Resize Flash Dynamically With Javascript And Actionscrip?

Nov 23, 2011

How to resize flash dynamically with javascript and actionscrip?

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Resize Flash Dynamically With Actionscrip?

Oct 27, 2010

How to resize flash dynamically with javascript and actionscrip?

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JavaScript :: Flash Does Not Receive Resize Event

May 31, 2011

In a div, we use swfobject to embed a flash player. We wrote the flash player in action script. During the initialization of the web page, we use javascript to resize the div to make the player best fits the browser. The enclosed flash player registers an OnResize event listener and handler. The question is the OnResize event is not called when the enclosing div's resized. (The OnResize event does get called when we drag to resize the browser afterwards.) Could the be caused by the Flash VM is not fully ready when the div's being resized? What is the best way to make sure the OnResize event is called in this case?

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Flash :: Javascript - JQuery Resize Twitch In Safari?

May 10, 2011

having a problem while resizing a flash object using jquery in Safari only on the following site:[URL]..When you navigate around I call javascript events when the flash object needs to change height and when that happens there is a quick flash where everything goes crazy and then it goes back to normal. Really weird, and I cannot figure out how to fix it.[URL]...

Let me know if you need any more info. I have drawn a blank fixing this one.

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Javascript :: Resize Flash Object From The Browser Without Flickering?

Jul 10, 2011

I was wondering how to achieve the native scrollbar effect which TheFWA ( has managed to do pretty well (I am not a fan of Flex scrollbars).and implemented the technique, as I am calling a JS function through ExternalInterface every time, when the flash object changes size. This JS function simply resizes the div which holds the flash object, which creates the native bars.Unfortunately, when I resize quite rapidly (from 800 to 1800 height, for instance) the flash object simply gets warped for several milliseconds (as if it hasn't changed its size, but simply got pulled in all directions). After these milliseconds, things get back to normal, but the whole situation is really visually annoying.

Originally I thought that it's simply a timing issue, but after a bunch of attempts to set a delay, the effect was the same ... just delayed.How can I resolve that? I know it's technically possible. Just take a look at TheFWA, and see how smoothly flash and the browser are communicating with each other to make the native scroll bars work, without any flickering, or mismeasurement

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Javascript :: Resize Flash Video Player To Fill The Page?

Oct 25, 2009

I have a flash video player in a div inside a webpage, I'm trying to create a button that will resize this div to fill the whole page and hide everything else behind it. Has anyone tried to do it?Problems:1. It causes the flash to reload and the video to restart2. In some cases a flash banner from the webpage overlays my video player no matter what z-index I give it.

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Javascript :: Resize Flash Div To Full Browser Height And Width?

Dec 22, 2009

i have a page with swf flash flash with width 300x250

<div id="flashswf"> ...some flash </div>
<div id="maxme">full screen</div>

i have a link called full screen and i need to maximize the flashswf div to fit the current browser maximum height and width

is this possible using jquery?

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Javascript :: Flash Games Don't Resize Properly In A Browser Window?

Apr 24, 2011

Most flash-based browser games don't seem to resize properly when the user resizes their browser window (i.e. ctrl+mousewheel). Example of bad resizing: Boxhead The Zombie Wars. Please refrain from playing for a moment, lest you forget about my question.

Some (surprisingly very few) actually do resize properly. Example (at least in Chrome): D.N.8

Is there a simple or standard technique to accomplish proper resizing? How do you do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize Flash Dynamically With It?

Oct 27, 2010

How to resize flash dynamically with javascript and actionscript?

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JavaScript :: Flash - Resize / Rotate And Crop Images Then Save Online

Dec 3, 2009

Which is a better approach for this?
ActionScript3 or JavaScript+PHP?
Any open source tool?
After a long search, the only good example I found was this [URL] but I'd rather have a flash alternative.. Also I don't need all the extra functions such as filters.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Make A Standard Background Resize On Different Browsers Using Javascript

Oct 8, 2009

I'd like to create an animated background for my latest gig using Flash. My only issue (as of right now) is different browser sizes. I know a way to make a standard background resize (meaning no nasty scroll bars) using Javascript, but it's not working with the embedded movie.

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Flash :: Dynamically Resize A Button On Stage

Nov 30, 2010

I have a button on stage in a movie, the button ("clicker") is empty apart from the "hit" frame. The stage and button are 300x300 and i'm using swfobject to display the flash movie at 400x600 pixels. I have the following actionscript.[code]I want teh button to expand to fill the available stage space (which is 400x600 in this example) so i use the following...

-clicker._width = Stage.width;

-clicker._height = Stage.height;

however this causes the button to disapear from the stage, possibly down to 0x0 in size, as opposed to filling the available stage space. It's been a while since i worked with actionscript so it's probably something obvious, however i can't seem to spot what the problem is.

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Flash 9 :: Make A Mask Resize Dynamically?

Nov 5, 2008

What I want to achieve is this. I want a picture of a car that is dry as the background. On top of that a picture of the same car, but wet. I then want an image of a chamois that the user can click on and use to "remove" the water off the car, by "erasing" the picture off the top layer. Is this something that is achieveable.[code]...

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Actionscript 3 :: Resize Dynamically Loaded Image Into Flash?

Sep 25, 2010

Am struggling to find the right as3 code to resize an image once it is dynamically called into the stage and placed in a MC. I am loading using:

var myLoader :Loader = new Loader();
var url :URLRequest = new URLRequest("myimage.jpg");
myLoader .load(url );

The stage will eventually open up into fullscreen (works ok) so I need to keep the image in its original size which is much bigger than the stage. What I need to do is shrink it on loading to the same height as the stage whilst keeping the width in proportion (oh and center it). I have tried all sorts of codes but cant find anything to work as all I have managed to do is resize the MC containing the image but NOT the image itself.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash PageFlip - Dynamically Resize Content Page?

Feb 25, 2012

I have 3 issues i've not been able to figure out how to do:

1) I've not been able to dynamically resize the pages to fit the stage dimensions as it changes, the content MC gets placed into the stage with this code line

addChild(pageFlip = new PageFlip(ContentMc, stage.stageWidth / 2, stage.stageHeight));

i have also set the stage to

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

but i cannot figure out a way to dynamically target "ContentMc" from the document class, it either disappears or looks squashed.

2) second issue is that the "hit area" for the mouse is too wide, meaning that if you click almost half way up the page it activates which restricts the amount of usable content area for links and such, how can i reduce it to the lower corners?

3) how can i add other MCs to specific pages from the document class?

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ActionScrip :: Unit Testing :: Reliable Mocking Framework T?

Jul 4, 2009

I'm looking for a reliable mocking framework for ActionScript. I've been using mock-as3, but I'm annoyed with what I feel is a hack-ish solution for triggering events. There are other a few other reasons why I'd like to have some options, but not sure if I necessarily need to go into them. I've also looked into Mock4AS, but the interface appears to be cumbersome.

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ActionScript :: Include JavaScript Dynamically From Flash?

Dec 11, 2009

I have a flash movie that requires some JavaScript from an include file but I'd like to be able to embed it anywhere without requiring a script tag.

Is there a way to include an external JavaScript file using the ExternalInterface library so I can call the methods in the JavaScript include file later?

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Javascript :: Dynamically Resizing Flash Object To Fill Window?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a Flash/Flex object (Flashlight-VNC), which I would like to dynamically resize to fit the entire window after pressing a button in the Flex app. This would preferably happen without restarting the Flex app (and therefore the VNC session). I would just use the built-in Flash fullscreen mode, however Adobe's somewhat silly security restrictions prevent keyboard input while in fullscreen mode.

How exactly can I do this? I'm already using SWFObject to embed the SWF, if that helps. I am open to any solution utilizing ActionScript, JavaScript, or both, however I am not all too familiar with ActionScript or Flex, and the AS-based solutions I have found involve extending a "Sprite" object to add resize functionality, which Flashlight-VNC does not seem to use.

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Javascript :: Browser Cache An Image Loaded Dynamically In Flash?

Feb 8, 2011

I have a media player, which rotates images for the artist it plays. I load the images dynamically into the flash. The flash downloads the same images from the server over and over, how can i cache the images, so flash grabs them from a local cache and not from the server?

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Javascript :: Resize Flash Error "Unable To Set Value Of The Property 'height': Object Is Null Or Undefined"?

May 22, 2011

I'm wondering if its possible to resize flash with javascript. I can't change any code in the flash object alone all I have is html, javascript and php to work with. Heres what I've found so far:


Content Embed is the embed tag and content object is the object tag in the flash. This works in chrome (and probably firefox) but not ie. In internet explorer I get the error: Unable to set value of the property 'height': object is null or undefined Here is the example page I have been using:[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize The .swf Dynamically?

Mar 2, 2009

Is there any way to resize the .swf dynamically in AS3? I'm creating an mp3 player with a collapsible playlist that's embedded in an HTML page. The playlist might exceed the height I set it at...

One solution I thought of is just setting the array of songs in the html via swfobject then just calculating the height based on that.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Resize Stage Dynamically

Jan 31, 2010

The stage is set to 955x465 at 1st frame but once load external movie clip in 2nd frame the stage is set to 955x855 size, is it possible to do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Any Way To Resize Bitmap Dynamically

Jul 28, 2009

Is it possible to change the Bitmap size Dynamically in As3..Which is created from the movieClip .
var myBitmapData:BitmapData=new BitmapData(450,282);
Now I need the same bitmap of 620X225. How to resize the bitmap without modifying the movieClip height and width.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Dynamically Resize Swfs

Jan 7, 2010

I have a site built with AS2 that needs to resize its SWF files based on the user's monitor resolution. I understand how to detect the resolution but after detecting I can't figure out how to resize the SWF files? The site calls multiple SWF files into one <div> container.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Dynamically Resize MovieClip From SWF?

Mar 13, 2009

I would like to dynamically resize and move a MovieClip (quare for example) by dragging either sides or dragging it by clicking anywhere else.I can drag the square around no problem...but would like to know how the sclaing can be done?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Resize A Border?

Feb 13, 2004

I am going to make an image gallery that loads jpg's. Around the jpg is going to be a border that resizes depending on the demensions of the image. I want the border to expand so that it encompasses the image, BUT i dont want the width of the border to change. SO, would this work:

Break the border up into 4 MC's (topbar, bottombar, leftbar, rightbar), and have the topbar and bottombar's width resize according to the jpg loaded, aswell as its _y postion change according to the height of the jpg, and have the side bars height resize according to the height of the jpg and its x position change according to the width of the jpg. If it did it right, could this result in a border that resizes depending on the demension of the dynamically loaded jpg, but the actualy width of the boarder all the way around stays the same? I'm thinking that I'm correct, but just wanted to make sure there wasnt any glaring problems before I procceded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Resize A Graphic?

Mar 8, 2004

How can i dynamically resize a graphic like a rectangle.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Dynamically Resize Fonts?

May 3, 2003

I have a dynamic text box of fixed with - lets say 200px wide.This box will display a user input line - I want the font in the box to dynamically resize so it will fit nicely- if the user types "Cat" the text will be very large (it doesnt have to fit perfect) and if they type "The cat in the hat was a very fine book" the font size would decrease so it will still fit in that 200 px width.I have found this "TextField.setTextFormat" in the AS dict. but don't really understand how to pass anything along.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Dynamically Resize Scrollbar

Feb 26, 2010

I've made classes to manage scrollers, scrollbuttons, sliders/scrollbars & co. All fine. Now I'd like to have my scrollbars to dynamically adapt to the scollbox's content height (or width). Just like the browser scrollbars (or more in general, ordinary applications). Do you maybe know what's the right path to follow to do it? How can I determine for example, the min and max height that my scrollbar can reach?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Resize The Stage?

Jan 18, 2004

I was wondering if it was possible to dynamically resize the Stage with AS..

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