Media Server :: How Can An Administrator Play Streams Published To FMS
Jun 15, 2010
I need to be able to play any stream published to our FMS application, without connecting to the application as regular users do. I am an administrator and the service is ours. Can I do so using Administration API, for instance? I sure can get the list of the streams, but I have not found a way to stream these as video yet. I am building an application not unlike Admin. console, but with more functions that we need. If Admin. console seems to be able to play streams, it must be possible?
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Jun 12, 2010
I am building a custom administration application which has to review streams published to our FMS application. This is to ban clients publishing inappropriate content. I am wondering if I have to make a connection to the application, as normal users do, in order to play the published streams? I am getting the list of streams using another connection, to rtmp://domain:1111/admin, like outlined in Administration API, and issuing the 'getLiveStreams' call.
The reason I am asking is because firstly, I remember that the Administration Console can play streams published to the server, but I don't recall it incrementing the connection count which shows amount of user clients connected to an application. Maybe I have missed however, but if I am right and it indeed can play streams without connecting to the application (which actually DOES sound a bit unlikely, given how the stream names are local to an app.), then maybe I can do it too? Secondly, I presently have to differentiate users and administrators in my 'onConnect' script, because are perform completely different roles. If I could relieve my admin. app from connecting to the application, I could also dump the role switching.
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Mar 27, 2012
It's easy to do on publishing clients, just use:http:[url]....How do we do it on the FMS? It doesn't appear to be possible according to these docs: http:[url]...What is the default for the FMS for the audioReliable, dataReliable and videoReliable properties?
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Mar 18, 2011
When i publish the streams on a linux server, the .flv files have permissions like this:-rw-rw----. And i don't have permissions to access this file on a client browser... Currently, i can only change the permission using "chmod" manually
View 2 Replies
Apr 19, 2011
My Purpose is to record live streams on server side and play recorded files later. What I have done is -
1. Copied All files of applications/live in some safe location.
2. Copied all files from samples/applications/live to applications/live folder. (Deleted main.far from live folder)
3. Restricted SWF and HTML to mydomain in these files - allowedHTMLdomains.txt and allowedSWFdomains.txt
4. In main.asc I added these line in the end
var mystream;var intervalID;
[Code] .....
5. Then I restarted FMS and tried streaming using FLash Media Encoder. I was able to live stream and then i stopped it.
6. A FLV File was recorded in application/live folder with the stream name that i used in encoder.
I am able to view live video on my domain as well as some other domain, that means allowedHTMLdomains.txt and allowedSWFdomains.txt did not worked. Another issue is that I am not able to view recorded video after I stopped encoder but I was able see live video before stopping. I am using jwplayer to view the video and using flashvars streamer (rtmp:// and file(abc) to view the live and recorded video.
View 17 Replies
Oct 20, 2011
I am experiencing an issue with playback on RTMPE streams. after investigation it seems that the FMS server is firing the NetStream.Play.Complete message at random points, indicating that a stream has ended. This is happening and random points during the stream, not even close to the end.[code]As you can see roughly 17mins into playback...although the stream is 1 hour 24mins long.I have tested this numerous times, and each time it is at a different point in the stream.Intermittently the NetStream.Play.InsufficientBW warning is being fired prior to NetStream.Play.Stop.I am using a player built on OSMF 1.5
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Jul 1, 2011
Installed fms4 x64 on windows server 2008 to try it out. When I open up task manager to check processes running, FMSCore process does not run [URL] found this in the knowledge base but step3 "Run this program As Administrator" checkbox is greyed out so I cannot do anything. I have stopped and restarted service so many time, rebooted server at least twice. Even the video that's supposed to play when you click the start screen is not playing.
Set the Flash Media Server services to Run as AdministratorComplete the following steps for each of the following files located in the Flash Media Server root installation folder (C:/Program Files/Adobe/Flash Media Server, by default):
FMSAdmin.exeFMSCore.exeFMSMaster.exeFMSEdge.exeRight-click the file and chooseProperties.
Select the Compatibility tab and click Change Settings For All Users.
Select Run This Program As Administrator.
Click Apply, and then click OK.
Complete these steps for each Flash Media Server service.
Restart the computer.
Flash Media Server starts when the computer starts.
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Jul 22, 2009
I want to record a stream which is published with Flash Live Encoder to FMS 3.5, but split the recording in files with predefined length. For example if a stream 'webcam' is published I want to record it in chunks of 10 minutes: 'webcam1.flv', 'webcam2.flv' ... From what I can tell there's no facility to work with timers. The only solution I could think of was using stream.record() with a time limit parameter but that seems like a hack because it triggerstStream.Record.DiskQuotaExceeded on the stream when the recordin should stop and start recording another chunk. Has anyone done something similar?
View 10 Replies
Feb 1, 2010
i am developing video chat system , one side is model, another sider is customer. Now i want that model sider stream sended to FMS, and then FMS make two streams, that the one stream is regular, the other stream is compressed. the compressed stream is just for administrator, so it should be small.
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May 24, 2010
I'm using the server method to playback a recorded stream, it plays back fine until it hits the buffer limit (Say I set the buffer to 5 seconds, it will playback fine for 5 seconds). But then it freezes and playback is very stuttery (1 frame every 2/3 seconds). Is this a know issue? I'm using windows 2008 server. I've tried a few things to resolve this but no luck. The server is running the dev license and has no load.
View 13 Replies
Aug 12, 2011
I have configured FMS on Amazon EC2 I am trying to capture data from my webcam and push it to the server.For storing the webcam i created a new folder but as it is recommended in other forums "You need to replace the signed Live application (main.far) with main.asc in[FMS-Install-Dir]/samples/applications/live/ ;(For more Info: refer to documentations & live/readme.txt) "I am not able to locate samples folder from where i can get my main.asc file
View 4 Replies
Jan 26, 2007
I was wondering. is it possible to manipulate in any way the video streams on the server side? Like for example,to have two streams coming from two clients and mix them into one stream,so a third client (or more) can play just one stream per client instead of two?
View 5 Replies
Aug 19, 2010
I am trying to serve streaming video over a 10 mb network and using Adobe® Flash® Media Streaming Server 3.5. Here are the specs on the video.
Codec: On2 VP6
frame rate: 30fps
400 kbps (VBR)
keyframe distance: 15
Mono channel
96 kbps
How many of these I could serve up concurrently? Or is there a spec somewhere?
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Aug 27, 2009
We just upgraded our FMIS from 3 to 3.5. All our VOD streams were working prior to the updgrade. Now the streams do not play. When logged in to the admin and checking the Server Log, this is the message. I assume this is correct. I have **** out the address.
Is there anything more that I can check to see where this is failing?
View 2 Replies
Oct 13, 2010
I'm trying to figure out whether or not it's possible to have two incoming streams to the same FMS server. Every time I try to search this information, I find stuff on having multiple outgoing streams, but nothing on multiple incoming streams.
The two streams will have the same content, but will use different video / audio codecs, and be set to different resolutions / bitrates.
I don't want to spend the money on another server, so it'd be great to know if FMS can do this..
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Aug 11, 2011
Is it possible to mix audio streams in fms (like fmg)?
View 3 Replies
Jun 3, 2009
Does anyone know if it's possible with any of the Adobe products to automate and manage streams?
We've got a project that will be streaming pre-recorded video and music. Due to the number and frequency of these streams we need a way for us to automate and manage these through our own CMS system.
We will be ultimately pushing these streams out to our CDN provider so no end user streaming actually required.
View 5 Replies
Jan 15, 2010
Do i need a wireless connection from the server. I am thinking of installing an access point to test the server.. The only challenge is i dont know how to get the client to receive streams.
View 7 Replies
Feb 2, 2010
I have a problem with recorded stream: The MetaData its partialy correct.Most of the informations are correct, but the 2 most important information for me width and height for the video are always 320 x 240 for any recorded stream althow they are published at different WxH.I tried to get my head around this but cant seem to figure out were the problem is.FMLE its used to publish the stream useing H.264 / MP3 codecs.Here is the server side code used to record the stream:[code]....
View 9 Replies
Apr 26, 2010
I've been using FMS for a few weeks, and feel relatively comfortable with it, but am currently having some trouble connecting to a live stream in a a video conferencing-type application. I suspect I'm leaving some small step out, but am having trouble seeing what that step is.
I have one client application open the video camera, connect to the FMS, and publish it's live camera stream to the server. Something like this:
Connect to the FMS
nc.connect("rtmp://<ip addr>9/chat_test/");
In my connection (success) handler:
cam = Camera.getCamera();
cam.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, statusHandler);
However, I keep getting "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" errors. This seems relatively straightforward, but I'm clearly missing a small step somewhere.
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Jun 4, 2010
I am publishing 2 live streams from a computer with 2 video capture cards in it and I get a lag every 30 seconds or so on the subscribers side. I have tried adjusting the camera quality and setMode properties but still the lag persists inside and outside the LAN, is there a way to create a buffer on the server or adjust the way the live stream is received on the subscribers side so there is no noticeable lag? I saw something about editing application.xml to adjust the queue and a suggested bitrate but not sure if this is applicable, here is the link:
Here is my setup:
The publishing computer:
2 PCI-e x1 cards, one takes S-Video (480i) and the other DVI (720p)
Windows 7 64bit
Intel i7
GB NIC and Switch
From the switch is one hop to a GB router and out to a 10 MB pipe which leads to our datacenter 30 miles away. The swf on this side just gets the 2 cameras, sets the quality to (0,80) and mode to (640,480,25,false) (I have played with these settings a little) and creates 2 lives streams on the FMS.
The FMS:I am running Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5 on my own server with two 3.6 Dual Core Xeon processors and 4 GB RAM. This server resides in a Datacenter and has a 100 MB burstable pipe. From the FMS administration console I am barely using 4MB total bandwidth, 1% CPU usage, 2% RAM.
The subscribing computer:I have used many different types of hardwired PC's within the same LAN and outside the LAN, results are the same.The swf on this side just creates 2 new video instances and attaches the 2 netstreams to them. They are placed side by side and the height and width of these videos are undefined.
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Jun 17, 2010
Can Flash Media Server 3.5 do the following?. Can it take multiple live streams?. Is it possible to control the ip streams - by using API's in to the Media Servers?.
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Sep 21, 2010
After solving an important issue about the audio conference, i have another doubt. The question is, when the user enter in the conference, how can i get the opened streams of the server, in order to automatically let the attendee hear the presenter?
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Oct 4, 2010
I have a fms 3.5 server that stalls when playing content regularly. After restarting through the admin console streams play again.
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Jan 10, 2011
Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5 or later supports recording of streams using the H.264 codec, directly on the server. Archive high-quality live streams so you can quickly deploy the content on demand after your live event is over, and use the free F4V flattener utility to prepare your file for video editing using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5."
there is no problem to record the stream in flv format but i don't find a way to record using h.264 compression
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Jan 31, 2011
Is there a way to save FMS streams as files, such as AVI, MPEG or MP4?
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Mar 23, 2011
We have FMS 3 on a server I'll call "Streamer" We have a public webserver running IIS on a server I'll call "Web Server". We host our website on Web Server, and both Streamer and Web Server are behind our firewall.
I made a page on Web Server with a flash file that has a Player which goes to [url]...
When we navigate to (which has the embedded video) from inside the network, we get the video streamed to us. However, when we get a laptop with an aircard connection up (to simulate a request from the web), the user gets a blank flash file with no video whatsoever.
On Streamer, the log file shows the IP address of my PC (the PC that made the request from the video inside the network) so that makes sense. But it shows no other request being made (like when the laptop/aircard made the request from the web).
We used wire shark and sure enough it showed that from Web Server to Streamer, there was traffic when it packet captured the internal request. But there was no traffic when the public request was made.
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Jun 15, 2011
I own a site like ustream/justin where users can register and broadcast their channels using FMLE. Sometime I need to ban broadcasters after I receives any complaint against any channel. I do them on website, there is no issue in that. But how to do that on server side at FMIS. I need to do it bcause the stream users are already watching the channel page before it got banned, they still can watch it till they do the refresh. So I need something that can stop the Live Stream of that particular channel on FMS server too. How can I supply stream names to main.asc that should be banned or not to allow publishing without restarting server each time.
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Jun 30, 2011
For a number of reasons (which I wont bore you with) we may have to interface our FMS servers over an NFS mesh to share disks. For example we have 6 core sites around the world and we want all core sites to see each others primary content store. Whilst we sort out the commercials for Aspera or similar to handle file replication properly, I had the idea to use <streams> to remotely mount each others disks (The disk systems here present themselves as NAS via NFS)So before you say No, don't do it im not sure I have a lot of choice at present.Its a large global core/edge deployment and the edges are implicitly configured to their origin.If i DID want to do it how many <streams> can I define before the server ignores them?
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Oct 31, 2011
I am trying to record a video chat being done through FMS. I have made my program start recording only when the second stream publishes. Then, I stop recording when either streams stops publishing. In my last test I recorded a 45 minute chat. The resulting flv files show that there are 13 seconds difference between them. The video gets more out of sync as it goes along. My first guess is that it is something to do with dropped frames. Is there any way to force FMS to fill in dropped frames. I'm posting my code for starting and stopping recording:
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