I have been trying to do this locally on my machine by using the download simulator but the simulator doesnt seem to work especially when I give the player a 2GB file to load over a 14kbps connection, the file seems to load within a split second and absolutely no buffering occurs.My problem below needs to be answered before I can persue and purchase and set up a web server to run FMS as a production server, but understandably I do not want to do this until I know it is possible to do what I want to do.
Let say I have put a 60min video on the server which I want to stream. But I only want to stream the last 20mins of it. Am I able to set the player to stream from the last 20mins and for there to be no progressive download required before? I need the stream to start almost immediately from the start of the last 20mins and for it to continue plaing until the remainder of the video completes So essentially I only want to load a part of the movie into a stream and disgard the part of the movie I do not want to show.
I have a problem with a project using the FLVPlayback component (the Flash CS4 version) and FMS 3.
Playing back a video works fine. When the video is finished, I hide the FLVPlayback component.
But if I have to play the same video again, the video does not immediately start from the beginning. I see a glitch with the frame the user last stopped on (whether it stopped at the end or wherever in the middle). It never re-starts from the beginning right away.
I have tried different approches to solving the issue:
- tried seekSeconds(0) - tried autoRewind = "true" - a combination of both - nulling out the stream source (result in a Runtime error) then setting it again
when i try to live stream with FMS! I can stream video with Flash media live encoder to the server but when i create the player to recieve the livestream from server,i can not recieve the live stream,can anyone give me a step by step tutorial of how to do it?
I have justed started using Flash Media server so this could be a really easy one to answer or not even possible.I have Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder 3 publishing to Adobe Flash Media Server 3.5 which then publishes this live stream to two CDN providers. I want to publish the stream with a different name to each CDN. Anyone know howI can do this without having FMLE3 publishing a backup stream and then FMS having to process two differently named streams?I.E.FMLE publishes a stream called bobThis is then published to CDN1 as bob and I then want to publish it to CDN2 as bob2Below the main.asc for the application but it ignores the second stream name and publishes to CDN2 with bob
I have an *.flv file on a FMS. When I play it on the client side the video plays just fine, but when I call Stream.play(filename, 0, -1, false) on the server side the video turns out really choppy.I both cases I use NetConnection to connect to an rtmp and NetStream to play the stream, but in one case I connect to a stream and request the server to play my file on that stream. Apparently that doesn't work with files? It works just fine for live streams.
i am currently playing around with a flash media server trial in combination with the flowplayer.All in all i am testing the performance and general functionality for the company i work for.Anyways, i am trying to search a way to check the bandwidth of a client ( server sided ) and redirecting him to the right video stream.Sure this could be done by the backend flash application, but its out intention to perform this check server sided.
Is there a simple to understand (guide for dummies like me)that will give step by step instruction on how to stream live videousing FME and FMS on the same computer?
I'm totally new and in the absolute dark here. I have installed FMS on a server in the TV station in which I work. I am trying to figure out how to stream video from Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder on an outside computer, back into the FMS at our station. I have no idea what the FMS URL is that I need to plug in to the Flash Media Live Encoder in order to reach the FMS back at our station.
Do I need to have something housed on an ftp site? We have a website and I can put whatever I need to there if that is indeed what I need to do. Not sure what the heck I'm doing here, but I'd LOVE to figure it out. I know it's not a lot to go on,
I have created a web application which records users video from webcam and stores.Once the user recorded his video he can previwe it.All the functionalities works good in local but not in internet.In internet when i preview the video it takes long time to play.some times it stops in the middle.Is there any way to play the video smpoothly or show a loading animation when it buffers. Here is the link to my site http:[uurl]...........
How can I tell after issuing a NetStream::play call when there is any video arrived which I can render (Video::attachNetStream)? I can see that most of that stuff is asynchronous and highly dependent on a number of variables like FMS latency, client latency and bandwidth, server load, weather etc. I however need a reliable dependent way of figuring when there is any picture to show. I administrate our service and need to monitor content people are publishing, for that I need to browse a hundre or so streams as fast as possible. What I do is I have a number of "player" streams that play a stream name (I use Administration API to get an array of these) , wait until there is picture, show it in a video object, disconnect video from stream, create new video object, play another stream, wait until picture, show it, and so on.
I found out that I can achieve a way to check whether video has arrived by NetStream::info.videoBufferByteLength, alternatively perhaps 'videoByteCount'. I cannot create a new stream for new video object, that is too much overhead, so I reuse streams. I close a stream, play new stream name, and wait until the either of the properties above is non zero. This has been working quite alright, but still occasionally I get stale data in the subsequent video objects, even when a stream is supposed to be playing new content. I need to avoid these.
So my question boils down to the already mentioned: what would be a reliable way to do what I am doing? It's just a stream of compressed data, there must be a way for Flash Player to know what is new data and what is stale data. In fact I don't think there is supposed to be stale data in a NetStream that is already playing something else! I know this is hardcore stuff, but we are pushing it :-)
I am trying to set up my video site to stream from the fms server and the instruction stated that I should create my own new folder in the application directory on the fms server, and I have created my directory, which I called brigma_streams, and I have copied files from {FMS-Install-Dir}/ sample/Application/vod to my new folder.
I want to publish and record video stream in h.264 and audio stream in AAC format . Does flash player support to publish video stream in h.264 format ? And which version of flash player and FMS could implement this function ?
I'm trying to get Flex Builder 3 to play a live video stream with Flash Media Server and Flash Live Media Encoder.
I'm able to stream pre-recrorded (vod) flvs in flex from flash media server. I'm able to stream live video using Flash/FMS/Flas Live Media Encoder, but not with Flex.
This code streams pre-recorded Video on Demand flvs, but not live streams: If I change source to "rtmp://localhost/live/livesream.flv, I get nothing.
I am trying to encode and stream live video. I have downloaded both the Flash Media Encoder and Flash Media Server. The problem i have now is, i can't able to connect to Flash Media Server. The FMS url is as default: rtmp://localhost/live. Do i have to purchase a FMS url? How do i make sure that my FMS is running/ activated?
So I have FMLE and FMS. to record and stream video at the same time. On server side I have "main" application.onPublish = function(client, potok){ potok.onStatus = function(info){ for(var i in info){ trace(i + "=" + info[i]); [Code] .....
how to overlay a picture/watermark onto live stream published from a client? (like TV stations do).Can this be encoded into the stream in realtime by FMS so client could not record/view a clear stream? (for example overlay watermark for non-paid subscribers).I don't want to do this on client side because then someone can build custom app to play a stream without the overlay. Or is FMS4's SWF Verification so good, that I don't need to be worried?
I originally posted this question on Flash Player forum but I've got a feeling it needs configuring at the server end, so I thought I'd ask you more technical guys.
When viewing streamed videos on a guitar tutorial website, if I pause for 5 minutes or more (to practice) I can't continue playing the video. When I click play it says 'loading' but just stays like that continually, or until the window is refreshed. The site uses real time streaming, not progressive downloading.
So I guess the connections timed out and been dropped after 5 minutes of inactivity, is this right? If so, has it been dropped by the server or by the player? Can it be configured at either end to stop this, or to lengthen the time before it happens?
I'm creating application where user can record voice message, problem is that recorded file is passed to other encoding servers, that requires both video and audio streams to be present.
how can I use static image to emulate webcam and attach it to NetStream?
ns = new NetStream(nc); ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, watchRecording); //ns.attachCamera(cam); ns.attachAudio(mic); ns.publish(fileName.text, "record");
Although I don't have access to application on WOWZA server I can negotiate with some one to add few lines and recompile it. So server-side solution in java is also an option here.
start a video playing from a precise point in time?Using rtmp protocol to stream a video:rtmp:\my-servervodmy-video.mp4is it possible to use a similar form, as the following:rtmp:\my-servervodmy-video.mp4 =00:20:21to start video file from that point?
I'm playing live stream supporting FMLE from FMS. There is no problem with playing if we are starting at first the player and then we are starting the stream with FMLE. The video skipping problem is occurs only if we are starting first the stream with FMLE and than our player.The versions: FMLE, FMIS 4.0.0, Flash Player, and codec h.264 Is this a bug in FMS/FMLE or I'm doing something wrong?
2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5410 @ 2.33GHz 16Gb RAM 2 Gbit ethernet channel OS - Linux CentOS 5.5 x86_64 FMS4 Interactive
Live stream parameters:
320Ñ 240 qua_=87 bw_=200000 kf_=5 fps_=18
So, after approximately 600 connections to one stream video becomes choppy (periodically freeze, slow motions). CPU-usage at this time is 100-120% (maximum is 800%, 100% per each core), network usage is 500 Mbit/sec.But second live stream(with few connections) at this server looks fine simultaneously with 600 connections at first stream.Experiments with recommendation in "Configuring performance features" documentation chapter(enabling/disabling aggregate messages and configure the size of stream chunks) do not help.
I have read in FMIS 4 "new features" that "absolute timecode" allows to switch audio tracks while playing a video (managing synch). Is there any exemple showing how to use this funtionnality (server config, flash player action script exemple)?
I did a live stream last week using 282,482,832,1500Kbps streams. What would cause the audio to get out of sync with the live video stream? I'm trying to determine if it was bandwidth related, cpu/memory issue on the FMIS 4.5 server, or an issue with encoding PC exceeding it's limits?
is it possible to play video stream from non-adobe(or homebrew server), in the newest flash player(10).It looks like the VideoPlayer only plays the stream from FMS? Is it the business model of Adobe?