Printing Long Multi-page Documents

Dec 1, 2009

I've got a document reader application that I'm trying to add a print option to, but I'm having real difficulties with PrintJobs.On my first attempt, I prepared all my pages in advance, then called PrintJob.start, followed by PrintJob.addPage for each page, then PrintJob. send to finish.On longer documents, however, this was falling foul of the script execution time limits.I could get 90-100 pages spooled before the runtime threw an exception and cut the print run short.On my second attempt, I prepared all my pages in advance again, then called PrintJob.start.I then tried using an event handler to call addPage for each page (first using the frame_enter event, then using a timer).  However, calling PrintJob.addPage from an event handler like this caused an exception to be thrown.I've been tearing my hair out all afternoon trying to find a solution to this -- does anybody have any idea how I can get long PrintJobs to work?

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function out(event:MouseEvent):void {[code].....

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var timer:Timer = new Timer(10);
var myString:String = "";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using 2 External Documents?

Jun 13, 2011

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Right now I am making a Flash Game which is almost finished and I'm already using the external document for the GameController, I've added a brightness setting for portable users to make it brighter, I borrowed code off a kind coder and I'm now responsible for converting the external document into the actions keyframe...I used the include '' statement and I get this error, packes cannot be it possible to put the full code in my keyframes actions layer instead?

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Jul 16, 2011

I want to load my xml file from my documents. What url should I use? in this request
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("medialist.xml"))

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple XML Documents In One FLA?

Apr 24, 2008

i'm trying to create a mix and match clothing application using flash for a school project but am having trouble with xml documents. Using an old gallery tutorial on the site, i found it was quite easy to load up one xml document, excerpt of code below.

I thought it would be as simple as copying all the code and changing the variable names to load a second xml document but i find when i run the code, that only the last xml document in the code loads

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 Open My Documents From A Button

May 25, 2009

Well what i want to do is a background in an internet source page. You know that ur deskopt background can be a web page right ? well i want to create such a page with dreamweaver which i can do and insert some flash button that i would be able to click on and open my folders such as My Images, My Documents, My computer... not open a file but the folder itself. Ive seen a lot of fscommand and gourl but they dont work cuz one open an internet browser and the other nothing appears. Id'like to know if it is makeable with Flash 8 to click on a button and then my documents appear and even better that you can choose dimmension of the pop-up.If i want to open my documents as an example do i need too have the button and the webpage in my documents?

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Jul 21, 2010

Just fired up Flash CS5 to a surprise. My screen-based SWF from years ago will no longer load. how does one achieve the equivelant of nested screens in CS5 now? I have outer chrome that's common to all screens and switch between nested screens to show different shared form screens that get populated with content from a database. Short of duplicating the shared content over and over, how do you get the layered effect I'm after? Does everyone simply jump around on the master timeline? Or does CSS play a role here?

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May 25, 2011

Is there any way to load Word Documents, PowerPoints, and .pdf files within a label using AS3?

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Jul 11, 2011

My team and I are considering switching to using the "Flash CS5 Uncompressed Document (*.xfl)" option in Flash CS5 based on the assumption that it will allow better collaboration and conflict resolution when working in a version-controlled (SVN) environment. We would like to avoid the common situation of irresolvable conflicts when multiple people edit an FLA. at least in the initial release of Flash CS5: [URL] Has anyone had success or failure with this approach? Is this a favourable or detrimental change in workflow?

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