Professional :: Changing An Action Script From 2.0 To 3.0 & Flash 5 To The Latest?

May 10, 2010

I have an action script 2.0 that I need to change to 3.0 and was wondering how to do that.Also wondering since I did this a number of years ago, I need to have my Tsunami menu updated to the latest Flash movie.

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private function init():void  video = new Video();    NetConnection.defaultObjectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF0; nc = new NetConnection(); nc.client = this;


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var High = new Array();


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*?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?**settings*  *min*10000*/min*  *max*10119*/max* *exclude*  *range min="12" max="14"**/range* *range min="16" max="18"**/range* */exclude*  *putbackin*false*/putbackin*  *titletext**![CDATA[*font color="#000000"


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textField.defaultTextFormat = format; 


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load The LATEST Version?

May 3, 2006

I have developed a swf, lets call it "project.swf" which will require updating over time, so to avoid a user loading an old version I will name the files thus:"project1.swf", "project2.swf", "project3.swf" etc everytime a new version is published.

I load this file from a movie called "get_latest_version.swf", into which I hard code the latest version of "project.swf". Not very efficient at all!!So heres what I want to do: In "load_latest_version.swf" can I create a way of detecting the highest version number (newest version) and automatically loading that instead of always hard coding a new version number everytime I add a new feature?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Not Loading In Latest .txt File?

Sep 19, 2006

I'm using this line of AS code to load in some text in a .txt file on my server:Code:myData.load("articles.txt");The problem is when I update the text in the .txt file, upload it to my server, and view my Flash movie, it doesn't load in the latest version of the .txt file that I just uploaded to the server, but an older version. It takes some time to be able to see the new .txt file through the Flash movie.Is this:-Because I need to change my Flash AS code somewhere to always load the latest version from the server (rather than look in the browser's cache)?

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Professional :: Stretch Out The Keyframes/action?

Feb 4, 2011

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Professional :: No Action Until Image Loads

Feb 10, 2011

For some reason the squares of color that are supposed to load behind the image that acts as a mask load first, momentarily showing while the image loads, which looks bad. Hre is the code:


I have experimented with adding the square child elsewhere (such as in the code where it is created twice), but that proves even more disastrous.

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Professional :: End Video With Stop Action?

Apr 12, 2011

I want the video not to loop, but to stop on the final frame of the video. I want to add that action before publishing the SWFas3 file. I need a litle advice. I went to last frame and right-clicked on Actions. I don't know what to put in the dialog box.

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Professional :: Stop Action On A Layer?

Apr 4, 2012

its been a while since ive used flash,and im struggeling with a command id normaly do within trying to add a stop action on one of my layers,i know the action script is stop ( ) ;but i cant recall how to add it only to the particular layer. im affecting the whole scene when i add  a new layer and do the action.

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Load Latest .swf And Not Browser Cached Version?

Jan 5, 2012

I have tried various codes (probably wrongly) and read different posts and failed to achieve what I am after. So to cut going round in circles I have just made a simple test folder. There are 3 things I am trying to achieve so that latest files are loaded instead of browser cached versions.

Everything is linked properly in the TEST folder (apart from the code to get latest non cached version)

You can download the folder (73KB) here- [URL] It's completely safe to download and please ignore the annoying pop up ads. I signed up for free service hence the ads.

The three things I want to achieve-

In the folder start with index.html.

1- There you will see >Enter Button< and >portfolio.pdf< button. Nothing will change on index.html page but the portfolio pdf will be regularly updated. So I want the >portfolio.pdf< to fetch the latest pdf always. I assume the code will go on the >portfolir.pdf< button?

2- >Enter Button< will take us to master.html page which contains master.swf. Master.html is only a container but master.swf will be regularly updated and needs to always load the latest master.swf version.

3- Load image.swf button will load image.swf. I want the button to load the latest image.swf file always.

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