Professional :: Can Flash Work At 100% Screen Width

Feb 1, 2010

Just wondering as I have never done this before, can Flash with a slideshow component work at 100% screen width.

I am working in a table where I have set the height in px but the width 100%.
I would like the slideshow component to work at 100% screen width but cant work out if this is even possible.

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I´m working on a project for a presentation, but there is a weird bug...When I test the project in Flash, it works properly, but when I open the .exe or .swf file in my pc, it apparently does not work.The proyect is set to be in full screen, but while testing the .exe, if I press (ESC) to leave full screen mode, then it works perfect!
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function goFullScreen(base):void
if (stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL)


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navigatorDown_btn.width = 410;
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trace(navigatorDown_btn.width); // output: 410

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Cannot Get Full Screen To Work On Y Flash Website

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var tile:Sprite = new Sprite();
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function tileBG():void{ Tile(0, 0));
[Code] .....

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Aug 12, 2010

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URL...I'm onto the next step on the AS code (see attached zip file on this thread if you need it - file Untitled-3.fla), trying to get the AS to fill an 800*600px window with the dots when the FLA is run.I have tried a range of things, like this (i.e. adding in the hard coded 800 and 600 into the code:[code]But it doesn't do any good!I can't see any other parts in the AS code where the width and height are defined.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: AS 2 Fixed Width Font Or Other Answer That Will Work?

Nov 25, 2010

I am seeking the answer form the brain trust at FK. I am making a quick flash movie.. which has an 'lcd screen' display.. that needs to have numbers/timer being displayed on it..

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will keeps it positioning! and NOT change 'alingment' when (say) a 0 becomes a 1. this shifts the whole textField. my questions are:

1.) is there a fixed width type font or other trick? (using the spacing or A/V parameter) to keep the characters in their positions? or will I need to break everything up and use individual text fields..and parse/split the numbers from the string?

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Flash :: Professional :: Screen When Loading Take A Second Or Two?

Jan 12, 2010

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I use SlideshowPro and Flash Eff with Flash CS4 so not mega into doing Flash from scratch so go easy on me if this requires some mad code or something.

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Actionscript :: Flash - Function To Adjust Font Size To Make Text Field Width Smaller Than A Given Width?

Aug 31, 2011

Is there a function or property or better way to do what the following code do?

var width:int = 20
while (textField.defaultTextFormat.size > 1 && textField.width > width) {

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Professional :: Fix White Screen In Flash Player?

Oct 30, 2010

When on a game site using flash player and trying to use full screen it goes to a blank white page.  How do I correct this problem?

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Professional :: Flash Player Refresh Screen?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a some games made in flash, some in as2 and some in as3... All are loaded using an preloader (another swf file), one for as2 games and one for as3 games... the thing is that for some time now when you load a game the flash player shows a black screen even when the game is loaded, and it stays like that until I rescale the browser window... there is some problem with the flash player refresh I think..

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Professional :: Publishing A Flash Video: Player Not Visible - Height And Width Referenced 3-times In Html?

Mar 5, 2010

When I publish my FLV video using Flash CS3 and the "SkinUnderAll" option...the player controls are not visible unless I change the height & width in the html file Flash created.But, Flash shows the height & width 3-times in the html.
Question-1: Why 3-times? What does each of the 3 Height & Width references do?
Question-2: How should I modify the code to be able to see the entire video and the player controls?

It seems if I change all 3 everything just gets bigger and bigger.
1 - I import it into Flash CS3 on a PC w/XP Pro using... File | Import | Video take all the defaults and choose "Skin Under All" as the player option.
2 - In "Properties" panel at bottom of screen Flash shows the video as 640x480
3 - I then click File | Publish to publish the video. Flash creates all my files for me.
4 - I then put the folder with the files on my website.
5 - The video plays but the player controls are not visible.
6 - I see the Height & Width referenced 3 times in the html file Flash created for me (and none are 640x480, they are 550x400 !)
7 - I try changing the 550x400 to 640x480 in all three places... no good. Even at 1000x1000 the entire player is not visible. Everything just gets larger.
What are each of the 3 references to Height and Width in the html file Flash Creates and which should I change to simply show all the player controls?

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Flex :: CommitProperties In A Custom Component Doesn't Work With Percent Width

Apr 1, 2011

I'm creating a custom component (based on ComboBox) and overriding some base methods. Recently I've found it acts weird when I set it's width in percents, rather than a fixed width. It tends to continuously call the commitProperties method and fail in the end. When I set it's width to fixed value - all works like a charm. What am I missing to implement? Here's some code ..

override protected function commitProperties():void {
//some stuff ...


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AS :: Professional - Prevent Flash Player 10.1 Freezing When Off-screen?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm working on a set of SWFs that need to sync with each other using LocalConnection in AS2It was working fine in Flash Player 10, but as 10.1 throttles Flashes when they are not visible, the SWFs lose their sync if any of the SWFs are not visible on the page.This is particularly annoying as we were not aware of this new behaviour in 10.1 and I expect the update will break a lot of similar websites.

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