IDE :: Shifting Of Movieclip Containing Static Text/same Xy?

Mar 2, 2009

I have an odd situation where the static text each within a mc for a menu are shifting slightly up and down despite having the exact same rounded x/y values throughout on the timeline in the properties box. There are a few frames on the timeline where they are contained within another movieclip to fade them in, and when I zoom in and make sure they line up exactly, they are fine, but when I play the movie back at various magnifications within the authoring environment and as an exported swf, they randomly shift slightly. Sometimes they randomly shift, and other times at the same magnification they don't at all when replayed back again. It's making me pull my hair out and grind my teeth because I don't know if I am dealing with a known bug or (more likely) my ignorance. I know there is a better way of doing this all with action script, but honestly I am not there yet by a long shot, unless someone could direct me to a proper tutorial.

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var scrollUpper:Number = 19;
var scrollLower:Number = 121.5;
var textLower:Number = 2.0;
var textUpper:Number = -72.5;
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Attachments: Imagine_COH.swf (114.7 K)

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var rssURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
rssLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, rssLoaded);


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package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*;
public class BalanceMC extends MovieClip {  public var thisFrame:int;
public function BalanceMC() {   trace("BalanceMC");   this.gotoAndStop(1);   State = 0;  }

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Aug 17, 2009

I just ran some tests on round numbers.In preparation for getting max performance from AS3, I want to test as many areas as possible.All I did was generate a rounded random number a million times per frame, and record the time step in milliseconds.[code]Now the strangest part is having a non rounded random number generated a million times per frame netted an average time of 195 milliseconds, faster than using int as a random number. It must simply be that because Math.random isn't returning an integer, some form of conversion of taking place for your variable to be an integer.

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Aug 16, 2011

Have a text box and would like to hyperlink some of the words in the text (this is a basic, static, text box). How in Flash CS5 / AS3? Do I actually need to set up some sort of event listener for something as basic as this? And if it's not one of the 3 symbol options, then how?It's not as simple as selecting and going to the properties to find the field anymore...

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Feb 24, 2010

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Oct 29, 2004

how you can go about applying a scroll bar to a static text box? The reason that I don't want to use a dynamic text box is that I can't specify a font and have it actually publish that font.

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Nov 11, 2009

I have created a static text in my FLA file and for some reason when I convert it to a movieclip symbol, my setting of the text - such as the letter spacing - are no longer. It scrunches together and looks pixelated. Any knowledge as to why? It was not doing this a while ago but I don't see what I have changed!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Static Text From The .swf File

Jan 12, 2010

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