Media Server :: Limit IP Addresses That FMS Uses So That IIS Works?

Apr 11, 2012

I have managed to install the trial version of FMS - developer 4.5 using the defaults including Apache, and it works reasonably well. However it has used-up all the available IP addresses so that IIS does not now work. I need IIS and FMS to reside together on the same server, as IIS provides document download and upload for our web-site on a different server. I have tried changing the FMS.ini file to limit the IP and Ports used, but to little use. My server is Win2k8 R2, and IIS V7.5 + V7.0 for FTP; all 64bit.

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Media Server :: Live Stream Connection Limit Per Server?

Nov 5, 2011

I Need to Broadcast 20,000 to 40,000 Live Streams.! (Bitrate : 128Kbps / Viewers Per Stream Apprx-10 Server : Adobe FMS Server Amazon EC2 Instance - Bandwidth Apprx 100mbps)My Question is1. How Many Concurrent connections Possible for one Adobe FMS Server? (Amazon EC2 Instance)2. is this possible to use RTMFP for this process? (20,000 Connections Via Amazon Adobe FMS Server EC2 Instance )3. if Possible Over RTMFP then How Many Developer Keys Need for this Operation. (or) Pricing Details for the Developer Key. (or) Any Separate Key[s] Available For Amazon EC2 Instance?

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I'm running a server where i stream 2-3 live tv channels and i'm posting it on my web page.few days ago i neticed that in FMS Console i have 6-7 LIVE INSTANCES and with many user connections. suppose someone get my server IP and use it to stream his matterials.How can i limit the ip's who can connect to the FMS?

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Can I play two flv from FMS at the same time with actionscript?

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Jun 14, 2011

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Media Server :: Limit On The Number Of Live Streams

Aug 12, 2011

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Mar 20, 2011

I am running a website similar to Ustream and Justin and i am using Linux dedicated server, that have FMS 3.5 Installed. On My site registered broadcasters can stream their live video.

I want to know how can i limit the broadcasters so that they cannot broadcast a live video more then 512bitrate in their encoder.
currently any broadcaster can broadcast a live  channel at any bitrate he wants and that is consuming too much of my  server's bandwidth.

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Aug 4, 2011

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Media Server :: Rotate The Live Recorded Video Stream To A Maximum Limit?

Dec 6, 2010

Is it possible to limit the length of live recorded video stream to N minutes/MegaBytes by SSAS in FMS? If the aggregate size of stream outcomes the limit,always make the recorded video file the last N minutes/MegaBytes of the live show? remove the video file and record from the beginning when arriving N minutes/MegaBytes?

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Jun 7, 2011

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Media Server :: FMS 4/AS3: Publishing Works, Recording Doesn't?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm currently having an issue with FMS4 developer edition on both Linux (x64) and Windows XP (x86).When I stream a webcam using ns.publish("foobar", "live") I can watch the live stream on another client, however when i use ns.publish("foobar", "record"); neither broadcasting nor recording works.Using the "live" parameter the client appears in the log files and in the administration console as "publishing", using "record" the client appears as "idle".Is there anything I need to configure besides LIVE_DIR in fms.ini?

Is this a restriction in the developer edition? Here is the relevant part of the code (condensed):

var camLive:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();[code]............

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Media Server :: Stream Works Fine On Local Subnet But Not Over Web?

Dec 30, 2009

I followed Tom Green's tutorials and at this point I can publish a live stream which I can view and interact with just fine on my local LAN.The FMS is NAT'ed to the outside world and I have ports 80 & 1935 open to the server.When I use a browser from the outside world and put in the servers public address I can see & interact with the FMS start page just fine. I can use the "interactive" tab and supply my live stream name and view the stream just fineHowever when I try to launch the Flashplayer that I built all I see is the controls with moving stipes, No video feed above. I can browse to the flashplayer HTML file on my local LAN and it works fine. Interestingly enough I cannot open the flashplayer HTML file directly on the server either (but I can open the start page application and interact with it).

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Media Server :: Using Http Commands Only Works On Apps In DefaultVhost?

Apr 13, 2011

:1111/admin/getApps?auser=admin&apswd=mypasswordLists all the apps in defaultVhost but I need to list all apps under a certain vhost how can I do that?Also when trying to load and onload apps for that virual host doesn't work with the main admin user and pass.So when I try to use the user name and password for that vhost I get

<level>error</level><code>NetConnection.Connect.Rejected</code><descri ption>Admin user requires valid username and password.</description><timestamp>Wed 13 Apr 2011 05:09:26 PM EDT</timestamp></result>


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Actionscript :: Flash Media Server / Publishing Works Recording Doesn't

Mar 24, 2011

I'm currently having an issue with FMS4 developer edition on both Linux (x64) and Windows XP (x86). When I stream a webcam using ns. publish ("foobar", "live") I can watch the live stream on another client, however when i use ns.publish("foobar", "record"); neither broadcasting nor recording works. Using the "live" parameter the client appears in the log files and in the administration console as "publishing", using "record" the client appears as "idle". [code]

-Is there anything I need to configure besides LIVE_DIR in fms.ini?
-Is this a restriction in the developer edition?
-Is there something else I'm missing?

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Nov 1, 2011

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Media Server :: 'Connection Error' Sample RTMP Video Used To Work, Now No Longer Works?

Sep 12, 2010

I had FMS 3.5 developer package installed on my server installed about a month ago. I used to be able to go to the /webroot/ page to see the sample RTMP video play and it worked great. Today, I go to view that page and find that it no longer plays. I get "Connection Error. Please preee Play to try again."

Pressing the play button does nothing, so I click the RTMP thumbnail and it reloads ony to give me that same error again. I can click the HTTP thumbnail and see the video play just fine. But, I want RTMP and after over an hour on the phone with my managed hosting tech, we can't find anything wrong.

Here's the thing: I haven't done anything, I have not changed anything, I have not manipulated the server software whatsoever. It just stopped working and gives me "Connection Error."


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Media Server :: Connect And Sync To Remote Shared Object Works In Authoring But Not In Browser?

Dec 19, 2011

I'm having trouble connecting to a remote persistent shared object. When I run from the Flash authoring environment it works. But when I run it from a browser it doesn't. The code attaches an event listener to the sync event, and then calls so.connect(nc).
As mentioned - it works inside Flash authoring only. In both cases the connection to the server is successful. I also tried setting client.readAccess to "/" in the application.onConnect function of the server-side code - but it doesn't help. (Everything was written by me including the server-side application code. I have full control and access to the server).
Also, I can see the remote object exists on the server in the admin console.And as mentioned, when running inside Flash CS5 - the onsync gets triggered after connecting to the shared object.But, the same code under a browser - doesn't trigger the onsync.The SharedObject.getRemote method on the client side returns an object on both occasions.

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Media Server :: Stream Works Outside Firewall But Not Inside Firewall?

Jul 16, 2009

I have my stuff set up and everything works fine except for a very strange glitch.When I use the internal IP address (192.168.###.###) from a machine on the internal network, it works fine.When I use the external IP address (209.###.###.### which eventually maps to that internal IP address) from a machine out in the world, like at home or a hotel or a clients site, it works fine.But, when I use the external IP address from a machine on the internal network, everything works except the flv file doesn't stream. The HTML page displays, the swf player displays, but the flv file doesn't stream; the swf player displays the message "Connection Error. Please press Play to try again."
What could possibly make this happen? To me, it seems impossible. Could there be a setting in FMS that would cause this sort of thing? I very much doubt it is a firewall issue, because if it were, then the file wouldn't stream from outside the firewall.

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Media Server :: Livestream Works With "livetest" Only?

Mar 25, 2010

I can get my livestream working with the livetest application included in my FMS v3.0 application folder. When I try to connect to the livestream using any other flashplayer with the right settings, it simply wont work.


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