Media Server :: FLV Files Are Not Getting Saved At The Particular Location?

May 16, 2011

FLV files are not getting saved at the particular location mentioned in the application.xml file on FMS. Instead we are getting log in the log folder and instance which is joined to the FMS in the http folder on the FMS. Is their any way to find out why we are not getting saved those files at that location?

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Media Server :: How To Stream Files From Default Location

Feb 26, 2010

According to flashmediaserver_3.5_config_admin.pdf (FMS 3.5.3), FMS determines the correct directory to use for streams in the following order:
Virtual directory (as specified in <VirtualDirectory>)
Storage directory (as specified in <storageDir>)
Default location (the streams folder in the application directory)

So I created a folder called streams in C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 3.5applicationsvod. I thought this folder would be the default location for the sample application vod. I did not change any configuration settings for the application vod. Everything was set by the FMS 3.5.3 installer. I copied sample.flv into C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 3.5applicationsvodstreams and renamed it to sample6.flv.
rtmp://{fms ip}/vod/sample6.flv d
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Basically I am trying to render media specific to different departments (test,test1). So "Department Test" media files are under [E:ContentFMSapplicationsvod est] and "Department Test1" media files are under [E:ContentFMSapplicationsvod est1]

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Jan 12, 2011

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3. What fms settings do you suggest I change. FMIS is running on windows server R2 64 bit, but FMIS itself is 32 bit. We have not upgraded to the 64 bit version. We have 8GB of ram. Is it OK to set FMS cache to 3GB. And would that only have enough room for 3-4 large files, because we have hundreds of them.

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Oct 4, 2010

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private var rtmpPath:String = "rtmp://x.x.x.x/eTutor"; private var rtmpSession:String = "0_738_0_9_6_6_2012_8_00_00_AM";
nc2.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,onFMSNetStatus);  nc2.client =


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Jul 20, 2009

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Aug 2, 2011

I have a problem on streaming my files with the FMS 4. There are several testfiles on my VOD-directory, most of them with a length about 2 minutes. Altough there are some with 12 minutes. So if i want to play all those files with the StrobeMediaPlayer, only the files with a 12 minutes length are working, on the others the player ist sayin "We are unable to connect to the content you´ve requested. We apologize for the inconveniece.".ind any option or notice where it says there is a minimum lenght to stream... so whats going wrong here?Additional Infos:FLV, MP4H.264 + AAC

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Aug 10, 2011

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Jul 22, 2009

Is it possible to host my /media/ directory on a different server (that has more space) and have FMS Link to it to player VOD ?

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Media Server :: Way To Generate Swf Files?

May 1, 2008

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May 7, 2009

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Jun 25, 2009

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