Media Server :: RTMFP Unicast For A Video Chat Project Using FM Developer Server 4.0?
Oct 7, 2010
I am testing RTMFP unicast for a video chat project using FM Developer Server 4.0.During the testing I overloaded the upload traffic to make packets dropped rather than suffering delay due to retransmission.
However, I see it makes a significant delay and it looks like doing retransmission just like RTMP.
Do you know if there is an option in FMS to disable the retransmission or other configuration I have to consider?One thing I found is "Netstream.videoReliable=false; Netstream.audioReliable=false;" but it doesn't make any difference.
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2011-04-29 05:43:17 26120 (i)2631502 The server rejected an invalid flow. -
2011-04-29 05:44:22 26120 (i)2641213 Connection rejected by server. Reason : [ Server.Reject ] : Adaptor: _defaultRoot_, VHost: TheFMSServer, App: Application/_definst_, (onConnect call
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Sep 15, 2011
1.Have a Flash Webpage under development designed to permit preview and streaming of FLV video.Downloaded FMS Developer as a test server on my computer.Apache 2.2 loads with it with a checkbox option to install it or not. I'm able to stream my video OK in this setup using RTMP://localhost and the FLVPlayback component in Flash Pro.I like some of the OSMF players better like the one in the FMS Start Screen, but I haven't been able to integrate/embed it into my Flash webpage using the HTML provided.They say just paste it to the webpage, but in ActionScript how do you do that?how to embed Strobe Media Player into an FLA webpage using their HTML.
2.I plan to use PayPal Express Checkout for Digital Goods (EC/DG) as my pay facility on the Flash webpage. My videos will play to a cuepoint and then jump to a PayPal button which executes (EC/DG) .I'm having trouble integrating PayPal with my Flash webpage. There's a lot of online help, but most solutions involve PHP. I bought the e-book, "Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 for PHP" which recommends downloading the XAMPP platform which contains Apache, PHP, MySQL etc.
(a) If I use the XAMPP software, as recommended in the Dreamweaver book, do I have to first uninstall the Apache that comes with FMS? I assume you can't have two Apache's running at the same time.
(b) Is FMS the Server or is Apache the server in the FMS installation?
(c) Does the Apache software installed with FMS include PHP and MySQL, which seems to be required for any server-side coding?
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3.Why would I need Flash Builder if I have Dreamweaver?Don't they do essentially the same thing?
4.I'm trying to do in 1 and 2 above just using ActionScript and JavaScript, which I understand is just Server-side ActionScript?
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Jan 5, 2012
I built a simple rtmfp app using flash builder (I tested using the cirrus dev key to make sure it connects) but I cant seem to use the rtmfp service on my fms development server. Ive modified the index.html (in the webroot dir on the fms computer) to provide a link to a folder containing the html file and the swf file generated from my flash builder project. When I type in "rtmfp://localhost/" on my app I receive a "NetConnection.Connect.Failed" or a "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected" (if i do it directly on the fms computer).
Do I need to place my app in the "applications" directory to run properly? Ive checed the adaptor.xml file and everthing seems correct, I even added my public ip to the host port field, is there some confguration I missed?
Im not sure what Im doing wrong, Ive double checked my router and the fms computer's firewall thorugh a port scan and found the ports to be allowing traffic through.
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Sep 13, 2010
I am looking for a sample media player using OSMF for RTMFP P2P streaming media.
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Oct 18, 2011
I have established Flash Media Server 4.5 on the house computer with win7 a router wasn't present, the cord goes on a straight line to the computer, at me allocated IP. I want that it was possible to address to the server from the Internet. At first video was started only on a local computer, then after change resolved ип in "adaptor.xml" the starting page of the server has started to open with other computers and examples work, video plays. But to incorporate on "rtmfp" leaves only from that computer on which there is a server (under the test on green points and one more too with all green points) leaves that computers can incorporate to the server on "rtmp" as the example of the server with video translation works well, but on "rtmfp" connects only those at whom green points.
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