IDE :: Animating A Wire Being Plugged Into Socket?

Aug 31, 2009

I'm trying to animate this scene where the plug at the end of a blue wire would snap-in to the white colored socket. Its a simple process, but the tricky part is that I have to make it interactive. In other words, the user has to mouse-click on the plug and drag it close to the white box where the plug automatically snaps in place.

I also need to make the blue-colored wire flexible/bendable to follow the mouse's movement. i'm thinking bones, but don't know how to mate it with the mouses' movement. And I'm rather clueless about ActionScript 3.

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var bt_arr:Array = new Array (BZ_MC,PL_MC,NS_MC,CR_MC); var ld_arr:Array  = new Array (BZ_MC.b_loader,PL_MC.p_loader,CR_MC.c_loader,NS_MC.n_loader); var img_arr:Array  = new Array ("bus_img.jpg","per_img.jpg","car_img.jpg","new_img.jpg"); /*var img_arr:Array  = new Array ("currency_exchange_images/bus_img.jpg","currency_exchange_images/per _img.jpg",


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this.createEmptyMovieClip("holder", 2);
holder.attachMovie("dada", "dada_mc", 3);


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setProperty(this.gallery_mc, _x, +10);

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