JavaScript :: Flash Does Not Receive Resize Event

May 31, 2011

In a div, we use swfobject to embed a flash player. We wrote the flash player in action script. During the initialization of the web page, we use javascript to resize the div to make the player best fits the browser. The enclosed flash player registers an OnResize event listener and handler. The question is the OnResize event is not called when the enclosing div's resized. (The OnResize event does get called when we drag to resize the browser afterwards.) Could the be caused by the Flash VM is not fully ready when the div's being resized? What is the best way to make sure the OnResize event is called in this case?

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import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Oct 28, 2009

In IE, if flash has focus, and receives a keydown event, it does not appear to bubble the event up through the DOM (I can't capture the event by listening on document, however the same listener can capture key events from html siblings, so I know my listener is working).

However, some other plugins on the page (I am looking at you windows media player) still respond to key events that initiate in flash (and I need to prevent that from happening)! It seems that the key event initiated in flash takes the bubble express highway straight to the top (where the top is whatever is above document in the DOM hierarchy). I have tried terminating the events in as3, and tried different wmodes... neither approach works.

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One thing to be made perfectly clear:


What I'm looking for is simple (I thought) js automation of the client player object, not more complex interactivity with the presentation itself. I thought this would be really simple stuff, but a dozen Google and Bing searches later, I can't find anything about it.

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May 22, 2011

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Content Embed is the embed tag and content object is the object tag in the flash. This works in chrome (and probably firefox) but not ie. In internet explorer I get the error: Unable to set value of the property 'height': object is null or undefined Here is the example page I have been using:[URL]

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Javascript :: Event Not Bubbling In Some Browsers When Clicked On Flash

Jul 21, 2010

Windows 7,
Internet Explorer 8,
Flash ActiveX,

Just wrote a small test page that you can load in IE and Firefox or any other Browser.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


So clicking any colored shape should produce an alert (except for the green one in IE, not sure why but I hope that's off topic and not related to my issue).

Clicking the Flash container in Firefox will work Perfectly fine. You should get alert boxes in this order containing: span, div and body. Flash bubbles the event to the HTML. But this is not happening in IE.

So why is Flash in IE not bubbling events to HTML?

Edit: As mentioned by Andy E this behavior can also bee seen in Google Chrome which to my knowledge is not using ActiveX to embed the flash movie into the page.

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Apr 4, 2011

I wondered if anyone can provide any information on how flash events relate to the DOM event model.My issue is this:body > div > object.The div has a mousedown event which calls 'preventDefault' on the event object.This shouldn't bear any relation to a click event within the objects swf however in IE9 it prevents the swfs mousedown event from firing..I'm struggling to understand how swf events fit in with DOM (presumably they continue to bubble up from the object element?) and why a click event on a div would affect a childs swf click.

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Javascript :: Mouseup Event Over Flash Object Not Firing?

Apr 8, 2011

I have got this script working from How to get mouseup to fire once mousemove complete working within the jQuery (document) scope.Later on I added a flash object inside the body.and when I click on the flash object the mousedown event fired, mousemove event fired, but not the mouseup event which where I want to unbind the mousemove. But when I click on non Flash area, mousedown works, mousemove works, and mouseup also works. It works like I wanted it to in Chrome, but not in Firefox.Here are the codes, and I called handleMouseDown in $(document).ready

handleMouseDown: function () {
jQuery(document).mouseup(function() {


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Oct 28, 2009

In IE, if flash has focus, and receives a keydown event, it does not appear to bubble the event up through the DOM (I can't capture the event by listening on document, however the same listener can capture key events from html siblings, so I know my listener is working).However, some other plugins on the page (I am looking at you windows media player) still respond to key events that initiate in flash (and I need to prevent that from happening)! It seems that the key event initiated in flash takes the bubble express highway straight to the top (where the top is whatever is above document in the DOM hierarchy).I have tried terminating the events in as3, and tried different wmodes... neither approach worls. Is there something I might have missed?

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