Media Server :: Mozilla And Internet Explorer - Playing Flv Files

Oct 28, 2010

We have one player in this player we are playing flv files. If we are opening that player in the mozilla we can view the flv file after 2 second but in the internet explorer we can see the same flv after 20 to 25 second.

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Media Server :: "onDisconnect" Not Called Up With MS Internet Explorer Users

Nov 8, 2010

We are using Flash media server 3.5 with Windows. We have deconnection problems with visitors using Microsoft Internet Explorer (to be fully confirmed but we are nearly 100% sure) and in chat rooms; there they wait for their turn to speak to an online consultant, sometimes this waiting list can be 10 to 15 strong. Normally, when a client is automatically disconnected from a session, whatever the reason it is the ˜onDisconnect which is called up. Sometimes and with MS Internet Explorer this is not the case : the visitor or user is not anymore present in the chat room, he has quit or he got his interview with the consultant but ˜onDisconnect™ is not launched.

This causes unexpected problems like one or several people in the waiting list being kicked out of the ˜room all of a sudden without explanation for the user. Normally our consultants are on the air for one hour; after this time frame another consultant comes into the same chat room and normally he gets the remaining waiting list from the previous consultant and the previous hour of chat. Sometimes but often, the new consultant coming in sees the first one or the first two of the wainting list kicked out of the list : he then takes the second or third one in the old waiting list.

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Internet Explorer 7 - Flash Video Playing On Top Of Everything Else In IE7?

Apr 12, 2010

I've been spending hours now reading up on IE7's issue with rendering Flash content on top of other elements, particularly navigation menus (this is often a problem with dropdown menus and Flash ad banners, for example).


At Mercator's request, I am providing a large code-sample to assist in any advice you might have. Consider the HTML below:


The footpanel uses jQuery-powered flyout menus, if that provides any further context. These menus have z-indexes in the 300X range to appear above the footpanel.The Flash in question is JW player playing a flash video or mp4. Currently, the object and embed tags are inside a container div.My understanding of previous solutions was that the combination of the param changes and the positioning/z-index change on the container div should have resolved the issue. Alas, it is not so. The player resides on top of the footpanel.Other information that may or may not be helpful is that the page is XHTML 1.0 Transitional and that Dreamweaver reports 1 error in the HTML code: <embed> is not in the XHTML 1.0 specification. This fact does not prevent the video from being viewed in any browser tested, and the page still displays correctly in FF.

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Html - Error In Playing A Swf File On Internet Explorer

Jan 12, 2011

In the below code i get an error saying Error #2007: Parameter url must be non-null on Internet Explorer only.What am i doing wrong here



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Media Server :: One Play Back RTMP Files In Internet Explorers Browser

Jun 25, 2010

I use video player from the flash media server and it will playback url.. as this originates from Flash media encoder then i have to enter this on the videoplayer but when i replace localhost with my IP address i get no joy at all. Also i can run url...ok from videoplayer in the media server but it allows the user to use http so how is this achieve as i cannot get it to work at all. tells me there is no connection. also this i try using local host and my IP address as well but no joy.

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Media Server :: Hosting Files On A Different Web Server And Playing?

Jul 22, 2009

Is it possible to host my /media/ directory on a different server (that has more space) and have FMS Link to it to player VOD ?

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Flex :: Internet Explorer 9 Does Not Update With Changes On Server From Application

Jan 6, 2012

I have a flex application that when i update on the server i can see the changes in both firefox and and chrome but I.E continues to show the application before the change... Its as if I.E had the application Cashed somewhere. I dont understand where it could be holding it. I have tried clearing my cookies and i still get the same view before my changes. Has anyone else had this problem before with Internet Explorer?

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Media Server :: Playing F4v Files In FMS3.1

Feb 19, 2010

I thought that FMS3.1 supported f4v files but I cannot get mine to play.  It says it cannot find the stream specified but the file is right where all my other files are that do play fine (both flv and mp4 files).  Am I incorrect in thinking that FMS3.1 supports f4v files or do I have the wrong code? 


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Media Server :: Error In Playing .flv Files

Mar 8, 2011

I'm new in FMS Recently, i create an application to record videos from my camera and recorded it But, when i tried to play it in an HTML, i met errors. The .flv jumps to the end when the progress is in the middle.And i tried to play in an .exe, it plays well.

View 5 Replies

Media Server :: Not Save FLV In Sample Flash Media Interactive Server Feature Explorer?

Jul 1, 2010

I have to a problem using the Flash Media Interactive Server Feature Explorer. I want use the sample: RecordStream. I can see the instance "RecordStream" in console FMS 3.5. and show me the video in app AIR, but does not save the .FLV in my server.

View 6 Replies

Media Server :: Dynamic Stream Not Playing F4v Files

May 5, 2010

In my .smil file, if I put this line it works: <video src="sample.flv" system-bitrate="150000"/> But if I put the following line it doesn't work: <video src="mp4:sample1_150kbps.f4v" system-bitrate="150000"/> Both video files are in the webrootvod folder. I am using the sample dynamicStream.smil code, so my syntax should be right.

View 3 Replies

Media Server :: Playing Recorded Files As If They Were Live

Jan 10, 2011

There are some recorded flv files. The guy in the video is showing numbers with his hands. (1.flv, 2.flv, 3.flv etc) And there are live idle videos. In these idle videos the guy doesnt do anything.
I need to be able to click 1 as the operator and viewers should see the guy make "1" in the video. Actually I have accomplished so far. It works. I do this:
If the operator selects a video it adds the video to playlist:, -2, -1, false);
Also have this event handler to play a random idle video when there are no more action videos lined up:
function onStreamStatus(obj) {
if (obj.code != "NetStream.Play.Stop") return;
switch (obj.code) {

So it is working so far. Problem is:
As time goes by there appears to be a delay between I issue the play command on the stream and I actually see it in the video on client side.

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Media Server :: Recording Video/audio Files Using Flash Media Server Through Rmtp, And Allow Users To Access The Recorded Files Through Http?

May 25, 2009

As titled, what is the way to record video/audio files using Flash Meida Server through rmtp, and allow users to access the recorded files through http?What I am trying to do, is to record a user's microphone's input and save it to the server.fterwards, I would like other users to be able to access the recorded files and mainuplating the audio data, by computeSpectrum(), to do some visualization of the audio. As I know computeSpectrum() cannot work on streaming files, so I think I need to access the recorded files using http instead of rmtp. Is that true?

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server Taking Forever To Load Large Files

Jan 12, 2011

We purchased FMIS and we are encoding large 15+ hour MP4 recordings using flash media encoder. When opening these large files for playback, which have not been opened recently  the player displays the loading indicator for up to 4 minutes! Once it has apparently been cached on the server it opens immediately from any browser even after clearing local browser cache. So a few questions for the experts

1. Why is it taking so long to load the file. Is it because the MP4 metadata is in the wrong format and the file is so huge? I read somewhere that Media Encoder records with incorrect MP4 metadata is that still the case?
2. Once its cached on the server, exactly how much of it is cached. Some of these files are larger than 500mb.

3. What fms settings do you suggest I change. FMIS is running on windows server R2 64 bit, but FMIS itself is 32 bit. We have not upgraded to the 64 bit version. We have 8GB of ram. Is it OK to set FMS cache to 3GB. And would that only have enough room for 3-4 large files, because we have hundreds of them.

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server 4.5 Log Files Filed X-sname And X-event Detials

Mar 23, 2012

I am using flash media server 4.5 for video streaming and genrate log files. In log file i have found the user publish point name in "x-sname" filed but this filed contains blank values in many events.This fileds contains value only in "PUBLISH,UN_PUBLISH,RECORD and PUBLISH_CONTONUE" event and other then these 4 events all events are not user related event.?I like to fetch the user bandwidth detials using these log files which user used how many bandwidth.I also like to know I can see serval files on flash log folder name "access.00.log,access001.log and admin.00.log,admin.001.log" Any one please explain what is the name convation for this filed how can i identifiy which files contains information for which date.?

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Media Server :: Impleament Internet Tv With FMS

Aug 31, 2009

for implementing an internet tv , in what way we must give the output of dvb card to FMS.

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Media Server :: Media Files Be Moved To Some Ftp Account Using Fms Server Side Script?

Mar 22, 2010

I need to move recorded media files at my fms account to some other ftp account. How can i achieve this through server side scripting.

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Media Server :: Streaming Video Over Internet Using FMS 3.5

Jan 20, 2010

I,am using FMS 3.5 to stream video over internet.This video will be a part of a website . I have the webserver in my company. This webserver has the local LAN IP : which is binded with a public internet ip 212.77.xx.xx .This website is hosted using IIS 6.0 on OS windows 2003 server with SP2.I created a swf name sample.swf from sample.flv file and gave it the rtmp address as follows: the instance on the server, and is the LAN IP of server) ,and it worked fine and every one within the local company network could see the streaming video. Now i tried to replace this local address with the public address and the address became as follows: url...After giving this public IP in the rtmp address i,am getting a message "Failed to load Flv from the address url...and as as result the video is not streamed and it only shows the progress bar on the link url... without loading the video. I have also checked the ports 80,1935,1111 on the server and they are open. Is there any problem with my rtmp address with public IP or any other reason ??

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Media Server :: Can FMS Do Multicast Streaming Through Internet Rather Than Only LAN

Oct 27, 2010

1) Can FMS do multicast streaming through internet rather than only LAN?

2) Can we create multicasting of recorded video files stored on the server rather than LIVE video multicasting?

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Media Server :: User ID In Flash Media Server Log Files?

May 13, 2010

We may be using Flash Media Server in an intranet only scenario. All users will be watching the videos from Windows boxes. Our users who are creating the videos want to track usage by user ID. Does the server log the client's user ID? Is that what c-client-id is? If c-client-id is used to store Windows user name do I need to turn on AD/windows authentication to get that info? I see that IP address is stored, but it would be simpler if the user Id were in the log file.

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Media Server :: Playing Media From A Different Drive Letter?

Jan 28, 2011

This project was shelved for quite some time, but is now picking up again.
Here is my setup: FMS 4.0 installed on a C: only 65GB available I want to store media on the I: as there are 300GB available
For whatever reason I can not make this work.  How can I get the media to play from a different drive other then the install drive.  When I play the media from C: all works fine, but this is not a practical solution since the drive is too small to store media.
I have edited the application.xml as below (adding <Streams>/;I:


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Flash Has Gap Around It In Firefox But Not Internet Explorer 6/7

Sep 29, 2008

With an image in the top left corner, this page displays the same in IE6/7 and FF:


but when Flash of identical dimensions replaces the image, it works in IE6/7 but I get a gap around Flash in FF:


I've tested on Windows XP/Vista, and I'm using Flash CS3 to generate AS2 content for Flash Player 9.

I've searched over an hour across the web for a solution, and done all sorts of fiddling with CSS properties and removing whitespace but no joy.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"


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Internet Explorer Flash Performance?

Nov 11, 2009

Steps to reproduce my problem:Create simple dot DisplayObject in flash color); 0, 0, 2 );;

Draw dot to bitmap many times a frame

bitmapData.draw( dot, null, null, "normal", null, _smoothing );

Test FrameRate in combination of browsers,flash plugin versions on Win32


Framerate to be close in most cases


I am seeing a 25% decrease in framerate under IE7 using Flash10b.ocx(10.0.22) and 50% decrease in framerate using Flash10c.ocx(10.0.32). PLugins under FireFox, Safari and in Mac OSX don't exhibit the same slowdown.

I would like to get help/confirmation on a performance problem that I see in Internet Explorer. The Adobe and Flash community is great on the Internet but I have been surprised to see no information on this, just a few reports about movie playback on 10.0.32 vs. 10.0.22.

My guess is that in IE flash plugin is passing draw calls to Win32 and that this is slow.

Instead of drawing each time on the bitmap using draw, cache the draw calls to a bitmap and use CopyPixels. When I do this the performance is the same across browsers, within 10%.

bitmapData.copyPixels(dot.bitmapData, tmapData.rect,new Point(dot.x,dot.y),null,null,true);

Loop I am using:

function enterFrame(e:Event) {
for (var i:int=0;i<particles.length;i++) {


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C# :: Run The Exe File In Internet Explorer By Using The .net Application?

Sep 30, 2010

I have the exe file of micromedia flash player. I am able to run this file from the .net application by using the following code

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Flex :: SWF Not Working In Internet Explorer

Jan 3, 2011

Why is the below code not working on IE.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[Code] .....

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Internet Explorer 9 :: Flash - Off By One Pixel In IE9 Only?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a website with a Flash banner. This has worked fine in all major browsers (IE7/8,Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera) for some time, but when I upgraded to IE9, the banner is displayed with a 1 pixel shim on the right-hand edge, which is throwing the layout off.know past versions of IE would display line breaks as white space and I wonder if that's what's going on here. I'm using the AC_FL_RunContent() function to display the Flash file.I'm not sure where to look to debug this, but I'd like to fix it sooner rather than later

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Actionscript 3 :: Internet Explorer - Facebook IE?

Apr 18, 2011

I'm trying to use the Facebook Actionscript graph api but I seem to be having problems in IE (other browsers like chrome and firefox seem okay so far).

From what i can tell, it's logging in fine and returning the user id but when i do a lookup on that user with Facebook.api(_user, handleUserRequest); I get an error.

Is there any known problems with the Facebook Actionscript graph api that affects IE only?


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Internet Explorer Flash Blocks?

Sep 24, 2011

i am accessing flash content in IE.I am getting this error all the time.Error - Alternate HTML content should be placed here. This content requires the Adobe Flash Player. Get Flash

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Xml - Get Request Being Aborted In Internet Explorer 9?

Sep 27, 2011

If you'll visit the site SPECIFICALLY using Internet Explorer 9 and select a gildan 6.1, a hanes 6.1 or a gildan hood and then click on the get pricing button you will see that despite updating the quantity the total price isn't shown. This happens in Internet Explorer 9 only for these 3 shirts, the others work fine. And this behavior occurs only in IE9, the site works fine in firefox and chrome. When I select Developer tools in IE9 and go the network tab and start capturing, I find that the request shows '(Aborted)' and the initiator tab shows '(Pending)'.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Remove Right-bar On Internet Explorer

Jul 8, 2009

I can't remove the right-bar on Internet Explorer[url]...

In Firefox and Safari everything is perfect... I use overflow-y property to do it. Is maybe not supported bye IE ?

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