Media Server :: Restream Stops After A While?

Mar 20, 2011

I configure my server to republish all streams from live to multicast using this tutorial.When the streamer connects to the server and starts publishing something to "live" the server automatically restreams it to multicast. But after a while p2p stream suddenly freezes. The main stream continues to work. In the server logs nothing interesting, just onUnpublishing

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Media Server :: Restream A RTMP URL?

Aug 4, 2010

For long i been using wowza server, recently i change my platform to FMIS, I want to know how to restream a RTMP url
in wowza
1. i create a folder name edge on application folder and conf folder.

2. i have a folder name content, i just have to create a file

3. then paste my rtmp://remote-ip/live/stream  link to file.
then i can play the file rtmp://wowza-ip/edge/  in any rtmp can i do such a thing on adobe FMIS.

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server Stops Accepting Connection?

Oct 21, 2010

We have one application in which we are using flash media server 2.0.5. We dont know why it's stop taking connection occasionally at that time we can't enter into the managment console. We get a white screen. When we try to enter user name and password it's does not accpet the credentials. We are not getting anything in the log.Port number 1935 and 1111 of the particular system where FMS has placed are working fine.

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Media Server :: Fms Live Stream Server Stops Sending Data Around 4+hrs?

Mar 21, 2012

My rtmp client connects to the server ok and rtmp data flowing ok for about 4hours, in the wireshark trace I can see that the server just stops sending data roughly after 4hours. The server version is 3.5.1, and I also try it on a 4.0 server the data stops coming from the server as well after 5+hours. There are no errors or any indication of session disconneciton in the diagnostic logs. I have also looked thru the settings in applicaiton.xml and server.xml I just don't see any obviious reason for the issue. I do send rtmp Acknowledgement to server after the client receives "window size" bytes, and the client sends ping response to server.

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Media Server :: Multicast Stops After About 2 Minutes?

Feb 28, 2011

We are testing IP Multicast, with Flahs media player 4.0. We set up the encoder and generated the manifest file. Multicast start, but we see lot of bufferring and video running fast. After about 2 minutes, the encode stops publishing to the server. We are using digital rapids as the encoder.

View 3 Replies

Media Server :: Serverside Recording Suddenly Stops?

Jun 3, 2009

I've implemented a serverside script that records the current stream to disk. This record method is called from another clientside flash application. On some occasions the recording suddenly stops after a few hours without giving any errors, and without there being any network dropouts (Flash Media Encoder doesn't report any dropouts). What can be the cause of this, and what can I do to make the recording more stable?

View 7 Replies

Media Server :: The Video Plays With Constant Stops?

Mar 19, 2010

the people from my server installed fms 3.5, but the demo video with that train stops every other second. Should I adjust something in settings?

View 8 Replies

Media Server :: After 70 Minutes, The Video Stops Playing?

May 13, 2010

I bought Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 and I have problems with large video.After 70 minutes, the video stops playing.

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Media Server :: Recording Stream Suddenly Stops

Sep 2, 2011

Our team is developing an application that allows users to communicate via their own camera, and make a record of all user's cameras that are in the same room. However we have come across an issue with our FMS 4 server. The issue is that sometimes when a user records all streams in a room at one point the recording process for particular streams suddenly stops but at the same time streaming is still working. For example, 2 users were broadcasting and one of them was recording their streams. At the end of the recording there were 2 flv files, however one of them was only a quarter of the actual length. The logs for the damaged stream were:

- publish stream at 10:48:38
- play stream at 10:48:38
- record stream at 10:48:44
- unpublish stream at10:53:11
- stop stream at 10:53:12

Total length of the flv file should be more than 4 min but actually it is only 1 min 12 sec.

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Media Server :: "Server Rejected An Invalid Flow" - RTMFP Stops Working?

Apr 30, 2011

Sometimes RTMFP stops working on my server, and I have to restart it for RTMFP to work again.Here is what I saw in the error log :

2011-04-29 05:43:17 26120 (i)2631502 The server rejected an invalid flow. -
2011-04-29 05:44:22 26120 (i)2641213 Connection rejected by server. Reason : [ Server.Reject ] : Adaptor: _defaultRoot_, VHost: TheFMSServer, App: Application/_definst_, (onConnect call


View 25 Replies

Media Server :: Bundled Apache Stops Receiving Requests?

Jun 10, 2009

I think I'm getting closer to the source of my problem.Let me outline my setup first (I'm using private IPs for example only). I have set two IP addresses to one network adaptor as follows:
CentOS 5.3 server running Apache 2.2.3 on eth0 with IP <- working fine absolutely no problems at all
FMS 3.5.2 running Apache bundled with FMS on eth0:2 with IP
In fms.ini I have the following config:
At (apparently) random times, the FMS Apache stops serving requests, but does not crash, and for some reason blocks requests to RTMP at the same time. Nothing appears in the log files which makes this even more tricky.I've run a test by shutting down apache as follows:
./httpd -f ./conf/httpd.conf -d "/opt/adobe/fms/Apache2.2" -k stop
and I expected RTMP to stop working aswell, however it continued serving up RTMP, which has led me to believe that something is then stalling the serving up of RTMP requests. This results in total downtime of all applications.

View 36 Replies

Media Server :: Fmsedge Stops Passing Traffic On :80 (not :1935)?

Jun 19, 2009

I'm a systems administrator at an ISP running many FMS 3.5.1 instances for an array of clients. About half of these FMS 3.5.1s fall over dead after 2-3 weeks of runtime. Specifically, 'fmsedge' becomes unresponsive to http/rtmp tests on port 80; NOT on port 1935. The process appears to be doing work (cpu time is nonzero), and it answers the phone - I can connect to port 80. But I can't pass traffic to the daemon.

Logs give no indication anything's wrong. I can't strace or truss java with any legibility, due to fmsedge living atop a multithreaded virtualmachine.This occurs regularly, but does not occur on /every machine/; only about half of them. Where it happens, it's at 2-3 weeks after process to collect additional diagnostics, so that I can find what's breaking in fmsedge and either prevent it.I am running on CentOS 5.3 (like RHEL-5), 64-bit; I install nothing but Adobe FMS, and used Adobe's installer.

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Media Server :: Proxying To HTTP Stops Working After A Few Hours

Jul 14, 2009

I'm using FMS Streaming 3.5.0 r405 on linux servers to stream videos with RTMP/RTMPT. We have decided to use the new proxying function to redirect HTTP requests to a Web server. We did not install the included Apache server, but used a lighttpd server installed on the same machines and configured to listen on port 81. So when a client connects with our player, it tries first RTMP, RTMPT and if it times out on these attemps, we try to go through with HTTP. FMS proxies the HTTP request received on port 80 to the lighttpd server on port 81.
My fms.ini file contains: # Whether to start and stop the included HTTP server along# with FMS.#SERVER.HTTPD_ENABLED = false

# IP (address and) port that Flash Media Server should proxy# unknown HTTP requests to. Leave empty to disable proxying.# With no address, specifies a localhost port.# For example:#    HTTPPROXY.HOST = = :81
This works well, but after a few hours, the HTTP proxy of FMS does not work anymore. Lighttpd is still responding on port 81. There is no error in all log files. Just stops working! I have to restart FMS to enable again the tunnel. This behavior happens on all my streamers.

View 5 Replies

Media Server :: 3.5.3 Does Not Discard Clients, Streaming Stops Working?

Apr 29, 2010

We have a FMS 3.5.3 running on a production server, a 2x quad-core Xeon E5345 CPU based hardware with Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit OS.

The FMS service streams live streams to hundreds of simultaneous Adobe Flash Player 10 clients through RTMP at port with a higher number of simultaneous clients connected (around 1, one can see a rising number of clients of the loaded (single) application (never diminishing) through the Administration Console. It appears that the clients "linger" - i.e. the number only counts up, never down, from then on.

As if this was not sign of problems enough in itself, the bandwidth graph drops to near zero - i.e. it appears that streaming stops working too. Restarting application helps. The logs do not show anything UNTIL AFTER application is attempted unloaded via console. There are messages of various importance in the event log, among these the weird warning "Asynchronous I/O operation failed (Failed to attach to completion port: The parameter is incorrect. 87)." There is more too, which I can provide on demand.

The application is pretty rudimentary. Of the entire API, we only use Application, Client and SharedObject classes. There is a single persistent shared object, and that's it.

We are using a clean install. Only Microsoft supplied and FMS processes are running. Windows Firewall is on though, and has rules for letting in connections on ports 1935 and 1111. We need a stable server, and I have to restart it manually every day, sometimes twice in an hour, which frustrates me.

View 14 Replies

Media Server :: FMS 3.0 Stops Accepting Connections After 1-3 Days, Restart Required?

Oct 7, 2009

We have a custom application that is running on FMS. Server is dedicated just for fms, there is only one application running on the server, with more instances, average traffic is 3-15 simultaneous users.The problem is,server suddenly stops accepting connections (after 1-3 days from restart), from this point it is impossible to connect to any instance, and fms server must be restarted.When the server crashes, the admin console can see all open instances, can close instances, can restart fms. There is nothing logged, that would explain this sudden failure.Second problem is, cores are connected and disconnected too often, causing client to reconnect (takes 2-5 seconds).

Hardware: 4 x quadcore Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7440 @ 2.40GHz, 32 GB ram
OS: CentOS release 5.3 (Final), kernel: 2.6.18-128.4.1.el5
cpu and mem usage: 1-5% max[code]...........

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Media Server :: 3.5.0 Stops Streaming Live Pre-recorded Streams Unexpectedly

Mar 1, 2010

When broadcasting pre-recorded streams on a live applicationFMS always stops streaming at a certain time...
It can be after 10 seconds, it can be after 2 hours, or it can be after any other time, the frame just freezes on the client and the buffer drops to 0.

any attempt to diconnect / reconnect does not resume the streaming, althought the FMS console registers the connected client, no streaming is ensuing. One of the common events we get on the client in such instances when the streaming stops results in get "NetStream.Play.InsufficientBW".[code]...

View 4 Replies

Media Server :: Flvplayback Stops Playing But The Client Is Still Listed As A Connection In FMS 3.5

Apr 7, 2010

I have a live streaming application using RTMP. Sometimes the playback works fine but sometimes it stops without any trace or errors in the log file, while still appearing as a connected client.

View 7 Replies

Media Server :: Stream Recording Suddenly Stops With No Event Notification

Jun 15, 2011

I'm running FMS 4.0.2. I have a server side script that will record a stream that is playing on a remote server. This script was running fine on FCS 1.5. When running on FMS 4.0.2 the stream starts recording fine, but after a few minutes it stops on its own with no event notifications on the stream. No NetConnection or NetStream events are registered. I thought it might have been been an issue staying connected to the remote server.

But then I wrote something to publish a stream directly to this server, and have a simple server side script record the stream on the same server, but the same thing happens - it stops after a few minutes with no notifications. Again the code works fine in older versions of FMS/FCS. This has obviously proven problematic that I cannot record a stream longer than a few minutes. The problem occurs both on streams published via the Flash Player (Sorenson Spark) and the FMLE (H.264).

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Media Server :: Fms 3.5.2 - Video / Audio Streaming Application - Audio Stops Or Lags Behind

Aug 25, 2009

I ran a simple live video streaming application for the first time with actual users and ran into a couple of serious performance issues that had not turned up during testing. In this instance there was one video stream from a live web cam and used FMLE at 150 kbps using VP6 and MP3 @22k. There were 16 clients and everything worked pretty good for about 30 minutes. (although some clients said their audio and video were out of sync by up to 3 seconds)

Then individual clients would have either the video freeze or the video would continue and the audio would stop. These clints had to "disconnect" and then "connect" again to the application. This happened to all of the clients at one time or another for several minutes. I stopped and restarted the FMLE with progessively lower bandwidth settings down to 75 kbps but still clients were having the same issue.

I eventually stopped the FMLE and used the applications built in publisher at 45 kbps and that seemed to eliminate the freeze/dropping issue. But of course the video quality was very poor and some clients still reported that the audio was out of sync with the video. The server hosting the FMS application is a quad processor dell with lots of memory and network connectivity. The Flash Media Admin Console performance graph showed the total Bandwidth as 3 Mbps at maximum.

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Media Server :: Can Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 Run On AMD Athlon Dual Sock Quad Core?

Nov 10, 2009

Can Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 run on AMD Athlon Dual Sock Quad Core?I just requested a Dell server to be added to our farm to run as a Media Server and to my surprise, while reading the requirements for FMS it states the following: 3.2GHz Intel® Pentium® 4 processor (dual Intel Xeon® or faster recommended)

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Media Server :: FLVPlayback Component's NcMgr.netConnection Is Null When Connecting To My Flash Media Server?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to troubleshoot a Flash Media Server working with a little video playback application I wrote a few years ago that has suddenly stopped working.I'm using CS3/Actionscript 3.My app uses the FLVPlayback Component, and was working well last time I checked.  I recevied a report that the videos stopped working, and have been looking into it.I figured I'd add a bunch of event listeners to the FLVPlayback's ncMgr.netConnection so I could get debug info on things like io errors, net status, etc.The problem I'm running into is that the netConnection is null when I set it to anything on my Flash Media Server, and adding any event listeners to this netConnection throws errors.Here's what I've tried so far:

Playback of a local FLV file works fine.In the FLVPlayback documentation, I found an example and stole the URL of the stream they were using in the example, and that works fine, although it is an HTTP protocol stream rather than RTMP.Any attempt to access FLV files on my Media Server, which has worked fine in the past, basically cause the FLVPlayback object to sit and hang in "buffering" mode and never progresses beyond this point.The netConnection object in this case is null.Here's my code:[code]........

Again the purpose of this is to troubleshoot the video streaming from the Flash Media Server, and it seems like there is no netconnection to the server being created.Does this mean that the server is not working, or is there a problem with the way I'm trying to access the content on the server?This was all working fine before, and I have set up the server-side application .ASC files and such to allow things to work fine on the server end.

View 6 Replies

Flash :: Media Server - Automatically Configure Edge From The Admin Console Of Media Interactive Server?

Jan 17, 2010

How can we automatically configure edge from the admin console of flash media interactive server?

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Media Server :: Number Of Connection Allowed In The Free Developer Ediiton Of Flash Media Server?

Mar 27, 2010

I would like to know the number of connection allowed in the free developer ediiton of Flash Media Server.

View 4 Replies

Flash :: Media Server - Send Video And Audio Data To A Media Server By Using RTMP Protocol

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to make a software which sends video and audio data to a flash media server by using RTMP protocol. Currently, my program can communicate with a flash media server correctly. RTMP specifications does not describe about the raw data in video/audio messages, so I muxed raw H.264 and AAC data into video/audio messages and sent to the server. The server seems to accept them, but a video player cannot playback the stream sending from the server. The player just says "Loading..." For a test purpose, I sniffed the network packets between Wirecast and the flash media server and ripped off only video and audio data. Then, I muxed those data into video/audio message and sent to the flash media server. In this case, the video player connected to the server can playback the stream correctly.

I checked the stream sent from Wirecast, the stream seems not to be H.264 raw data because those data are not started from 0x17 instead of H.264 start code. With those situation, I am wondering what kind of container format I should use for H.264/AAC data to the flash media server.

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Media Server :: Not Save FLV In Sample Flash Media Interactive Server Feature Explorer?

Jul 1, 2010

I have to a problem using the Flash Media Interactive Server Feature Explorer. I want use the sample: RecordStream. I can see the instance "RecordStream" in console FMS 3.5. and show me the video in app AIR, but does not save the .FLV in my server.

View 6 Replies

Media Server :: Security Check Determined That I Need To Patch Our Adobe Flash Media Server?

Jul 6, 2010

Apply the security patch found here:http:[url]............For more information see the followingresource:CVE: 2009-1365

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Media Server :: Secure Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 (live Stream Connection)

Aug 23, 2010

I have Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 (not Interactive) running on RHEL5.5 x86_64 Linux.All is working well, however how do I prevent unauthorized access to connecting to the live stream and streaming content?How can I setup the server to require a user and password to stream live media to the server?I am new to this product and I have been reading some documentation but I have not found a clear cut answer on how to force a username and password to connect to the server to stream live content only.I am using the Adobe FMS Apache install, what files need changing?[code]I want to lock down a person from connecting to the server on the public internet and starting a live stream?Can this be done with a user name and password?

View 13 Replies

Media Server :: Sophos Antivirus Can Stop Taking Connection By Flash Media Server?

Oct 13, 2010

Our flash media server  stops taking connection sometime. Any one have any idea about sophos antivirus?

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server Taking Forever To Load Large Files

Jan 12, 2011

We purchased FMIS and we are encoding large 15+ hour MP4 recordings using flash media encoder. When opening these large files for playback, which have not been opened recently  the player displays the loading indicator for up to 4 minutes! Once it has apparently been cached on the server it opens immediately from any browser even after clearing local browser cache. So a few questions for the experts

1. Why is it taking so long to load the file. Is it because the MP4 metadata is in the wrong format and the file is so huge? I read somewhere that Media Encoder records with incorrect MP4 metadata is that still the case?
2. Once its cached on the server, exactly how much of it is cached. Some of these files are larger than 500mb.

3. What fms settings do you suggest I change. FMIS is running on windows server R2 64 bit, but FMIS itself is 32 bit. We have not upgraded to the 64 bit version. We have 8GB of ram. Is it OK to set FMS cache to 3GB. And would that only have enough room for 3-4 large files, because we have hundreds of them.

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Media Server :: Posible Fast Forward / Rewind Video In Flash Media Server?

Sep 23, 2011

is it possible fast forward, rewind video in flash media server through flash action script ?

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