JavaScript :: Removing Items From Data Bound Array

Mar 26, 2009

How do I remove an items from a data bound array? My code follows.
for(var i = 0; i < listBox.selectedIndices.length; i++) {
var toRemove = listFiles.selectedIndices[i];
dataArray.splice(toRemove, 1);

Here is my swf. The Add Photos works except when you remove items. [URL]
Add 3 photos different.
Remove 2nd photo.
Add a different photo.
SWF adds the 2nd photo to the end.

Here is my code
private function OnSelectFileRefList(e:Event):void {'addstart:' + arrayQueue.length);
for each (var f:FileReference in fileRefList.fileList) {
var lid:ListItemData = new ListItemData();
lid.fileRef = f;
[Code] .....

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array[9]; // both return 'undefined'

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array[9]; // both return 'd'

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array[index % array.length]; // returns 'd'

... and that's fine, but what I really want to do is extend the Array object itself so that it'll automatically 'wrap' index values that go out of bounds.TL;DR - Is index-wrapping possible by extending Flash AS3's Array object?

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for each (var item:Item in theList.selectedItems)
theArrayCollection.removeItemAt(theArrayCollection .getItemIndex(item));

This works fine as long as the ArrayCollection is not sorted. When I apply a sort I get a RangeError from ListCollectionView.removeItemAt.

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Removing Unused Items / Optimizing File Size?

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I have a large swf that is embedded in Director as a sprite I now want to put it onto a web page, so file size is critical Is there a way to remove unused library items when publishing so that file size is reduced?  Is there another way to compress the swf so it is much smaller?The current size is about 25 Mb.What about streaming the swf?I'm not talking about streaming video or audio, just any Flash content.In Director, there is a way to right-click on a cast member and choose "find in score".If something isn't found it means that it either is not used in the movie or is implemented through code

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var cursor:IViewCursor = workingStack.createCursor();
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Actionscript 3 :: Removing Multiple Items From An ArrayCollection Using SelectedIndices

Dec 5, 2011

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I currently use the following method:

// remove items, counting backwards
for (var i:uint = myList.selectedIndices.length; i > 0; i--) {

where ascendingSort does what you expect ;). It works fine, and I know that it will always work.

However, I did take note that if I neglected the sort altogether, to my surprise the removal still worked. The reason for this turned out to be that, when the removeItemAt is called, the selectedIndices are correspondingly updated.

So my question is: Can one rely upon a removeItemAt call updating the values in the selectedIndices? or might that turn out to be different between runtimes and/or Flex SDK versions?

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IDE :: Optimizing File Size / Removing Unused Items?

Jun 3, 2009

I have a large swf that is embedded in Director as a sprite. I now want to put it onto a web page, so file size is critical. Is there a way to remove unused library items when publishing so that file size is reduced? Is there another way to compress the swf so it is much smaller? The current size is about 25 Mb. What about streaming the swf? I'm not talking about streaming video or audio, just any Flash content. Any tricks for speeding the process up so that the user doesn't have a long wait before the swf starts?In Director, there is a way to right-click on a cast member and choose "find in score". If something isn't found it means that it either is not used in the movie or is implemented through codeIs there a similar way in Flash of detecting unused items or automatically eliminating them when publishing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing List Items - Dispatch Click Event X Number Of Times Dependant On The Count Value?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a list of 10+ items. when i click back up the list 1 step i call the code below to remove a thumbnail image associated with that list item.

if(indice < count-i){mx.core.Application.application.removethumb.dispat chEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK));

HOWEVER: I would like that if - for example i am on item 10 and click to item 4 - all the thumbnails between 4-10 are removed. it it possible to dispatch this click event X number of times dependant on the - count value?? FOR REFERENCE: THIS IS THE CODE THAT REMOVES ALL ITEMS BEYOND THE ONE I HAVE SELECTED:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Array And Splicing Items From Array?

Oct 5, 2009

I am working on trying to collect data within an array (which works) and this data is collected when a button is pressed or selected. I also want the ability to remove an item from the array if the button is pressed again. Currently, I have these buttons dynamically generated and everything works well. The buttons have ids applied to them. SO what I am trying to get working is, if I select button 0, 2, 3 (0 indexing), the data array created holds [A., C., D.]. I want to remove A. after I click button 0. Instead, it seems to cause problems. What I am doing wrong with splicing??? trace statement:

A. items so far selected
selected items are: 0
A.,C. items so far selected


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing An Array Of Items Within An Array

Jan 20, 2010

I'm so proud of myself. I figured this out all by myself and thought I would share. (If you can't tell, I'm new to AS) I needed a way to grab an item in a specific location and have it return an array of items. Here is how I did it:


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Nov 17, 2011

I've discovered that you can disable annotations on embedded YouTube videos by adding the parameter &iv_load_policy=3 to the url in the embed code.


<object width="425" height="344">
<param name="movie" value=""></param>


Is there any way to force this parameter on all YouTube embed urls on a webpage using javascript/jQuery?

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Jul 13, 2010

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javascript code
// array with the user defined cities
var usercities = new Array(


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Oct 20, 2011

anyone knows how to pass an array values from an HTML into flash? Well, to begin I'll discuss what am I doing. I edited a twitter widget javascript which search tweets based on the hashtag I needed then passing it on an array per tweet and then displaying it using a <div> it updates once every 5 minutes. Now I want to display those tweets on a dynamic text on Flash. Let's say I will have 5 dynamic text placed on my flash file then; I want each of those dynamic text to have the tweets I have based on on my HTML arrays to be displayed in random.

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Add More Items To Array For Game?

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to make my game increase in balls after each level passed by the player.

The script below are all on an enterFrame function
var level:int = 5;
var ball:ball_mc;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing A Value From An Array?

Apr 10, 2010

It's a simple self-checkout grocery thing and I want to list the items the user is "buying" after typing in the appropriate code, but I can't get it to stay at nine lines only in the dynamic text field. I was told to use array.shift() to get rid of the first value in the two arrays so that I have an easy way by keeping the arrays at nine values, but it doesn't seem to work right.. It'll get rid of the first value, but only once and it'll add a blank value and then continue happily adding to the length of the array. Google has failed me so far so I suspect it's something else in my code.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing Value From Array?

Mar 28, 2005

The as dictionary tells me I can use array.splice to remove an element from an array like so


var myPets_array:Array = new Array("cat", "dog", "bird", "fish");
trace( myPets_array.splice(1) ); // dog,bird,fish
trace( myPets_array ); // cat

Which is all fine an dandy, but what if I want to use a value instead of the index number?


var myPets_array:Array = new Array("cat", "dog", "bird", "fish");
trace( myPets_array.splice("cat") ); // dog,bird,fish


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IDE :: Removing Duplicate Value In An Array?

Oct 26, 2009

I have an array containing single alphabet in every index and some of them in the array are duplicates. I'm trying to pick an alphabet and if there is an alphabet in that array, I want it remove from the array.

so lets say if i have 3 "a" in the array, I want all 3 to be remove. But my function only remove one alphabet. How do i make it remove all 3?

Also another question is, if i reach the end of the array how to i remove it? if i use splice it doesnt seem that it will remove the last item in the array.

my code is very simple

for (var i:int = 0; i<alphabetArrayLength; i++) {
if (singleAlphabet_arr[i] == alphabetPicked) {
answer = singleAlphabet_arr.splice(i,1);

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