Flash :: Animating Object On The Stage Using ActionScript 3.0

Aug 6, 2011

I mean only ActionScript. Is that possible to animate an object so that it moves on pre-drawn in Flash Professional trajectory? I know, I can use onEnterFrame with some math equations to move object around, but what if trajectory is too complicated? You see, I don't even know how to formulate the question.

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var mySound:Sound = new bellsSound();
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Code: Select allfunction stageResize(e:Event):void {
var sw:int=int(stage.stageWidth);
var sh:int=int(stage.stageHeight);


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and animate them to random locations on stage without touching each other...

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addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, startBalloons)


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[Code] .....

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if ((stage.stageWidth)/(stage.stageHeight) > fundos.width/fundos.height)


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import flash.display.*
var fillType:String = GradientType.LINEAR;[code]........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Position On Stage Without Using Stage.align

Apr 23, 2010

I have a stage bigger than the size of a browser, and I have a camera to navigate around the area.Now when I click on a button, I will have something pop up blocking the whole browser, like a lightbox effect with another box on top of the blocker.The problem now is, when the blocker pops up, its position is not on the TOP LEFT corner of the browser. I've tried stage.align, but it would makes the camera or other object on stage position run.So is there any other way I could get the blocker to position according to the browser, not the stage?[code]

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Sep 14, 2010

Ok. So heres what I am trying to do. I want one movie clip to follow another one that I move around with actions on the main timeline.The problem is that the follower clip is linked to a class file and I cannot find a way to find the players position.


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Actionscript 3 :: Difference Between Object Main Timeline, Object Stage And Root ?

Sep 3, 2011

I want to know the difference between [object main timeline], [object Stage] and root in as3? I have read from the topic How stage, root, and MainTimeline Fit Together. But I didn't get clearly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Class Object Interact With An Object On Stage?

Aug 2, 2010

The following is that long only because I gave examples of what I want to know, not because it is complex .I have three basic questions regarding AS 3.0 classes.

1. How can I make a class object interact with an object on stage?

For example, when I have a square (mc_Square) with class "square" attached to it and I want it to trace "Colliding!" and print the X and Y of the mc_Box on contact with an on-stage *hollow* box (mc_Box) that has no class attached to it.how to do it vice-versa would also be awesome .

2. How can I make a class object interact with the same class object? For example, when I have two squares (mc_Square) that both have the class "square" attached to it and when they collide, it prints the X and Y of both of them.

3. How can I make a class object interact with a different class object?

For example, when I have two squares mc_Square1 with class "square1 (that also has a variable Primary=true written in it)" and a mc_Square2 with class "square2"; When they collide, the one with Primary=true would be removed and it's X,Y position traced.

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Flash :: Reference Stage Object In External Actionscript Files?

Oct 14, 2011

I have an external AS3 class file which is loaded up on the first frame of the Flash movie.

How can I reference the stage object in the AS3 file without having to pass it as a parameter?I mean it seems to me like the stage object is in the global realm - or am I incorrect with this assumption?

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Apr 7, 2011

Base extends MovieClip document class extends Base how would Base properly access a display object which is already placed on stage in the flash ide? for example creating the var in Base's class definition = 1152: A conflict exists with inherited definition in name space public. but just referencing the var = 1120 undefined property , as the item is only a variable of the document class Is the only approach to let the classes load, then create the display object rather than have it on stage already?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Referencing Object On Stage From An External Class?

Sep 6, 2011

I have a media player that I am codging together, one that will play either videos or MP3s depending on the variables it is passed. The video player part works fine. The MP3 player controls are all actual physical MCs on the stage; each one has its own AS class file as part of the package, but there is also a lot of AS that is happening in the main FLA as well. Messy, I know, but it mostly works great.The MC on the stage in the main FLA is properly linked to the class file via Actionscript linkage, and the control itself worksHowever, I am trying to make some aspects of the control respond to variables that are set within the AS on the timeline of the main FLA, and I cannot seem to pass values to the control no matter what I do.The following variable is set in the main AS:Code:var notPlayedYet:Boolean = true;I also have some flashVars being passed in from the html, and these I can reference with no trouble from the main AS - the relevant one is:

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