frame 393. But if you go to any of the external htmls, and then go back to any other frame like frame 401 the about page, and all the rest 402 403, etc, the page appears properly, but then none of the links function. the site URL is [URL]there is a flash intro too, swf in question is actually at[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Text With Internal Links?

Jan 28, 2009

I understand loading external text into flash through actionscript to produce a quick way to modify text without modifying the flash movie. The problem is being able to create hyperlinks in the external text to navigate within the movie (website). So my question, Is there a way to load external text but with the ability to code links into words or phrases that point to instance names (frames) within the movie (website).

current method
create *.txt file
*.txt loads into .swf file

.swf is called from loader component on main movie.Or is this impossible and the text has to made within the main movie and edited through flash?

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Jan 16, 2010

I used Dreamweaver to embed my flash file into an html file, using "Insert-->Media-->Flash".When I preview the file, everything works fine, but when I upload the file to the web, the external links to my blog and e-mail will not work. Before, I just had the flash file up, with no html, and it worked fine.Url...

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Html :: Styling HTML Links Within A Flash File Without Using An External CSS File?

Mar 6, 2011

I am having a nightmare using CSS to style HTML within a dynamic textfield in my flash doc. From what i now understand after much trial and error and reading online, CSS doesn't even work properly in flash even for the tags that it does understand (which are few and far between anyway). For some reason my layout is getting completely screwed up in certain scenarios (predominantly when there are images present too) when i hover over links (which are styled in an external CSS file). If i remove the external CSS styling (which only contains the following simple code):

a:link {text-decoration: none;}
a:active {text-decoration: none;}
a:visited {text-decoration: none;}[code]....

Then everything works fine (but no links are underlined as standard or on hover). Does anyone know of any way to style the links without using an external CSS file (all i want to do is have no underline as standard and then underline them on hover). As this is from user input into a text editor I cannot place these links manually on the page in flash as they could be anywhere, I need a way of parsing the HTML and then displaying it accordingly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Html & External Swf Links?

Jul 11, 2008

I have a main file,which loads some external swf files.These external swf files load some html text in dynamic textfields.These html texts also contain links.Is it possible, to link in one of the external swfs,using html?

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Nov 16, 2010

I am trying to create html links from a external xml file to be dynamically added to a text field (im using flash builder)the process i am having trouble is: -Loading an external swf which contains the textfield loading external xml which contains the cdata with links adding the cdata to the htmltext property of the textfield the link is showing correctly, the mouse turns into a hand... but when i click on the link it doesnt work. i have seen a few forum posts similar to this problem but all are using textfield control in flash builder but im trying to add the cdata into an externally loaded swf which holds the textfield.

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Jun 30, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Link From A Flash Site To An Internal HTML?

Jul 8, 2011

I have created a flash sit in flash pro. On one of my pages i have a bunch of thumbnails that i want to be able to scroll through and click on and have it open another browser window to an html page I have created.I have placed all the button individually in a motion clip, so I can fade them onto the page when I go to it, and I then have selected all the buttons and changed them to motion clips so I can scroll them.

I created an action file and placed it in its own layer in the first motion clip that all the buttons are on.I am getting access of undefined property errors on all the buttons when I debug.Below is what I have written, I hope someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. I am new to this.

// Includes and Imports.


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I was wondering what the best way to load my flash game would be. I know how to make an external preloader, but if I want to upload the .swf of the game to a site like newgrounds, Im guessing I need an internal preloader.I've tried a few times but my game only displays after the swf is 100% loaded. While its loading I just see white screen with grey "..." which im guessing is built into the flash player.

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import flash.display.MovieClip;


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There is nothing wrong with my code, because it works fine on my mac, but not on pc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Links From An XML Document - Links Not Working

Apr 21, 2011

I've got a PHP script that searches for links in a block of text and converts them to HTML values. The $message variable is then entered into my database using a simple INSERT. So far, so good. Then I have Flash parse the message using XML:

ActionScript Code:
function messStyling() {
messCSS = new TextField.StyleSheet();
var messCSSURL = "include/links.css";


The problem, however, is that my links don't work. The rollover works from the CSS styling, but the links don't actually go anywhere. When I rollover the links, the hand cursor doesn't appear, and clicking only serves to change the color back to the non-hover value.

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Apr 14, 2011

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Code: Select all// Catalogue Bottom Button
//hide button on the stage[code]..........

I dont know how to assign links to dynamic created buttons.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash MP3 Player Using Html Links?

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I'm trying to create a flash player similar to the way Amazon's is set up, where the user can click an HTML link and the player would play that specific song.


I'm just not sure how I would go about using the onClick event in the anchor to return a value to the flash player.

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Professional :: Flash Links Not Working In HTML

Aug 28, 2010

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Feb 28, 2011

I'm making a flash website, I know the basics of html and AS3, but this is my first time trying to use them together. I need only two interactions between the swf file and the server:

The .swf needs to be able to grab image files from a directory hosted on the server

The .swf file needs to be able to change the URL

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Feb 26, 2011

I'm trying to make a legal mp3 playlist website using flash.I got the addresses to all the links of the mp3s in my directory stored as text in a mysql database.Now how do you access the links inside flash?I tried making a dynamic text field and then inputting the links as html text with html render text as html on. But they don't show up.

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IDE :: HTML Links Below Flash Object Not Working?

Apr 9, 2009

I am calling one flash with transparent bg in an HTML page.. Now the HTML links which are below the flash area are not working. So how can I make them work. I knw though I am calling flash with transparent bg but still the object�s area is same.. n all the links which are there on the HTML page that comes under that area stops working as they no longer remain selectable. To have a clear picture of what I am tryin to do have a look at the following url : [URL]

this is just a sample file you can consider..Have a look at the register now button..It will be in HTML how can I make it flash comes above it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Going To A Named Frame From External Html Page?

Mar 6, 2008

I have an html form page with a .swf navigation bar. I'd like to be able to click over to a second html page which contains a .swf file, and go directly to a named frame of that swf file.

Can I specify a named frame from the first html page like that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Targeting Flash Links To Html Frames?

Apr 15, 2009

Using Flash CS3 and created a navbar with AS 3. All links work fine to open html pages, but I'm having trouble targeting the pages to a specific frame.

I've checked and re-checked code in my actions layer and in my html pages.

Code for AS 3 is "navigateToURL(galleries, "_content");" "Galleries" is the variable for the URLRequest and "content" is the name of the target frame in the Index page. All files are local on my computer and the paths are correct.

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Flash :: File Blocks Underlying Html Links

Jun 25, 2009

We have a Flash swf object embedded in an html page. When the user sees the page it's just a small button, but on the rollover state the area of the object expands and covers more of the page. This is how it was designed. The problem seems to be that the maximum size of the swf object, even though it's transparent and "invisible" unless the user rolls over the button, blocks out all the underlying html so you can't access any of the links. It's as if the object is covering that part of the page even when it's not expanded. I've tried every publish setting I can imagine to compensate and make the item truly transparent so the "hidden" underlying links will still be clickable, but just can't get it.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: HTML Links Below Flash Movie Not Working?

Jul 1, 2009

I have a presentation that I created for a client. The presentation is supposed to work locally on anyone's computer. It works perfect on mine. On the client's three computers, 2 pc and 1 mac the links inside flash do not work. I have a text field with text and a simple link inside like [URL] and it's going to a blank window. These won't even pop up a window for my client on any computer, why? He has the lastest Flash players and we created an html link below the flash movie in the html page just to make sure he could launch a popup that way and the html link below the flash movie worked fine.

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Professional :: Links In Flash Not Working In The Html File?

Feb 22, 2010

I created a mailto link and a hyperlink in my Flash CS4 file. They both work when I test the SWF file. When I test the html file (in any browser) niether work.I get an error saying something about security for the mailto linksHere's the code for both

//MAILTO AND LINKS var contact1_link:String = "mailto:xxx@xxx";var contact2_link:String = "mailto:xxx@xxx"


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Links Inside A Non-HTML Textfield?

Jul 29, 2011

Is there any way to create links inside large textfields without setting the textfield as an HTML textfield? I don't want to set the link to all the text in the textfield, only to some words in the text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Transparent Flash Movie Getting Over HTML Links

Oct 9, 2009

I'm trying to get my flash movie to pop out of the box, so I have an opaque background of 500 x 400, but the stage size (the total overall size) is 1000 x 800. Then I use a DIV tag to place the flash movie over the rest of my page, making it seem like the flash movie is only 500 x 400 but some items can pop out to anywhere inside the 1000 x 800. Up to here it works fine, but the problem is you can't click the HTML links that are beneath the transparent part of the flash movie. Is there a way to make the links clickable?

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