Professional :: Export To Movie Is HORRIBLE Quality

Nov 29, 2010

my flash movie looks great when it is in it's .swf format. However, when I use the export to .avi option it comes out as REALLY horrible quality. Exporting to quicktime does nothing. I've been looking online and have only found people having the same problems with no solution. I've tried several conversion programs to just convert the swf to avi, but all of them are bad. They're all great in quality but half are fast by a good 30 seconds in sound and the other half replaces my black background to white! People use flash everyday & obviously overcome such a simple problem!

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play ();ifFrameLoaded ("content", "loader") {    gotoAndPlay ("content", 1);}downloaded = math.floor((_root.getbytesLoaded()/_root.getbytestotal())*100) add "%";;bytesloaded = math.floor(_root.getbytesloaded()/1000);bytestotal = math.floor(_root.getbytestotal()/1000); = bytesloaded add "Kb"; =  bytestotal  add "Kb";
this is for a loader on an already created flash. Which I am updating. All I am doing is changing a picture that has no coding with it, and changing the publish settings. The publish setting for the original was set for flash player 5, however I need it set to flash player 8. After I change these settings and export the movie to a .swf, I get the errors.Has the action script changed that much from flash 5 to flash 8?

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Jul 4, 2010

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var camera:Camera = Camera.getCamera();var video:Video = new Video(); webCam.attachCamera(camera);

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Dec 4, 2010

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Apr 11, 2011

How to provide a video quality as Low, Medium, High and HD in flash actionscript

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May 21, 2011

The video gallery on my website uses an an FLV video gallery downloaded from Adobe. When I encode my Flash files to Quicktime then to FLV they look perfect but once uploaded onto my site and played back through the gallery the quality suffers, especially text which loses it's vector crispness.Url...The videos are under 'portfolio' the best example of my problem is the INTEL video 3 rows down, second left, text looks rounded when it should be sharp.I have run the videos through Adobe media encoder and After Effects and again whilst looking fine when played locally they degenerate once uploaded.

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