Flash :: Add A List Object To The Stage Dynamically?
Feb 18, 2010
I'm trying to add a List object to the stage dynamically, but I always get an error when a certain line is called:
Error thrown at runtime:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.[code]....
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Aug 22, 2010
how do we remove object( sprite which has an external swf as it's child ) from display and more importantly from memory yet we still can use the same variable to add another object (yes another sprite like the one we removed yet has different content).., "
i did tried the removeChildAt thing it did remove all the child from the display list but i still can hear sound from video running.
here is small scale code of what i'm doing (sorry that i can only give you chunk code of loading and adding)
// var SWFList:XMLList; //used to hold a list of all external swf source,atribute and etc// var totalSWF:int; //hold the total number of external swf there is to be loaded
// var swfLoader:Loader; //instance of loader class used to load the external swf
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Sep 21, 2009
For some reason below is not working. It is probably very obvious but I am not seeing it. As soon as I comment out the container mc variable and just add Child to root timeline I see everything which means me container is not being added to the stage correctly.
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var i:int = 0;
var a:Number = 10;
var ageString:String;
var ageText:Array = new Array();
[Code] .....
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Nov 21, 2011
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Mar 23, 2009
I am trying to load images dynamically to my stage. I am reading an xml file and trying to add the images0 to the scene. For some reason the image file seems to be loaded (I have put a trace "Success to check it") but when I try to addChild nothing happens. This is the code of my class followed by the code of my flash file: The main idea here is to load as many thumbnails as the xml file contains so I can play with them making a horizontal scroll.
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May 31, 2009
I'm doing quite a complicated game with a lot of code but one thing I can't quite figure out is how to trigger a function on the main stage from a dynamically added object.I've tried using custom events, but it doesn't work and doesn't throw any errors either.Here's the code for the CustomEvent class:
import flash.events.Event;[code]....
Here's the code part in the dynamically added child(CustomEvent is imported):
this.parent.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(null));
and here's the main timeline part of the code:
stage.addEventListener(CustomEvent.CUSTOM, checkMoney);
//more code here
function checkMoney(e:CustomEvent)[code].....
All of the above seems to work, because it doesn't throw an error, but it doesn't trace money when the event is dispatched.Before you ask, the event IS being dispatched or at least the if method it's in is entered.Any other method to tell the stage it's time to run the function is welcome also
View 6 Replies
Feb 5, 2010
I'm trying to implement this for an instance of ComboBox specifically, which uses a List to display the dropdown menu full of items. Lists can have icons associated with them, as described in the documentation:
var comboBox = addChild(new ComboBox());
comboBox.dataProvider = new DataProvider([{label:'item1',iconClass:IconClass1},{label:'item2',iconClass:IconClass2}]);
comboBox.dropdown.iconField = 'iconClass';
... assuming IconClass1 and IconClass2 are valid classnames of symbols in our library, this code works perfectly.
Here's my question - the contents of this ComboBox will be XML-driven, populated dynamically, and I'd really rather include that icon reference as a filename instead of a classname, so that when the whole thing is implemented, the icon can be changed in the XML without opening Flash and adding a new symbol to the library. Clients aren't generally good at that sort of thing.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to find a way to reference the container for the instance of that icon class - the ComboBox.dropdown is obviously keeping a reference to each list item somewhere, and if I can find it, I can load the icon images dynamically, then addChild them to the icon instance.
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Dec 15, 2011
I'm trying to create a boundary for a player object, controlled with arrow keys, in my game using the main stage's height and width. For example, one test point is at the top edge of the player object's bounding box so that when the player object's head touches the stage's top edge, the player can't move anymore to the north. The player object is manually instantiated to the center of the stage by using the Flash stage editor so it will start at the center before the program starts.The problem is that right at the start of the program, I can no longer move the player object up or down with the arrow keys but I can still move it left or right. The intention is to allow the player to move north until the player object's head touches the top edge of the main stage.[code]
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private static function getVariables( packet:*): Array
var vars:Array = new Array();
what does the "pos" for ?
i try to print the xml, but i can not find the meaning of "pos"....
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Nov 30, 2010
I have a button on stage in a movie, the button ("clicker") is empty apart from the "hit" frame. The stage and button are 300x300 and i'm using swfobject to display the flash movie at 400x600 pixels. I have the following actionscript.[code]I want teh button to expand to fill the available stage space (which is 400x600 in this example) so i use the following...
-clicker._width = Stage.width;
-clicker._height = Stage.height;
however this causes the button to disapear from the stage, possibly down to 0x0 in size, as opposed to filling the available stage space. It's been a while since i worked with actionscript so it's probably something obvious, however i can't seem to spot what the problem is.
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Jan 20, 2010
When I attempt to create a new flash list component from my as3 file (FrontEnd.as) and add it to the stage, I get the following error: "1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: List". Below is the[code]...
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Aug 17, 2010
There are multiple MovieClips that will be dynamically placed on stage. These MovieClips are coded to be buttons. I'm trying to figure out--when a user clicks on the MovieClip...figure out which object on the flash stage the user clicked on.Inside function toggleClick I put the trace statement: trace("movieClip Instance Name = " + e.target.name);
In the OUTPUT window:
movieClip Instance Name = instance5
movieClip Instance Name = instance12
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Feb 11, 2012
So, if I need to give a custom variable name to an object how would I do that?
For instance, if I have a gameID that is 12345 and its rating is 3 I want to save a variable called gameRatings_12345 thats value is 3 in my shared local object.
//share object
protected var mySavedData:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("mySavedData");
I have the game id in a string
var gameID:String = "12345";
Then when I try to assign the value like this...
mySavedData.data.gameRatings_gameID = 3
I think it's literally reading it as "mySavedData.data.gameRatings_gameID" instead of "mySavedData.data.gameRatings_12345"
How can I give the variable a custom name?
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Jan 11, 2012
I am trying to add multiple different versions of the same button to the stage and to be able to access them later on by assigning them an ID. The way I assumed this would be done is to have a class for the button where an internal static variable is defined so that the ID can be found in the next function. This does not seem to be working, as the ID is constantly showing as the last number given, so in this case 6.I assume that I am doing this wrong? Here is my code so you can better understand:
package src {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.*;
View 2 Replies
Aug 8, 2010
I am loading an external XML file. According to the information loaded from the file I would like to highlight a symbol (MovieClip) when I press a corresponding button. The Button and the MovieClip change every time I load a new XML, so it has to be dynamic.I tried the following, but that doesn't work, does anyone know why?I have an Array defined (a_HighlightArray) that I fill within a loop to hold the object (as a string! ) that is supposed to be highlighted when I press the corresponding button:
a_HighlightArray[i] = "o_Map.o_Privatwelt.o_Layer4";
Later, when I want to address the Symbol I am using the following (where Quest corresponds to the No of the button I pressed):
There is no error that comes up but it just doesn't do what expected. Strangely enough, if I address the Symbol directly it works perfectly fine:
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Jan 14, 2012
function AddYCoins():void
for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
var Ycoin:YCoin = new YCoin();
This function creates 10 instances of my YCoin and places it around the stage. But i wish the coins to only fall in specific areas, (i.e. i have 8 green rectangles, names area1,area2 etc) because the idea is you have to collect the coins but only staying on the green rectangles.
i knows its the stage.stageWidth i need to change but i cant think what to change it too!
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Feb 8, 2010
I am trying to dynamically create an xml list.. however when I add in cdata tags it give me an error saying tags must be terminated, even though I'm not using those. It seems like it is trying to read the cdata tags as tags.
var addList:XMLList = new XMLList(
"" +
"" + personName + "" +
"" + personTitle + "" +
I read somewhere you have to escape characters, but not sure exactly where.
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May 9, 2009
Creating a list menu with the help of components library is simple. But how can one create a list menu which will be added dynamically? In the sense that I need the list menu to be populated with data from an external XML. All this has to be done at runtime. I cannot drag and drop a list component onto the stage.
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Jul 30, 2010
I have a weird problem with Safari 5.0 and Flash player 10.1. When I resize the flash html object via ExternalInterface and JavaScript flash will jump down the page a little bit for a fraction of a second. Here is an example: [URL]. This may not be a flash question at all. It may be a CSS or JavaScript problem. It seems to only be a problem with Safari 5 and Flash 10.1.
You can view the source of the html page. Here is the code inside the sample FLA:
one.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, oneClick);
one.buttonMode = true;
two.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, twoClick);
two.buttonMode = true;
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStage);
[Code] .....
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Jul 13, 2010
how to create checkbox list dynamically ( Flash CS5 / AS3 ) ?
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Apr 15, 2012
I'm making a game and I an in-game editor that is able to create entities on the fly (rather than hard coding them). I'm using a component-aggregation model, so my entities are nothing but a list of components.
What would be the best way to obtain or generate a list of components? I really don't want to have to manually add entries for all possible components in some giant registerAllComponents() method or something.
I was thinking maybe somehow with reflection via either the knowledge that all components inherit from the base Component class, or possibly via custom metatags but I haven't been able to find ways to get a list of all classes that derive from a class or all classes that have custom metatags.
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Jul 15, 2003
I'm creating a list of images dynamically that I want to mask.
This is the script I'm using:
for (i=0; i<10, i++) {
img_MC = createEmptyMovieClip("image" + i, 3*1);
img_MC.loadMovie("image" + i + ".jpg);
The images are loading fine but I can't get it to mask
how can I a mask Dynamically every image on the list?
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a Flash/Flex object (Flashlight-VNC), which I would like to dynamically resize to fit the entire window after pressing a button in the Flex app. This would preferably happen without restarting the Flex app (and therefore the VNC session). I would just use the built-in Flash fullscreen mode, however Adobe's somewhat silly security restrictions prevent keyboard input while in fullscreen mode.
How exactly can I do this? I'm already using SWFObject to embed the SWF, if that helps. I am open to any solution utilizing ActionScript, JavaScript, or both, however I am not all too familiar with ActionScript or Flex, and the AS-based solutions I have found involve extending a "Sprite" object to add resize functionality, which Flashlight-VNC does not seem to use.
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May 4, 2010
I have three lists and a button. Depending up on the selected items in first two list and after clicking the button I have to display the items in details list.
-In first list I am displaying names of employees
-In second list displaying managers names
-Then if I select one employee name and one managers name then after clicking button corresponding employee and managers details should be displayed in the third list.
The problem is with initializing the details list and dynamically changing it.
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Aug 16, 2010
I need a List that resizes to exactly fit its content, unless that height exceeds its (dynamically sized) parent container. My requirements are as follows:
The component extends List, or at least acts similarly. variableRowHeight and wordWrap both equal to true. The height of the list cannot be less than minHeight (roughly 32px for scrollbar arrows). The height of the list cannot be greater than the height of the parent container .
Note that the parent container can be resized dynamically.
The height of the list should be updated as the size of both the contents and parent container changes.
Live updating would be preferable but not necessary.
There should be no scrollbars if the content height is less than the parent container height (sounds obvious, but I've had trouble with this too).
The trouble is that with variableRowHeight and wordWrap, it's very hard to know the size of the content at any given time. If the parent container's width is reduced, a line wrap may occur in the list which will change the height of the content. I know I can measure the height of the list content using measureHeightOfItems() + viewMetrics.top + viewMetrics.bottom, but when should I calculate that? What events should I listen for? And the thing I've had the most trouble with - when should I calculate it to set the size initially (i.e. just as the content has finished populating)?
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Nov 11, 2010
Lets say I had a rectangular sprite that could fit about 10 'list items'. However, I have like 100 list items. What I desire is adding all these 100 list items to this one rectangular sprite, so 10 will fit and the 90 should be masked, and I can scroll through this rectangular sprite (by dragging the box upwards) to view more list items. This means that only 10 list items are visible at one time but I want to scroll through all the list items dynamically.
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Jul 20, 2009
I have a legacy file format that contains sounds embedded in it (in various encodings). I would like to be able to play these sounds in Flash (Air?) by reading the sound bytes out of the file and instantiating a Sound object with them.
If the sound is unencoded (e.g., raw pcm), I've found that I can use the new flex 4 SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA event to play the sound.
However, if the sound is encoded (e.g., mp3), then I'm at a loss. The sound expected by SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA has to be raw pcm. From what I've seen, encoded Sounds can only be instantiated by [Embed]ing them, or by using a URLRequest with Sound.load().
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Sep 18, 2010
I'm made an Item class which extends the Sprite class, the Item class basically has a few checkmarks & labels at the moment.
Then what I try to do is run through a for loop of items and create Item classes that I want to place one after each other on the y-axis, so I'm reading the Item.height property to find the y of the next Item in the list.
The problem is for some reason there is always an extra 75 pixels added to the Sprite height at the bottom, no matter how many checkmarks and labels are in each Item class ( varying the height of the Item class ).
Any idea why this is being added and how it can be removed?I'm having trouble figuring this out, I tried dynamicly calculating and setting the Item.height property but when I do that the Sprite is simply cropped.
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