Media Server :: Limit The Number Of Viewers Per Application
Sep 14, 2010How to limit the number of viewers per application
View 3 RepliesHow to limit the number of viewers per application
View 3 RepliesI wanted to know how to restrict the number of viewers for an application. I tried this
if(application.clients.length > 10)
I put that inside application.onAppStart = function() - but it didn't work
1. I want to limits the number of viewers per stream
2. I want to limit the valid stream names
I want to know how many viewers watch stream at the moment. How to find this out?
View 4 RepliesI'm using Amazon CloudFront in connection with Adobe Flash Media Server to live stream an event using HTTP streaming. How can I get basic stream statistics, including number of viewers?
I wanted to know if there is any limit on the number of live streams that a client can connect to?For example, there are four live streams s1, s2, s3, s4 being published to FMS, can a flash client subscribe to all the four streams at the same time?If yes, what is the maximum number of streams that a client can subscribe to and what are the trade-offs?
View 3 RepliesI wanted to know if there is any limit on the number of live streams that a client can connect to? For example, there are four live streams s1, s2, s3, s4 being published to FMS, can a flash client subscribe to all the four streams at the same time? If yes, what is the maximum number of streams that a client can subscribe to and what are the trade-offs?
View 2 RepliesI want FMLE users to be able to stream to my FMIS but block them from watching it on other websites instead of mine.
I am using
to stop other domains. when ever i put my domain there, FMLE can not connect to my server. this is a huge fallback for me, i dont know what to do, all the content theft just stream to my server and put the rtmp url to there SWF player, some even have there own logos.
I'm using Amazon EC2 and AFMLE 3.2. How do I generate a report that will tell me how many viewers I have watching?I figured out how to report on the Kb out in an hour but that only tells me average viewers, asuming they all watched an entire hour I need unique viewers and average viewers at different points in the webcast.
View 3 Replies One of my clients installed FMS 3.5 and has the following issue:
a model was video chatting w/ one or more customers in a chat room. but sometimes, one customer entered her chatroom but saw blackscreen only, couldn't see model's activity, nor the video. the model did not see that customer entering the chat room either.
How can you display current # of viewers connected to a stream and total views similar to how ustream displays them?Is this done using server side actionscript? Are there any templates and/or examples or tutorials to use to get started?
View 1 RepliesI want to limit server recorded netstream length to 10 secs at client side using as3. How can I do that?
View 2 RepliesI Need to Broadcast 20,000 to 40,000 Live Streams.! (Bitrate : 128Kbps / Viewers Per Stream Apprx-10 Server : Adobe FMS Server Amazon EC2 Instance - Bandwidth Apprx 100mbps)My Question is1. How Many Concurrent connections Possible for one Adobe FMS Server? (Amazon EC2 Instance)2. is this possible to use RTMFP for this process? (20,000 Connections Via Amazon Adobe FMS Server EC2 Instance )3. if Possible Over RTMFP then How Many Developer Keys Need for this Operation. (or) Pricing Details for the Developer Key. (or) Any Separate Key[s] Available For Amazon EC2 Instance?
View 1 RepliesI would like to know the number of connection allowed in the free developer ediiton of Flash Media Server.
View 4 RepliesI'm running Flash Media Streaming Server and have only been serving VOD up until now. I had my network administrator open up port 1935 to the outside world during the setup process and now I can't remember if that was actually required for streaming VOD to clients. Most documentation I've read says that this port should be open, but I seem to recall reading something at one point that suggested it wasn't necessary.
I've just started messing around with publishing live streams using Flash Media Live Encoder to the Flash Media Streaming Server. I have that working without issue but was surprised to find that no authentication is required before a client running the live encoder can publish a stream to the Flash Media Streaming Server. An authentication module is available however it only works with Flash Media Interactive Server and Flash Media Development Server.
If I leave port 1935 open to the outside world, there would be nothing to stop anybody anywhere from streaming video via my server. Anyone else running a default install of Flash Media Streaming Server and with port 1935 open to the outside should see that this is true of their setup as well. I'm wondering if I can safely close port 1935 without limiting the functionality of the server or if there's some way I can require authentication prior to publishing a live stream even though I'm not on the four-and-a-half-times-more-expensive edition of the product.
I'm running a server where i stream 2-3 live tv channels and i'm posting it on my web page.few days ago i neticed that in FMS Console i have 6-7 LIVE INSTANCES and with many user connections. suppose someone get my server IP and use it to stream his matterials.How can i limit the ip's who can connect to the FMS?
View 2 RepliesI'm running the Interactive Flash server 3 and I'm wondering is there a way to give people a user & password to limit who can live stream into the server.I can do this with the Real server and Windows media fairly easily but having problems figuring out how to on the flash server.Currently if you have the Servers IP and the flash encoder you can stream with no Username or password required. I would like to restrict this.
View 3 RepliesIs it possible to limit globally the bandwidth usage of FMS 3.5 ? I don't want FMS to use all the bandwidth available via our ISP.I want my coworkers and other servers to be able to continue using Internet while sending/receiving data from/to FMS. I know it is possible to limit various bandwidths per Applications, but it seems there is no easy way - using the xml config files - to globally limit the server bandwidth.
View 2 RepliesCan I play two flv from FMS at the same time with actionscript?
View 1 RepliesI have managed to install the trial version of FMS - developer 4.5 using the defaults including Apache, and it works reasonably well. However it has used-up all the available IP addresses so that IIS does not now work. I need IIS and FMS to reside together on the same server, as IIS provides document download and upload for our web-site on a different server. I have tried changing the FMS.ini file to limit the IP and Ports used, but to little use. My server is Win2k8 R2, and IIS V7.5 + V7.0 for FTP; all 64bit.
View 6 RepliesI am new on FMSI have FMS 3 running on my dedicated server and streaming a live video transmission ok on [URL] through Flash Media Encoder I need to limit number of listeners (max) of this transmission to keep quality and bandwhit of my server but I can't find the option in any xml files.
View 1 RepliesI want to make a live webcam or audio broadcast for a user(not a chat or conference).For example a user will broadcast live and people can be able to wacth it when open that user's page. But what is the meaning of 10 users limitation of FMS? If I open a live webcam, Does it says max 10 users can be watch it?
View 5 RepliesAre the RTMFP connection limits for the FMS AMI hard limits? What will happen when the limit is reached, will the server just refuse new rtmfp connections?
View 1 RepliesCan anyone clarify the limitation of 500 connections on the Flash Media Interactive Server 4.5?
I'm told you can only have up to 500 simultaneous connections, but I'm wondering if that applies to rtmp connections, or just to rtmfp connections.
I am running a website similar to Ustream and Justin and i am using Linux dedicated server, that have FMS 3.5 Installed. On My site registered broadcasters can stream their live video.
I want to know how can i limit the broadcasters so that they cannot broadcast a live video more then 512bitrate in their encoder.
currently any broadcaster can broadcast a live channel at any bitrate he wants and that is consuming too much of my server's bandwidth.
We have an application that works no problems on our server with FMS in test mode. As soon as we enter our FMS license key we get this error: "application is not a valid signed application loading access denied".We removed the license key and it works again, but with user limits obviously, so this is not an acceptable fix.
View 5 RepliesWe are getting message "Connection has been rejected due to license limit" in flash media server 2.0.5 at the time of connecting to the server. Previuosly that server works fine but today when we tried got above message. May be some changes occur on the system as we dont have controll for that system. But we can check FMS 2.0.5 on that system through managment console of FMS. Please suggest us in which direction we have to look.
View 2 RepliesIs it possible to limit the length of live recorded video stream to N minutes/MegaBytes by SSAS in FMS? If the aggregate size of stream outcomes the limit,always make the recorded video file the last N minutes/MegaBytes of the live show? remove the video file and record from the beginning when arriving N minutes/MegaBytes?
View 1 RepliesIt stands to reason that an OS would have a memory limit for the FMS process. I have a video chat app to which I may need to connect 300,000 or more concurrent users. Has anyone done this? Would this break the bank? What's the most you've ever had connected at once?
The video portion of my app goes through a good CDN, so I don't think there's a problem there. But my chat room is all on one FMS instance. I see something in FMS docs in "configuring performance features" that warns, "Adobe recommends that you ensure that your total system memory usage does not exceed the process limit of your OS". Granted it's in the context of configuring media cache, but wouldn't the same apply to chat room size if the numbers get high enough?
Is there any application which can relay another application on Flash Media server? For exmaple I have a "live" application on the server. I want another application, "liverelay" which can basically relay what is coming on the "live" application. Is it possible? If so how can I implement it? Looking forward to a response.
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