I'm an old C programmer been away from programming for years. Now we have a project requiring Flash and I've been elected. Just installed CS4. I have 16 panels in 4 sets of 4 that rotate left to right. (Big learning curve on that one - fading transitions in the right order...). Each panel must have a unique url when clicked. (16 urls).I've looked through many solutions, most of which seem unduly complex. I think that the simplest short of going to onRelease() with AS2 (Later I have to add mouseover changes in the graphics) is something like this:[code]I haven't found this solution out there. Is there a gotcha because the a#Link vars are accessed as global within the scope of handleLink? It doesn't feel right, but it works fine and 16 global variables doesn't seem too bad.
I haven't gotten a handle on coding classes and the appropriate syntax with all the "public" "private" "static" keywords, etc. Anyway, one thing I miss in AS3.0 is having "out-of-the-box" global variables and functions. I've read a lot of forums and articles about making a simple "MyGlobal" class that could hold variables and functions which could be called from the timeline as "MyGlobal.doSomething()" However, I seem to be running into a problem trying to reference "stage" from within one of the global functions... I imagine this is because "stage" is an instance property. I'm basically trying to add/remove an event listener to the stage whenever the global function "MyFunction" is called.
I have a bunch of movie clips which I am adding to my stage using addChild, I need each clip to "fade in" when it is added. I made it work for one movie clip using this function on the movie clip itself
Code: this.alpha = 0; function imgAlpha(e:Event):void {
I have a simple banner which rotates through three different movieclips. I would like to create a function on the main timeline that controls the length of delay for each of the clips.
So far this is what I have on the main timeline, which is a single frame:
I really need to reference the variable while INSIDE the onRelease function, because I need to apply some actions based on how many times the button has been pressed.
i was wondering how i would access the desired movieclip's x, and y value from it's function.[code]HOW do i access the x and y values of MC from here like you would use "this._x" in AS2, how would i do that here?
I'm having an issue with a global variable. I'm trying to give it a value within a function and it isn't working.The variable is imageList. It's an XML List. I'm making it global so I can use it anywhere in my project. I suppose if someone has a better idea to avoid the global variable, I'm up for that too. But for now, it seems like the way to go.
Here's my .as file: package { public class MyGlobal {
It's giving me the same same Error #1009 as above. It seems like a scope problem, but why? Shouldn't it work since it's a global variable?
I am currently creating a calculator in AS3. Since i need to create a lot of buttons, i need to make a function, so i dont have to write everything into the variable again and again.
I was wondering something to do with global functions, it seems if you declare a function as global inside the first frame of a movieclip...and try call it from the first frame of the _root timeline it does not work.
This code is in a movieclip on the first frame of the timeline called "my_mc";
wrote a couple of small games using AS 2.0. One of the things I found easiest about AS 2.0 is that a MovieClip created using _root. attachMovieClip() inside of one function was accessible to every other function. For instance:
This causes an error, because the MovieClip variable was declared inside of a function and when the function ended, the MovieClip variable was erased. Is there any way of doing this without declaring the MovieClip variable outside of the function? I want to be able to create an unknown amount of these movieclips on the fly, so I can't just declare them outside of the function.
I've currently got this script (see below). What I'm trying to do is make it so I can load several images from a loop. I've played with a few different things, but I'm not completely understanding how the listener works as it relates to the loader. It seems when I try and add a second image, it only enters the onComplete function 1 time, therefor i only get one Image loaded. As a side note, I've also been trying to dynamically change the x and y position, but I'm not sure how to modify a global variable from within that function, or better yet, pass in the arguements during the eventListener call to onComplete.[code].....
The only problem is it can't "see" myGlobals. I was wondering if someone could tell me why it can't see it! I'm sure it has something to do with scope.
But there will be hundreds of these objects, so I'd like to have each one call a global function, so I tried code for each button like this:
on (release) { GlobalFunctionName(this._name); }
But for some reason, the value being passed is null. (Although if I switch "this._name" for a string, that works correctly.) Question: How can a drone object pass its name to a central function? Should I be using "on (release)" or should I use a listener within each object instead? Also, is it best to make them Buttons or Graphics or Movie Clips since there will be so many of them?
I have a function in which I declare a bunch of variables that I need to be globally accessible from outside the function.[code]I need numVals to be accessible from outside the function.I tried changing the name to _global.numVals and it didn't work
After having recently just discovered the delights of actionscript, I am at a loss to work this out. I'll explain:I have a series of buttons which, when each one is clicked, need to grab their instance name (this._name), strip the first three characters from it and send it to a global function in another mc within the swf.Instead of stripping the characters, I am happy to do:
How would one get a reference of String global function (not class). According to language reference this function does exist (and I'm ready to believe it does), but, say and you have a:
I'm making a function, and I want to pass it's handling less restrictively, kinda like jQuery I guess.
Code: function cfunc(min, max) { return (Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min))+min);
Now I know that alternately, I could pass them individually to the function and then join them all together as one, but I'd prefer to use one variable and pass the data through it, kinda like a scripting engine.
The variable currentIndex is declared globally and initialized with a certain value say '0'. How do I hold the value of currentIndex which is incremented every time the function is called? In the given code, every time the function is called, the value is reinitialized.
I have an AS3 function that runs when a URLRequest fails. I need to be able to use this function to assign global variables that I can then check against using other functions. How do I assign global variables inside of a function?
Edit:This is the variable (soundFile2Exist) I am trying to get outside of my function:
function onIOError(e:IOErrorEvent):void { var soundFile2exist = null;[code]...............
I have a primary function that calls upon other functions, which call upon other functions, etc, each one creating different objects. I need to delete everything eventually and was thinking the easiest way to do this would be to have a global array to push() each object into. It would be easy to just put garbageArray.push(thisCreatedObject); into the for() loops of every function to grab all the objects so a deleteFunction() could just cycle through garbageArray to remove and null everything cleanly.
What I want to do:I could easily just create a global array to do this (code example 1), but I would prefer to be able to recreate this global array and delete it every time this primary function is called (code example 3) since it will be called upon a lot. It would be cleaner code to have it created from within the function as opposed to outside of it because I will have a lot of primary functions doing similar things that would require a global array like this.
I also know I could create one and simply pass it as an argument to every function (code example 2), but I would have to pass it to every single function. There are a lot of functions and a lot of calls to them, so this would require rewriting a lot of code and would be more work than it's worth. Making a global array outside of the function would be easier than doing this if it came down to it.
ActionScript Code: //example 1 of global array. No passing as argument from //primary to secondary functions. Multiple global arrays //required for multiple primary functions in the future.
I was wondering if someone could shed some light in helping translate a AS2 function to AS3. It stops the movie's timeline from where you called the function.
I've got a button that i dynamically add different event listeners to. Anyone know how to remove an event listener without actually referencing an actual function name?