Media Server :: Setting File Name Of Captured File In DVRcast application

Jun 29, 2011

I've looked through the scripts in the scripts/ directory, but haven't seen anything obvious.

I would like to be able to specify the file name to capture the stream to. At present, the capture file is always named the same as the stream, which means if I stream for a bit, stop, then restart, the originally captured file gets overwritten. I'd like to be able to incorporate something, i.e. the stream start time, into the capture file name.

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- <Application>- <StreamManager>- <VirtualDirectory>- <!-- Specifies application specific virtual directory mapping for recorded streams. --> <Streams>/;${VOD_COMMON_DIR}</Streams> <Streams>/;${VOD_DIR}</Streams> </VirtualDirectory> </StreamManager>


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Media Server :: DVRCast On Flash Media Development Server

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Jun 22, 2011

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I put in the following information into the FLME:
FMS URL: rtmp://
Stream: mp4:sample.f4v

Then click 'Connect' , but I get an error "Failure to connect to primary server verify that your server URL and application name are valid and that your internet connection is working and retry". My server is a 32-bit windows 2007 VPS , with FMS running.I don't know if I set up the DVR Cast application correct. All I did was copy the dvrcast_origin into the installationdirectory/applications, then I started a new instance of dvrcast_origin with _definst_...Also, I am running the trial version of FMS, and DVR needs FMIS. Is there a way I can just run FMIS?

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Supplement: The text file named test.txt doesn't exist before create the fileObj, an instance of File Class.

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Here is my VirtualDirectory block:
<!-- Specifies application specific virtual directory mapping for recorded streams.-->

However, when I try to connect to a file that is in that directory, I get a 404 error in the access.00.log file. I've tried to change the owner/group on the fullservices folder as well as the owner/group of the target file to the fms user/group, but I still cannot connect to it. The connection address is rtmp://<ipAddress>/vod/mp4:1005-03m_256k.mp4.

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1)  What is the advantage of writing a SSAS file over an external AS3 file?
2) Can I write an .asc file in AS3 or do I have to use AS1? Please understand I'm using tuts from and the books "Learning Flash Media Server" (pdf) and "Programming Flash Communication Server". I'm not a javascript programmer so nothing I do in AS1 seems to make any sence while everything I do in AS3 does. It may not seem like it to you people that are programmers, but to those of us that aren't, AS1 and AS3 are miles apart.
3) kind of off topic, but a security question. I'm not a "hacker" and don't like the jerks that are. My question is on external AS / SSAS files and swf files. When my fla is compiled into a swf does my external AS files remain external? I assume they do, but then what is the threat of the swf being decompiled? In most projects I would do I could care less if somebody had access to my fla as long as they don't have my actionscript files.
I don't know. Maybe on questions one and two I'm getting confused becasue I'm using out dated material. Again I assume that even though fms was built off of the javascript engine it should be able to read and execute my AS3 file. Other wise what was the point of the evolution of actionscript into a fully functional programming language?

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Sep 18, 2009

Does anyone knows if it's possible to write some bytes received from an AIR or Flex client in a server side file using the File class ? I have been trying for hours without any result.My goal is to store on the server side a swf file sended by a client in a ByateArray.Here is the code I have ended with, assuming that myfile.swf alreadey exists on the server prior to the code execution, and is at the right place, and that pBytes is a ByteArray received from the client which contains a swf file :

function writeFile( pBytes )
var myFile = new File( "myFile.swf" );


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Media Server :: Dynamicstream.f4m Not Working From Index File Of New Install Of 4.03 Server?

Oct 17, 2011

I'm doing a test install before we update our old server to 4.03.I've got the server software installed and configured (4.03 server, using iis for web).All the test stuff on the sample index page works, except for the dynamic stream tab.I've eyeballed the .f4m file, and tried putting in a complete url to the samples...but no luck.i just keep getting the stock connection timed out message. 
Where do i need to look to start confiriming where this issue may be coming from?I've made made sure I can reach all the test videos by making flash players for them, calling them via rtmp... no problems.It's got to be something dumb with either the f4m file, or the way it's being served   (btw, i have added all the mime types to iis , including .f4m as video/mp4....which is one of two ways I've seen it added).

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Media Server :: RTMP & Flash Media Streaming Server Live Application?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm running Flash Media Streaming Server and have only been serving VOD up until now.  I had my network administrator open up port 1935 to the outside world during the setup process and now I can't remember if that was actually required for streaming VOD to clients.  Most documentation I've read says that this port should be open, but I seem to recall reading something at one point that suggested it wasn't necessary.

I've just started messing around with publishing live streams using Flash Media Live Encoder to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  I have that working without issue but was surprised to find that no authentication is required before a client running the live encoder can publish a stream to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  An authentication module is available however it only works with Flash Media Interactive Server and Flash Media Development Server.

If I leave port 1935 open to the outside world, there would be nothing to stop anybody anywhere from streaming video via my server.  Anyone else running a default install of Flash Media Streaming Server and with port 1935 open to the outside should see that this is true of their setup as well.  I'm wondering if I can safely close port 1935 without limiting the functionality of the server or if there's some way I can require authentication prior to publishing a live stream even though I'm not on the four-and-a-half-times-more-expensive edition of the product.

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Media Server :: Run FMS On Same Dedicated Server As Regular File Hosting?

Apr 17, 2010

Im picking up a dedicated server it will be CentOS and be well above the minimum req for FMS 3.5 Interactive.
Question: I want to use my dedicated server for more then just the FMS. Is this possible? Basically I want to use the same server for FMS and for the file hosting of my site. Obviously I would give it a different IP but am not sure what I will need to do specifically

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How can i save sound data on server in flex web application. FileStream does not work in flex web application.

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Media Server :: Save FLV File Outside Of The FMS?

Oct 21, 2009

1) Is it possible to save FLV file(s) outside of the FMS?
2) How to move FLV file(s) from the FMS?

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Media Server :: Getting Flv File's Duration?

Jan 29, 2010

Is it possible using command line, or a php file to get the duration of an flv file using the flash media server. I used the flvcheck file to fix the meta data, and was using the duration operator but it didn't come up with anything. I am guessing the duration operator just shows if there is errors with this?

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Media Server :: Set The Format Of FLV File?

Oct 21, 2010

As we know the default format for video is H.264 and for audio it's AAC. We want to change the format. Please tell us ow can we change the format of the FLV file at the time of creation?

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Media Server :: Can't Stream MP4-file

Feb 11, 2011

I am trying to stream a MP4-file from the VOD-folder using the videoplayer in flash. I can play the sample-file without any trouble, but when i try to use iceage.mp4 as source, it don't find the stream.[URL]..

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May 16, 2011

Is thier any way to get the size of an FLV file? For example we get duration of an FLV file through metaData.

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Nov 25, 2011

I have success full installation of Flash media server 4 in my linux machine.I am in need of stream the .mp3 file over network.

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Media Server :: Setting Up Flash - If I Setup Another Channel Pointing To The Other Edge Server Ip Adresss It Doesnt Work?

Sep 24, 2011

i have a orgin server and 2 edge servers and a load balancer

first off im confused in each edge server i set them to be remote, rtmp and changed the routeentry to  <RouteEntry>*:*;96.44.***.***:1935</RouteEntry> on both servers
orgin server is just local
what my question is im streaming to orgin and its getting sent to 1 edge and other edge is doing nothing no traffic the stream i set it this way url:


which is the 1 edge thats working if i setup another channel pointing to the other edge server ip adresss it doesnt work.. what am i doing wrong isnt all this supposed to be load balanced or am i missing steps...or did i do it wrong on the flash player config.

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