Media Server :: Video To Skip With FMS When Start Player After Started A Stream
Oct 11, 2010
I'm playing live stream supporting FMLE from FMS. There is no problem with playing if we are starting at first the player and then we are starting the stream with FMLE. The video skipping problem is occurs only if we are starting first the stream with FMLE and than our player.The versions: FMLE, FMIS 4.0.0, Flash Player, and codec h.264 Is this a bug in FMS/FMLE or I'm doing something wrong?
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May 7, 2010
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Jul 19, 2011
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Jan 2, 2011
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Oct 21, 2010
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Nov 8, 2010
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Oct 29, 2009
I have a problem with a project using the FLVPlayback component (the Flash CS4 version) and FMS 3.
Playing back a video works fine. When the video is finished, I hide the FLVPlayback component.
But if I have to play the same video again, the video does not immediately start from the beginning. I see a glitch with the frame the user last stopped on (whether it stopped at the end or wherever in the middle). It never re-starts from the beginning right away.
I have tried different approches to solving the issue:
- tried seekSeconds(0) - tried autoRewind = "true"
- a combination of both
- nulling out the stream source (result in a Runtime error) then setting it again
To no avail.
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Nov 20, 2009
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Feb 27, 2010
I have been trying to do this locally on my machine by using the download simulator but the simulator doesnt seem to work especially when I give the player a 2GB file to load over a 14kbps connection, the file seems to load within a split second and absolutely no buffering occurs.My problem below needs to be answered before I can persue and purchase and set up a web server to run FMS as a production server, but understandably I do not want to do this until I know it is possible to do what I want to do.
Let say I have put a 60min video on the server which I want to stream. But I only want to stream the last 20mins of it. Am I able to set the player to stream from the last 20mins and for there to be no progressive download required before? I need the stream to start almost immediately from the start of the last 20mins and for it to continue plaing until the remainder of the video completes So essentially I only want to load a part of the movie into a stream and disgard the part of the movie I do not want to show.
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Jul 4, 2010
How can I tell after issuing a NetStream::play call when there is any video arrived which I can render (Video::attachNetStream)? I can see that most of that stuff is asynchronous and highly dependent on a number of variables like FMS latency, client latency and bandwidth, server load, weather etc. I however need a reliable dependent way of figuring when there is any picture to show. I administrate our service and need to monitor content people are publishing, for that I need to browse a hundre or so streams as fast as possible. What I do is I have a number of "player" streams that play a stream name (I use Administration API to get an array of these) , wait until there is picture, show it in a video object, disconnect video from stream, create new video object, play another stream, wait until picture, show it, and so on.
I found out that I can achieve a way to check whether video has arrived by NetStream::info.videoBufferByteLength, alternatively perhaps 'videoByteCount'. I cannot create a new stream for new video object, that is too much overhead, so I reuse streams. I close a stream, play new stream name, and wait until the either of the properties above is non zero. This has been working quite alright, but still occasionally I get stale data in the subsequent video objects, even when a stream is supposed to be playing new content. I need to avoid these.
So my question boils down to the already mentioned: what would be a reliable way to do what I am doing? It's just a stream of compressed data, there must be a way for Flash Player to know what is new data and what is stale data. In fact I don't think there is supposed to be stale data in a NetStream that is already playing something else! I know this is hardcore stuff, but we are pushing it :-)
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Aug 16, 2010
This is important since if it's growing too fast there won't be enough space.
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Jun 21, 2011
I use Flash Media Server 4 and Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2 for a strem rtmp.
I set FMS url to rtmp:localhost/livepkgr and I set stream name to :livestream.m3u8
I started FMS and I'd want to play my stream in a HTML5 video tag.
I have not changed FMS4 parameter, and I'd want to insert the src attribute in video tag.
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Jan 20, 2012
I am trying to set up my video site to stream from the fms server and the instruction stated that I should create my own new folder in the application directory on the fms server, and I have created my directory, which I called brigma_streams, and I have copied files from {FMS-Install-Dir}/ sample/Application/vod to my new folder.
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Jan 22, 2004
I created this very simple MP3-player. Which works good for most part I think, but there's one problem. If I click on the play-button and skip quickly through to the next track, while the first track wasn't even playing yet, I get to hear both songs mixed through eachother when they both finished loading. Apparently the first track was still loading. So I'm kinda wondering if there's a way to stop the load of the first MP3 stream when I skip to the next one?Here's the link to my MP3-player with 5 one minute clips of songs: http:[url].....
View 11 Replies
Sep 23, 2009
I'm new on FMS, but I've managed to create a web page with an embedded player that shows a live stream that I capture with a webcam and FMS. What I need is to be able to pause the live stream from the web page player and to play it again from the point I've paused it. I thought to stream a live video and save it to a file on the server as well, but I don't know how to tell the player to start from the end of the file rather than the begining of it. The client should connect to the page and see the live stream, but he can pause it and continue watching it later from that point, but if a different client connects, he should see the live stream.
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Apr 19, 2010
I'm having some problems on some systems (seems to affect mostly 64-bit systems) where videos streamed from Flash Media Server 3.5 doesn't start from the beginning. I'm using NetStream.Buffer.Full to detect when the video starts. Usually this works ok, but sometimes the video doesn't skips a couple of seconds from the beginning even though the value of NetStream.time property is 0 when this happens.
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Jun 30, 2009
I want to publish and record video stream in h.264 and audio stream in AAC format . Does flash player support to publish video stream in h.264 format ? And which version of flash player and FMS could implement this function ?
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Sep 23, 2010
I'm trying to get Flex Builder 3 to play a live video stream with Flash Media Server and Flash Live Media Encoder.
I'm able to stream pre-recrorded (vod) flvs in flex from flash media server.
I'm able to stream live video using Flash/FMS/Flas Live Media Encoder, but not with Flex.
This code streams pre-recorded Video on Demand flvs, but not live streams:
If I change source to "rtmp://localhost/live/livesream.flv, I get nothing.
<?xml version="1.0"?><!-- controlsvideodisplayVideoDisplayFMS.mxml --><mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
<mx:HBox> <mx:Label text="RTMP FMS 2.0"/> <mx:VideoDisplay autoBandWidthDetection="false" source="rtmp://localhost/vod/Legend.flv"/> </mx:HBox></mx:Application>
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Oct 5, 2010
We need different parameters to play live/playback:
// play live from server //"test",-1,-1,true); //playback //"test",0);
So how to wrap it all up so that it'll automatically detect whether the stream to play is alive,and use the proper parameters ?
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Nov 11, 2010
I am trying to encode and stream live video. I have downloaded both the Flash Media Encoder and Flash Media Server. The problem i have now is, i can't able to connect to Flash Media Server. The FMS url is as default: rtmp://localhost/live. Do i have to purchase a FMS url? How do i make sure that my FMS is running/ activated?
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