Professional :: Flash Not Animating In IE?

May 13, 2010

I have a html file that is referencing a swf.This swf, in turn, is referencing a php file to get prices etc, and display them inside the swf animation.This works fine in Firefox and Chrome, but for some reason won't work in IE.[URL]

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Professional :: Animating A Breaking Board?

Feb 5, 2011

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Aug 23, 2011

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Professional :: Animating An Object Rotating?

Oct 23, 2011

I'm a beginner at this, so this may sound like a dumb question, but I don't have the time to figure it out on my own.I'm trying to get a group of symbols to remain in the configuration that they are in, but rotate around a fixed point, and actually make them move in this circular path instead of a straight line.

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Professional :: Motion Tween - Animating Three Different Symbols

Oct 8, 2010

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Professional :: Animating Music Video - Frame Rate In CS4

Nov 17, 2010

I am a student and I use CS4 on a Mac on one of the schools computers. One of the animation projects I am working I need to animate a music video. To do this I calculated out the BPM of the song and set the frame rate at 23.3 FPS so that I would have 20 Frames between beats. Then to have a visual representation of the timing I set a layer that has a red dot blink for 2 frames every 20 frames starting on the first beat.

With it set up like this and I run the animation in Flash it keeps time correctly and works. However, when I test the video the time is off. I tried changing the frame rate to 60fps as an arbitrary number to see if adjusting the frame rate had any affect of the test file but when I tested the video at 60fps it did not run any faster than before. I exported the video to a SWF and MOV file but it was still off.

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Professional :: Knowing When A Swf Loaded In MovieClipLoader Has Finished Animating

Jun 23, 2011

I'm trying to create a wrapper written in ActionScript2, which loads a second AS2 swf then when this loaded swf has finished animating the wrapper will load a second swf. This is the code I have to load the first swf:


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Professional :: Animating Photos Being Printed Out And Falling In Tray?

Jul 5, 2011

I am well versed in Photoshop and getting somewhere in Illustrator, so the Adobe learning curve is not a huge factor for me. I have not, however, done much work in Flash (or any, really). I want to create what should be a pretty simple animation and I'm wondering what the best approach is. Also, I've never done any ActionScript work but do have extensive development experience. I have access to Flash Professional and Catalyst, PS, AI - all of Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium. I would like to draw/design in either PS or AI something that looks like a photo booth.

I want to animate some photos being printed out and falling out into the tray or whatever... just like what you see when a strip of four photos prints out in one of those booths at the mall or the movie theater. I want to do it a few times with a few different pictures. It would be easiest to just "hard code" or embed which pictures I want in the movie, but if I could eventually do some ActionScripting to just pull all images in a directory or (best yet) from the Flickr API that would be really awesome too. I just need to know where to get started. Should I try starting with FP or import some AI into FC?

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Professional :: Animating Dynamic Text In Movie Clip

Mar 26, 2012

I've made a little file with some signpost movie clips that do a little animation on mouseover and mouseout. I then wanted to set the text on each of them via actionscript i.e. sign1.sign_text.text = "Checklist: Before you arrive"; etc. This code puts all the right text on the signs when it loads, however as soon as you mouseover it, the text reverts back to the original placeholder text in the movieclip (when it gets to the second keyframe). How can I keep the reference to the text it has at the beginning of the movie clip?

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Professional :: Animating A Dynamic Textbox By Converting It To A Movie Clip?

Aug 8, 2010

I have been trying to create a die that acts as a 60 second timer in Flash CS4 using Actionscript 3.0. This involves creating a die and a dynamic textbox that counts from 60 to 0. Both of these parts of the project are fine, however I need to animate the textbox in 3D space to coincide with the die rolling. I believe it is not possible to animate a textbox (from online reading and also trying to do it myself by playing about with Flash) so I have loaded the textbox into a movieclip. As I'm having issues with this I thought it would be good practice to split the project into sub-projects in order to identify the problem. Here is the actionscript 3.0 I have used for the timer/countdown clock:

var newTime:Loader = new Loader();
newTime.load(new URLRequest("SWFs/timer.swf"));
clock_mc.addChild(newTime); //clock_mc is an instance of movieClipContainer which is a new


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Professional :: Animating Step Through One Frame At A Time And Move The Linkage Rod And Piston Into The Correct Position

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Professional :: Video Exporting - View The Video In Work Space While Animating Symbols Over It?

May 25, 2010

I imported an avi video to flash, converted it to flv with Adobe media encoder, and did some symbol animation on top of it.How do I export an avi video so that the video I imported is actually playing, and not just to see the skin and flv icon? When I test the video it makes it in swf form and I'd rather not convert it any further and mess up it's quality.Is it possible to view the video in work space while animating symbols over it (I kinda did it by heart)?

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Animating A Gif In Flash?

Jul 25, 2009

I have imported the gif which has now split into different snapshot screens of each frame.Down the right hand side I can see "draw" tools which I want to use to edit the clip. When I click on a tool like a paintbrush then I click on a frame to paint on the frame...... it doesn't let me do it. It lets me draw, but when I release my finger off the mouse it dissapears.

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Flash :: Speed Up The Process Of Animating Certain Things?

May 21, 2009

Currently I'm working with Flash CS3 but can upgrade to 4 . . .I'm wondering if there is a way to speed up the process of animating certain things. For instance, if I make an animated subject and then want to make ten or twenty from the same template with the same objects, but each object will follow a different animated path in the new animation, i. e., in the new swf file.
Should I rely on using code to animate objects? I'm trying to avoid repeatedly dragging the same movie clips from the library to the timeline and setting tweening each time. Sometimes I need to do this action 50 or 60 times per animation, and it's the same two or three movie clips each time--it's very tedious. Also, each animated movie clip must be in sync with music . . .

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Actionscript 3 :: Animating Glow Filter In Flash

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to apply/remove a glow filter to a movie clip on a MOUSE_OVER/MOUSE_OUT event. Basically when I hover over a movie clip I want the glow to animate on, and then animate back off when I mouse out.

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Flash :: Animating Object On The Stage Using ActionScript 3.0

Aug 6, 2011

I mean only ActionScript. Is that possible to animate an object so that it moves on pre-drawn in Flash Professional trajectory? I know, I can use onEnterFrame with some math equations to move object around, but what if trajectory is too complicated? You see, I don't even know how to formulate the question.

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Flash 10 :: Animating Dynamic Text Smoothly?

Dec 7, 2010

I am using Adobe AIR to develop for Android and loading xml text into a dynamic text field.... when I drag the text to see more or less, it is PAINFULLY slow

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Flash - Creating Animating Sphere Representing Earth?

Feb 9, 2010

I want to create an animating sphere representing the earth but here is the catch I want the users to be able to spin it round in real time, what tools will do the trick?

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Xml :: Is There A Framework For Programmatically Animating Textareas In Time In Flash

Jun 20, 2011

I'm looking for a framework enabling me to programmatically add moving/scaling shapes and text areas over a flash video.

I'll have an XML file with text, starting times of animations, ending times of animations, positions, scales, etc. And want to use this file to animate stuff into place.

The idea is that I'll have a video with moving shapes. Multi-language content has to be put into the shapes and scale along with them.

framework that enables me to do such a thing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Animating Dynamic Movie Clips?

Jul 17, 2011

Hello all. I've been writing AS1 and 2 for a loooong time but I'm just starting to get into AS3 and it's... challenging. Making my brain think differently when Flash is still Flash is tricky but I'm coming along. This is my first piece of AS3 that I'm putting together and it loads an image, creates a movie clip for it to live in and then repeats the process 9 more times. The dynamically created clips are supposed to be staggered from the bottom left to the top right. However, when I run the code it only shows the final iteration in the top right.


...and his code is almost exactly the same except for the image load. I left the image loading code out of this post since it works perfectly. There's a listener in the image load that triggers when completed and fires the function below:

var cardNum:int = 1;
function imageLoaded(event:Event):void {
var myMC:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Automatically Animate Texts In Flash To Avoid Manual Animating?

Jan 7, 2003

Are there scripts available to automatically animate texts in flash to avoid manual animating such as these:

http:[url]....Are there also other automated scripts related to text?

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Flash :: "Lip Sync" An Image In It Without Animating Every Transition?

Dec 6, 2010

Is there by chance a way to "lip sync" an image in flash without animating every transition?

Like using a shapetween, I can go from "Doh" to "Ray" but is there there a way I can make the Doh face and the ray face, then have it fill in inbetween frames for me so I can then trasition to a me and a fa?

(FYI, I'm just doing Doh Ray Me Fa So Tee La right now, should give me an approx sync for what I want.)(Also, yes I know I'm crazy. But I've got a really great head made in illistrator I want to use.)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Animating A Picture By Using A Script Need To Break The Picture?

Oct 2, 2011

I how that any Can help I have a Picture that I want To destroy it As someone break it as a glass and then something made it go back as she was

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mc Not Animating Out?

Jun 23, 2010

There are 3 menu buttons that are functioning: Home (no content), webdesign, prints.In the web design and print menus you can browse with the arrows left and right.If you click just on the menu buttons the animate on and of works perfect, but as soon as you use the browse buttons, and later on you are trying to go for example from the prints to the webdesign, the animate off function stop working.

This is the code on the the main time line:

var currentPage = "contentHome_mc";
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {


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CS3 Animating An Opening Drawer?

Jun 17, 2009

I'm trying to make an animation of a drawer in a cabinet opening. These are the two images I have:

I can't work out how to animate it. I tried a shape tween with shape hints on the corners, and that didn't work.

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CS3 Animating To A Long Soundtrack

Oct 14, 2010

I've been given a complete soundtrack, about 15 minutes long, complete with background music and dialog.I'm animating the whole thing as once scene so that I can keep all the dialog synced up. My question is, what's the best way to organize my animation?The way I've been doing it, I try to keep my objects on their own layers organized into folders, but even so I end up with a very large and confusing amount of stuff in the layers.But should I just be cutting the soundtrack into scenes and animating the movie using scenes instead?I've never actually used scenes.If I cut the soundtrack how would I avoid audio glitches when the whole animation plays back?

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