Media Server :: Broadcasting From Several Sources With The Possibility User Authentication?

Jan 25, 2010

we would like to purchase Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5 to solve the following problem

1.Broadcast network internet lectures on a paid subscription,with the possibility user authentication.

2. Broadcast video and audio.

3. Broadcasting from several sources (1 camera, 2 camera, TV tuner, etc.)within a single stream with the possibility of the user to choose the viewing source, other sources at this time, you can view the preview.

4. The intended audience for 10 000 users and more. 5. Estimated flow rate of 1 megabit per second.

1. Is it possible for broadcasters to use a single server, or they need more?     What configuration? 2. Does Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5 multicast? 3. How to make the system user authorization? Additional software, plug-ins? 4. How many users can simultaneously connect to the broadcast Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5 and how we calculate the bandwidth and outbound traffic?

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Media Server :: How To Start Broadcasting

Mar 19, 2010

When user first time log into site camera start the capturing and stream is saved in application folder with the streamname(straemname.flv). then user logout and then logged in then i have to append that stream in same straemname.flv filey this code i have done that task

camera = Camera.getCamera();
camera.setQuality(0,80);  camera.setMode(videoWidth,videoheight,15,true);camera.setLoopback(false); 


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Mar 19, 2010

When user first time log into site camera start the capturing and stream is saved in application folder with the streamname (straemname.flv). then user logout and then logged in then i have to append that stream in same straemname.flv file .By this code i have done that task
camera = Camera.getCamera();
camera.setQuality(0,80);   camera.setMode(videoWidth,videoheight,15,true);camera.setLoopback(false);
video.attachCamera(camera);ns.attachCamera(camera);ns.publish(stream, "append");

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I want to know how can i limit the broadcasters so that they cannot broadcast a live video more then 512bitrate in their encoder.
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Media Server :: Multiple RTMP Sources Streaming To FMS Without Stop?

Feb 19, 2012

I have some .mov files want to stream to Flash media server by ffmpeg. i have already tried to stream a single .mov by FFMPEG command in terminal and it works, the FMS can display the thing i streaming in live.Now i want to stream multiple files as one source, i tried to use above command one by one, but it seems Flash media server stop the streaming when file1 is finished, then start the stream with file2.It makes the stream player stopped when file1 is finish, and i have to refresh the web page in order to continue on file2.i am calling the FFMPEG command by a C program in linux, i wonder is there any method that i can prevent the FMS stopped when i switch the file source in FFMPEG? or is that possible to let FFMPEG constantly deliver the stream by multiple files source without stopped when a file finish

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Feb 22, 2010

I'm using FMS 3.5.3 Developer edition and trying some VOD solution before I can proceed to purchase FMIS 3.5. Basically, I need to have a mechanism for certain sets of flash movies to be secured by user authentication.
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Jun 23, 2011

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Media Server :: Authentication For Live Streaming

Jul 21, 2009

I was pretty confused while stetting up a FMS and reading the docs. Live Streaming is by default enabled for everyone without password. Then I discovered and installed the authentication module. But this does not work and is not well documented. Also the download page states that it will work with FMS but some lines below it is stated that: "the Flash Media Server Authentication Add-In is only available for the Flash Media Interactive Server and the Flash Media Developer Server. This Add-In does not work with the Flash Media Streaming Server." hmmm. Confusing. How can I prevent that everyone is using my server for live streaming?

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Media Server :: Authentication Addin Not Prompting?

Jun 24, 2011

I use Ubuntu server 10.4 64bit and have Flash streaming server 3.5.5 working fine  For security reason I also installed Authentication Addin on FMS and was able to add user using command /opt/adobe/fms/conf/users add -u FlashSAC  -p pass.  I verified and the user FlashSAC was added to the User.dat located opt/adobe/fms/conf. However when I used Live Encoder 3.1 to send a live stream to FMS, it worked without prompting for username and password at all. I tested Authentication Addin with Flash streaming server 3.5.5 on Windows XP and it prompted for username and password.

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Media :: FMS Application With Server Side Authentication

Feb 21, 2012

I am working on creating an FMS application which does an authentication on server side too. I hvae gone through a number of tutorials and the developer guide but not able to find a correct way to start working on this. I have been able to create a sample application which authenticates few parameters on the server side using the main.asc file with code for authentication on onConnect method. My main doubt right now is how do I set up an application which streams videos depending on this authentication. I am confused on how to setup a new application, how to setup the application.XML, which folder to store the files etc. Can some one guide me on this or give me reference to an application which actually does. A sample/tutorial which actually setups a custom FMS application for simple video streaming from scratch step-by-step would also do.

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Media Server :: 4.5.1 - How To Implement Client Authentication

Mar 20, 2012

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Media Server :: Authentication Accessing Remote Share?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm testing out Adobe Flash Media Server and Wowza Flash Server and am trying to accomplish the following... Web server and Flash server are on different computers... Flash server is configured to stream vod files (.flv) from a remote file share (UNC path) on a separate Windows domain server.
I was able to get both servers configured and working.  The final piece is to move both Flash servers to the DMZ segment of our firewall and test from outside our network.  On the DMZ, the Wowza Server is able to connect to the remote file share and stream video as it's apparently leveraging the credentials I entered when I mapped a network drive to the file share and supplied valid domain credentials.  The Adobe Flash Server is not able to connect to the remote file share and stream video because it seems that the connection method that the Adobe Flash Server uses is reliant upon the Adobe Flash Server Windows service account being a domain account... and when the server is on the DMZ it cannot access our domain controllers to authenticate.
Does anybody have any experience with this type of situation.?  Or know if there's a way for Adobe Flash Server to leverage drive mapping credentials as opposed to the credentials that it starts the Windows service with?

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Media Server :: Get Authentication Working Again Without Restarting Whole Fms Process?

Feb 23, 2012

I am sometimes (sporadically) facing the problem, that I cannot connect to FMS server with FMLE, using username and password.When I then restart FMS everything is working correct again. A customer discribed that he was not able to reconnect to the fms, as soon as he closed the FMLE without stopping encoding process?I am using the default authentication plug-in in FMS 3.5.6 on a 64-bit Debian.Everything else is working correct, only reconnecting with encoding-software (like FMLE) is not working.Is there any possibility to get the authentication working again, without restarting the whole fms process?

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Media Server :: Broadcasting From Camera Blocks Other Applications From Using The Camera?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a video capture device on a machine. I have written a windows application to capture the video from this device. While capturing, if i try to broadcast using flash it does not connect. If i'm already broadcasting and then try to capture then my windows application does not get the capture pin of the device. So, flash seems to be taking the capture pin. Is there anyway to broadcast using the preview pin on the device so that i can capture using my application. Or is there way where i can split the capture pin and give one to my app and one to the broadcaster

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Media Server :: Use Fmscheck And HTML/SWF Domain Name Based Authentication Together?

Apr 6, 2011

I want to use fmscheck to monitor my server. When i try the command ( on the FMS server itself, running linux debian)


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Media Server :: User ID In Flash Media Server Log Files?

May 13, 2010

We may be using Flash Media Server in an intranet only scenario. All users will be watching the videos from Windows boxes. Our users who are creating the videos want to track usage by user ID. Does the server log the client's user ID? Is that what c-client-id is? If c-client-id is used to store Windows user name do I need to turn on AD/windows authentication to get that info? I see that IP address is stored, but it would be simpler if the user Id were in the log file.

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Flex :: Know If The User's Camera Is Broadcasting?

Feb 1, 2010

usually i do Camera.getCamera but when this method is called the user is prompted with a dialog box where he can choose to allow or to deny the application access to the camera, or he could not have a camera

how can the application now whether the camera is broadcasting ?

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Media Server :: End User Search Media Files?

May 22, 2010

If an end user wants to view a certain file on the server but does not know the file name how can they search/locate it?As an administrator I have access to the VOD folder, but end users do not have admin rights.How does a user find the file they are looking for?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: User Authentication Using PHP

Oct 30, 2009

I'm building a site that is placed behind a client login tool. I simply need my site to verify the users "authentication level" so they are forwarded to the correct "label/frame" on my time line.

I.E. Owners go to the "Owners" label on the time line, Managers go to the "Managers" label on the time line and Employees go to the "Employees" label on the time line.

I know Flash is accessing the PHP file as when I change the name of the PHP file, Flash provides an error. Therefore, I'm assuming it's reaching the file as I'm not getting any compiler/output errors.

My Actionscript

loadVariablesNum("newlogin.php", 0, "POST");
if(_root.checkLog = 100)


This PHP file is stored in the same folder as the FLASH SOURCE files and is pointed to it through it's local address ("newlogin.php", 0, "POST);

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Media Server :: User Is Not Getting Disconnected From FMS On Using IE Until IE Is Closed

Sep 9, 2009

FMS: 3.5..User is not getting disconnected from FMS on IE until IE is closed. While it works on Firefox and Chrome.When a user logs out on Firefox and Chrome, the user connection of FMS is getting updated. But it doesn't work on IE until IE is closed.

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