Flash :: Reference Stage Object In External Actionscript Files?

Oct 14, 2011

I have an external AS3 class file which is loaded up on the first frame of the Flash movie.

How can I reference the stage object in the AS3 file without having to pass it as a parameter?I mean it seems to me like the stage object is in the global realm - or am I incorrect with this assumption?

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Flash :: Loading External SWF W/ Stage Reference In Class

Nov 17, 2011

I'm unable to load forces.swf (assume I can't edit it, as I don't have the source code) through an external swf, due to Stage reference in the base class how would I go about loading it (and any other possible SWF) without errors being thrown?

Here is a link to the problem I am trying to fix:[URL]..

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Professional :: Using External Reference Png Files

Aug 23, 2011

I've been requested to create a flash project in which all images are external references.Images (mostly png) are created and can be modified anytime by artists, fla files and actionscript are created by developers. When opening a fla file, images should be automatically updated with the latest ones on the server and be visible in the fla file.Technical requirements are as follow : Actionscript 2.0 and Flash player 9 max.I tried to use the Loader component, it seems to be what I want (with Autoload function enabled), but unfortunately ActionScript 2.0 component doesn't allow png files, and doesn't work anymore when embedded inside a movieclip or a button (image became totally invisible).A simpler solution should be to automatically run the "Update" button on every image in the library but I don't think Flash to be able to do such a thing.

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Actionscript 3 :: Keep Both Object And Reference On Stage?

Jun 16, 2011

I have some object, which extends movie clip:public class MyClass extends MovieClip Now, I want to put two of this in the stage:[code]That would put one, but the other I want it to be exactly the same as the first, so I just need to add a "reference" of obj to the stage, along with obj itself.In the end, I want two objects of type MyClass doing the same thing in the stage. If I try to simply do:[code]only obj2 will appear in the stage.How could I achieve that with references? (in order to save memory and CPU time (it is really important))

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External SWF With Stage Reference In Class?

Nov 17, 2011

I'm unable to load forces.swf (assume I can't edit it, as I don't have the source code) through an external swf, due to Stage reference in the base class.

How would I go about loading it (and any other possible SWF) without errors being thrown?

Here is a link to the problem I am trying to fix:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Stage Reference To An Object Placed In Design View?

Nov 28, 2010

In a game me and a friend is creating, the levels are stored in MCs.In the level MCs there are several other MCs that the player should be able to interact with.

This means the objects in the levels need a stage reference.I can place all the objects manually and pass the stage ref in the constructor of the object's class, but this is a pain when the levels are going to be pretty big.

Is it possible to make sure that flash always passes a stage ref to the object even though it's not placed there by code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing A Stage Reference To An Object Placed In The Design View?

Nov 28, 2010

In a game me and a friend are creating, the levels are stored in MCs. In the level MCs there are several other MCs that the player should be able to interact with.

This means the objects in the levels need a stage reference. I can place all the objects manually and pass the stage ref in the constructor of the object's class, but this is a pain when the levels are going to be pretty big.

Is it possible to make sure that flash always passes a stage ref to the object even though it's not placed there by code?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Referencing Object On Stage From An External Class?

Sep 6, 2011

I have a media player that I am codging together, one that will play either videos or MP3s depending on the variables it is passed. The video player part works fine. The MP3 player controls are all actual physical MCs on the stage; each one has its own AS class file as part of the package, but there is also a lot of AS that is happening in the main FLA as well. Messy, I know, but it mostly works great.The MC on the stage in the main FLA is properly linked to the class file via Actionscript linkage, and the control itself worksHowever, I am trying to make some aspects of the control respond to variables that are set within the AS on the timeline of the main FLA, and I cannot seem to pass values to the control no matter what I do.The following variable is set in the main AS:Code:var notPlayedYet:Boolean = true;I also have some flashVars being passed in from the html, and these I can reference with no trouble from the main AS - the relevant one is:

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Flash :: Reference The Default `this` Reference In Actionscript3 From An External Package?

Jul 7, 2011

My code is an external .as file. Google provides this code on their demo, which contains the this keyword:


Notice that I have 4 calls to console.log. The first 3 fire, but after the new GATracker statement, the 4th does not fire. I have a feeling that I'm overriding the entire package with the object created from new GATracker when I should be passing a different context. I believe the correct context I should pass is whatever this defaults to when not inside of a package/external file, I assume it references the main stage object.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Movieclip Instance On Stage From External Class File?

Nov 21, 2010

I've been searching around all afternoon, and am pulling my hair out. 1) I have a movieclip instance on stage (simple graphical element that represents platforms for a hero to run and jump along). I have placed it on the stage with an external class engine.as and in this class it is called myPlatform and is an object of Platforms.as. The movieClip is called platforms and from a trace(myPlatform.name) the instance name is instance3.

2) I am attempting to access the properties of myPlatform in an Enterframe event loop in my character control and collision class (called hero.as)

Basically here is the bit of code I am trying implement within Hero.as :


This all worked when I was writing actionscipt within the FLA file, on the timeline frame 1. I simply don't know how to access myPlatform from within the external Hero.as class! Do I need to create a variable? Is there a really easy way to do this with some syntax/command that I have not learned yet?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Stage - Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference

Feb 4, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Positioning External Flv Files On Stage?

May 21, 2009

i am loading 3 flv files so that the first file plays once and the other two loop afterwards. Now i am interested is it possible to position the flv files on the stage to certain coordinates when they start to play (so for example that the first flv plays as default in the centre, the second flv file plays a little bit right and the third plays a little bit left). This is the code i'm using:


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Actionscript 3.0 :: External Preloader - Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Stage Variables And Function from External loaded Swf Files?

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Jul 13, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Object On Stage Visible Above External Swf?

Dec 28, 2010

I have an swf file, in which on (release) simultaneously:

1) another external swf is loading: loadMovieNum ("file.swf",2);

2) hidden before object on stage is appearing: _root.object._visible=true;

All is ok, excluding that the object becomes visible 'under' that external swf. How to put it above the swf instead?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Object On Stage From An External Class?

Sep 6, 2011

I have a media player that I am codging together, one that will play either videos or MP3s depending on the variables it is passed. The video player part works fine. The MP3 player controls are all actual physical MCs on the stage; each one has its own AS class file as part of the package, but there is also a lot of AS that is happening in the main FLA as well. Messy, I know, but it mostly works great.

The MC on the stage in the main FLA is properly linked to the class file via Actionscript linkage, and the control itself works. However, I am trying to make some aspects of the control respond to variables that are set within the AS on the timeline of the main FLA, and I cannot seem to pass values to the control no matter what I do.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Preloader Error #1009 "Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference"

Jun 10, 2009

I used an external preloader to call a swf is totally calling all the objects and functions through class, and there is nothing on the stage and timeframe. It shows TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at main() Isit because i must put something on the stage or timeline for it to load??


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons And Transitions - Load In External Swf Files Into An Empty Movie Clip On The Main Stage Called Container

Jan 11, 2004

I have a problem with buttons and transitions and it is similar to a problem I had a couple of days ago that I posted and that was sorted out. I have two buttons onstage (they're inside a movie clip) inside the movie, on the button one I have the following


I have similar code on button two and this does indeed make the buttons move into place as required. My problem is this, I need to load in external swf files into an empty movie clip on the main stage called container. These External SWF files have transitions and this is where my problem is. If I place a normal button on the stage it works but not if the button is inside a movie clip and has actions applied as above. The code next is what I have believe should also be placed on the button to make swf transition one load in.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link An Object On The Stage To An External Class File?

Jan 8, 2009

I have a dynamic textfield called neighName on my Flash stage. I also have a movieclip that I call a region on my stage. When I mouseover the region, I want a word to display in a little popup *and* I want some text to display in my textfield. I have an external .as file for handling the region. I can make the code "see" my region, but I can't seem to make it see my textfield, although no errors are being thrown.

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Actionscript 3 :: Prevent External Translation Of A Movieclip Object On Stage

Mar 19, 2010

I have a MovieClip object, which is exported for actionscript (AS3) in an .swc file.When I place an instance of the clip on the stage without any modifications, it appears in the upper left corner, about half off stage (i.e. only the lower right quadrant of the object is visible). I understand that this is because the clip has a registration point which is not the upper left corner.If you call getBounds() on the movieclip you can get the bounds of the clip (presumably from the "point" that it's aligned on) which looks something like (left: -303, top: -100, right: 303, bottom: 100), you can subtract the left and top values from the clip x and y:[code]matrix has a tx value of 748 (half of stage height) ty value of 426 (Half of stage height)concatenatedMatrix has a tx value of 1699.5 and ty value of 967.75That's also obviously where the movieclip is getting positioned, but why? Where is this additional translation coming from?

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Flash :: Loading / Unloading External SWF Using Buttons From Loaded External Files

Feb 23, 2011

I spent almost a week trying to figure out how to unload a currently loaded swf using its button and loading a new swf... I have three files, a main.fla, file1.fla and file2.fla. In my main.fla, I have a code which loads the other two files. If i will click the "unload" button in the file1.swf, I would like the main.fla to unload the file1.swf and load the other file, file2.swf. Here is the code to load the file1.swf:


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Flash - Getting A Reference To An Object From Within A .as File

May 31, 2011

I am modifying some Flex code written by someone else. There is an mx:text control that I want to change the 'text' property of. I know how to do this within the .mxml file in which the control is defined, however I don't know how to do this from within a separate .as ActionScript file. I recall in Flash there is some way to fully qualify the reference by prepending the stage or something like that

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I'm wondering, and hoping, if I can access and use a specific instance of an object if I only have the name of the object instance in a string? The code below perhaps explains it a littler better.


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Nov 5, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Null Reference Object?

Aug 18, 2010

I have a test main.swf with just a UI loader component loading in an external .swfThe swf is a flash scroll using the component class. The swf works fine on its own but when used with the UI loader I get an null reference msg.The files have xml, .as and css files in the zip.light on why I get this reference as the scroll and text appear in the main.swf but the scroll does not function.

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Javascript :: Pass From Flash Under The External Reference?

Mar 10, 2010

I have Mac OS widget with flash. If to click on flash the URL in a window of a browser should open. But it does not occur. I use code like this:

DETAILS_HTML='object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0" width="700" height="460" id="start" align="middle">'+
'param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />'+
'param name="flashvars" value=SomeParam>'+


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Flash :: CS, Reference Root From External Class?

Dec 21, 2010

I made this class and I put it in the same package of Timeline.as (the Document Class):

package {
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
public class Counter2 extends Timer {
public function Counter2(delay:Number, repeatCount:int=0) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting An Error That They Cannot Reference The Stage/ Stage Is Null?

Jun 9, 2010

I am currently working with a contractor company that is hosting a flex based website. They are putting the swf files that I have developed into their flex site.The issue that I am having is that within my swf file I need to reference the stage.I do this by "MovieClip(parent).stage"... I do not use the keyword "root", I just reference my swf's root through however many "parent"s i need. It works fine when I publish on my own, outside of their flex site. When it is used in the flex site, they are getting an error that they cannot reference the stage/ stage is null. It is vital that I am able to reference the stage of my swf.

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