New here with emphasis on noob. I have started doodling with flash back in CS but increasingly been having a blast since I installed CS5. In all that time I have avoided Ascript like the plague. Now I find myself wanting to do things that require it. I have spent days searching the internet and this forum for a simple way to stop an swf from playing more than once per session in a format that I can understand. Everything seems to be old posts or if I find something I can't get it to work. Remember, you guys are waaay ahead of me on script. I vaguely understand the concept of sharedObject (as a result from my search) and cookies. I'm just having trouble with putting the whole thing together to make it work.
I would think this would be a great function for adobe to include in the code snippets window. I sure they have their reasons if its not. If it is however just tell me where it is and I'll go on avoiding actionScript
I want to play a movie (simple fade in text on top of a photo background) in a banner on my home page one time when the user first displays the home page. After that I'd like to have the end result of the movie (last frame) remain static for the remainder of the user's session, regardless of which pages they refresh. The only way I can see to do this within the web site configuration is to embed the swf on a main page, then display the contents of all the other pages in an iframe on that page. However, I would prefer not to rewrite the entire site to use iframes.
I looked briefly at using a flash shared object and checking a variable in the swf onLoad event. But (I think) that requires the movie to be loaded to read the variable and hence the banner wouldn't show the text in the first frame. I could then jump to the last frame but it seems the banner would "flash" (sorry for the pun) from having no text at the start of the movie to displaying the text at the end every time a page is refreshed.
I'm not sure if I can do what I want without using Action Script or if I need to control the whole process within the html on the page containing the embedded swf.
I have a flash logo on my website but I don't want it to play every page load.I'm a total newbie in actionscript but I've gone as far as I have with the logo by googling and asking questions. I hope someone can please tell me how to do this one last thing I need on my logo since I can't find it anywhere! :)I'm using AS2 but I guess I can use 3 as well.
I got a swf logo that I want to play once per session. Preferably I want it to play once every time someone opens or closes the tab/browser but not while the user navigates the site..
I'm using:
mySharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("savedObject"); _root.onLoad = function() { if ( {
At the moment but it seems to randomly jump between frames even tho I have it set to the last frame of my animation..Also it doesn't play when I close my browser and open it again.. It seems never to play for me even if I clear my cookies.
I have made a website and put inside it a flash game. For people to play the game they have to log into the website. Logging to the website will create a session. I want for the flash game to get the session id, so I have created a function that gets the session id. It works only in Internet Explorer and when I tried it in Chrome, it didn't retrieve the session id. I have written a php file that will be used by the as3 to get the session id, the php code is this:
I am now using FancyUpload (flash upload) to allow user to upload files in a small project. I use Generic Handler to handler in server when user uploads his file, but I'm getting error: Can't get session in Generic Handler (.ashx) when using Firefox or Chrome etc except IE I read so many solution and finally found out that Flash has some bug that can't send cookie in Firefox or Chrome except IE. Maybe I can check the session in Flash before it's start to send the file to the server or check session in Generic Handler before save it, How to do it?
I'm developing a FLEX application which has a Java Server as back-end.
What I need:
-The FLEX app can only be used if the user it's logged; -The FLEX app also needs to know which user it's logged, because it will shows especific content about him; -I need to perform authentication on every webservice call;
However, the webpages are being developed using PHP, as well the login system.
After some digging, I've discovered that I can use the PHP session ID for authenticate every webservice calls, by using the php-java-bridge so both PHP and Java can share the same session.
My problem it's that I don't know how the FLEX app can get the current PHP session ID. I know that it's possible to pass it by flashvars, but I think it's not secure.
I have a website that was created with flash 8 AS 2.0 [URL] we want user to register to be able to view some of the pages like pictures and such. it all works fine but i don't know how to keep them logged in in the session. When they leave the page they they logged in to and try to go back to it it asked them to log in again. I don't want them to do that i want the action script to keep the session logged in.
I have a Flex login page that uses HTTPService to communicate with server side php script. Once user's credential is verified, a session will be created and the login page will redirect to the main Flex page with that session info. I'm not sure how to implement the session logic.
In one web page we use a flash upload control but becouse a flash bug in the upload event the session is lost as its posted back with a new session. We have thought of using a table with ip and old session id or a query string with the old session id in order to reassign it in the uploaded event...Knowing the old session id how can i reassign it to the client? (In C#)
I'm trying to display certain content per session, but the site has the same Flash embedded in the different sections of the site, so I can't set it on the site's Model or a Global Variable. I also can't use PHP or JS.
I have a Flex application which is served via a JSP page. In this page I output the session ID using HttpSession when the page is loaded: System.out.println("Session ID: " + session.getId()); In a very simple remote object hosted in BlazeDS (called from the flex application using an AMF Channel and standard RemoteObject functionality) I also output the session ID but this time using FlexSession (which as I understand is supposed to wrap around HttpSession).
System.out.println("FlexSession ID: " + FlexContext.getFlexSession().getId()); I would expect both IDs to be the same but this is not the case. The session IDs differ which is causing problems as there is data stored in the HttpSession which I need to be able to access from my remote objects within BlazeDS. I've exhausted the reading material on BlazeDS and FlexClient/FlexSession/FlexContext but can't see why the FlexSession is not being linked to the HttpSession.
I have a php website that uses sessions and if your not logged in you cannot acces a web page... I want the same for my Flash file, but want flash to see if there is a valid session on the php website and if there is play the flash, if not access denied..![code]...
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""); var vars:URLVariables = new URLVariables();[code]....
The above client side code works for my machine(using the same web session),but not working for some other machines.
I'm using Flash uploader(uploadify, swfupload) with CodeIgniter, want to get the session data. I have found out that the flash does not send the session data, so I have set $config['sess_match_useragent'] = FALSE;
Now for example i have set session value myname in session and I can get it on my backend PHP script using Internet Explorer.[code]...
How can I utilize the session data from my PHP when I am about to upload a file using the flash movie. Meaning, the file uploading is at the back-end. Let say, my session contains the value of my ID, then I would like to get that ID and use it as a directory where my uploaded files be moved. The upload was successful but it cannot move to the desired directory using my session data.
I'd like to create a website that displays a swf file. Is there a way I can make it so that the content of the .swf file comes from session variables (probably coldfusion). So, if someone types in their name, I want to save their name to the database & then later display their name in the swf file.
I'm using Flash to do the visual work of an php website, but I got a really big problem here.
I've a find textfield and a find button, calling a php function, working almost perfectly, but... if user is not logged.if he is I can't find a nice way of tell flash that user is logged and that he must pass to php the string to find and the session variable I need to make this work like a charm.[code]...
My project has become rather large from just libraries that i've needed to include in my project in order to do what i need to do. I needed webservices, so i included some flex lib's, and I needed facebook information, so I included the facebook API. Just from those libs and a small game, my swf is about 513k, that seems rather large to me... As soon as I include: var session:FacebookSessionUtil;
into my code, in a function or as a class member, I get the error "You cannot debug this SWF because it contains ActionScript". without that line of code, it compiles and works; thus there is a lot of actionscript in my opinion. If i uncomment that line, then everything works again.
I need to have a banner that changes every 5 seconds. Problem is that when I move from page to page it starts at the beginning. If I had a session that recorded each change and that could be read by flash on initialise then this would work. My prefered platform is PHP but can use ASP
The website need to login to perform certain task. We use stock Auth component to do the job.
Everything is fine until it hits an interface which build in Flash. Talking to Amf seems fine. But when the Flash player try to talk to other controller - got redirect because the session in not presented.
So basically when a user login - I need to somehow find a way to login the Flash player in as well.
ADDITION: This only solve half of the problem.
Backtrack a little bit. How the Auth components evaluate the requester?
If the Session.checkAgent is true. They check if its the last one. So Flash has no chance they have a different Agent string.
OK now - Auth check them out - what? The Session cookie they store earlier ... so fail again.
I am using Amf (as Cakephp Plugins) when I tried to test if the $this->params['actions'] is start with amf - it works sometime doesn't work sometime. Looking at "Charles" I can see they all call to the amf controller.
I want to manage a username session for lifetime. means for example if u look a website [URL] in this website i have registered and i haven't logged out but whenever i open up this website my username appears there. No need to login again. so i want to do the same for my one of the games website. i have developed my website using php mysql flash.