Media Server :: Force DVRcast To Run The DVR Feature All The Time?

Sep 18, 2011

As far as I know that the DVR function can be triggered by either check mark the "DVR auto Record" at the FMLE or by using the DVRControllerSynch. but I have a hardware device (not a computer software) that stream the video to the server How can I force DVRcast to run the DVR feature all the time?

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Media Server :: DvrCast Application Seek Bar Max Time Updation ?

Jun 22, 2011

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Media Server :: DVRCast On Flash Media Development Server

Feb 3, 2011

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Media Server :: Connecting FLME With DVRCast - Get An Error "Failure To Connect To Primary Server?

Jun 22, 2011

I am trying to set up DVR streaming using FLME. I'm following this tutorial: http:[url]........I'm up to Step 2,

I put in the following information into the FLME:
FMS URL: rtmp://
Stream: mp4:sample.f4v

Then click 'Connect' , but I get an error "Failure to connect to primary server verify that your server URL and application name are valid and that your internet connection is working and retry". My server is a 32-bit windows 2007 VPS , with FMS running.I don't know if I set up the DVR Cast application correct. All I did was copy the dvrcast_origin into the installationdirectory/applications, then I started a new instance of dvrcast_origin with _definst_...Also, I am running the trial version of FMS, and DVR needs FMIS. Is there a way I can just run FMIS?

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Oct 19, 2011

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Aug 24, 2009

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Media Server :: Get NetStream.time On The Serverside?

Jan 26, 2010

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myStream = Stream.get("home1");
setInterval(time,5000,myStream.time); function time(myStream){  trace(myStream); }

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Feb 22, 2010

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Media Server :: Play 2 Rtmp Videos At The Same Time?

Apr 22, 2010

My swf is playing one video in using NetConnection, NetStream and Video object. If I want to stream one more video simultaneously in the same swf I have a few problems. It works when I create more NetConnection, NetStream and Video objects but is that necessary? The code rapidly becomes complex to handle.
Is there an easier way like perhaps share the NetConnection, or something (same FMS server)?
Question 2
The two videos on the stage are suppose to have different size, placement etc. Still the last one created inherit the properties of the first video display. It also starts playing for an annoying couple of seconds before the first one. How can I avoid that (inherit and delay)?
var ns1:NetStream;
var ns2:NetStream;
var nc1:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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Apr 28, 2010

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Media Server :: Get Absolute Stream Time Since It Is Published?

Jan 27, 2012

As a subscriber of live stream how do I get absolute stream time since it is published? Consider the case, a publisher has published a live stream at 0 seconds. It has been 100 seconds past since the live stream is published. A new subscriber comes to fms and subscribers a live stream. It starts playing that live stream but NetStream.time property will start from 0 instead of 100. Is there any way or configuration (in fms) which allows subscriber to get absolute stream time?

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Apr 4, 2010

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Ideally I'd like people to watch my event live AND archive it while they watch.

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Jul 15, 2010

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Media Server :: FMS / FMLE - Record And Stream Video At Same Time

Dec 15, 2010

So I have FMLE and FMS. to record and stream video at the same time.
On server side I have "main"
application.onPublish = function(client, potok){
potok.onStatus = function(info){
for(var i in info){
trace(i + "=" + info[i]);
[Code] .....

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Media Server :: Switch Audio Track In Real Time?

Jul 13, 2011

how to switch audio track in real time? For example, show the audio tracks and choose one of them.

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Media Server :: Play The Video From A Precise Point In Time?

Oct 17, 2011

start a video playing from a precise point in time?Using rtmp protocol to stream a video:rtmp:\my-servervodmy-video.mp4is it possible to use a similar form, as the following:rtmp:\my-servervodmy-video.mp4 =00:20:21to start video file from that point?

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Media Server :: Edit To Say (no Live Stream At This Time Instead Of Loading)

Dec 12, 2011


How can you change this to where when the page is loaded it does not say (loading) and it will say (No live video streams) you can view archived videos. Is this on the server FMS Interactive in the configuration or can it be done from the code inserted above?

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Media Server :: Shared Object Takes Lot Of Time To Connect

Mar 6, 2012

One strange thing happened at application, connection to the fms server takes few milliseconds but shared object takes few second (more then 20) to connect.

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