Professional :: FLASH CS4 - Tabs In Text Object?
Apr 6, 2010
Just learning Flash CS4 and I can't believe you can't create or set tabs in a text object.You can set tabs for editing actionscript, but not in a text object. Are you kidding me? Even wordpad can do this.
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May 22, 2010
I have use flash sparingly in the past. I am well versed in computers, but we can flash, very weak. Let's say this I do know how to get into Flash. This is the address for what I'm trying to accomplish. You can see the navigation in the upper left corner [URL].
I am trying to develop a menu tree that has these basic functions:
1. No heavy graphics - basically the information is more textbased.
2. The menu tree works within two tabs.
3. The menu tree using rollovers.
a. The rollovers display a graphic image or text in a "TV" box, display, underneath the actual menu tree.
"Master Swap Action" - there is also a horizontal tab selection available. The master display, largest display area, is changed based on the "Master Swap Action". Also, the menu tree is swapped out. The two areas that are swapped out correspondent to the tab's that were selected. Here is a small sample of how we control the Menu currently. It uses a language called iMint.
[Code] .....
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Jun 14, 2009
I can't really understand how can Adobe let the developers release such a messy embedded Flash editor. Please, fix the line copying, it drives me mad. In every normal editor, when u get to the start of the line and press shift+downarrow, the whole line is selected. Flash selects the tabs in the next line also. So pasting is a horrible nightmare.
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Jun 10, 2011
Is it possible to configure Flash Builder 4 to indent using spaces instead of tabs?
I've enabled Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Insert spaces for tabs but it still inserts tabs. I've tried editing files with no tabs but it still inserts tabs.
What's strange is that Insert spaces for tabs works in Eclipse but not Flash Builder, which is built on Eclipse. Perhaps there's a bug in Adobe's portion of Flash Builder.
I'm running Flash Builder on Mac OS X 10.6.
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Aug 19, 2011
I've created a text object, writing let's say "HELLO". I then made it into a picture, and erased parts of the text, all the while taking frame captures (F6). It ended up looking great, even though I had 900+ frames. However, I now want to change the font each of the frames. Any easy way to accomplish this, I cannot go frame by frame. The object is in the same place each time, so if I could just put a mask on all the frames or something to change the colour to black, that would be sweet. I followed this tutorial [URL].
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May 30, 2011
I have a simple HTML page that contains two tabs that show/hide content in the same space.The first tab contains an SWF file that is embedded using SWFObject.js.When switching between tabs, I would like the SWF file to pause or stop. This works fine on all browsers except IE7+, which is a known problem.What could be possible resolutions?A simple solution would be to remove the SWF file from the DOM and re-insert it every time the first tab is selected and loadedThe SWF file is generated using Adobe Captivate 5. Do I need to expose a pause/stop method using ExternalInterface API that Javascript/jQuery can call? Or, is there a standard method for pause/stop that is exposed for all SWF files that I can simply call?
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Jun 12, 2009
im creating a presentation that has a bunch of links to websites and pdf files. right now the presentation opens fullscreen when first opened but if the user clicks one of the pdf or web links the clip minimizes and if the user tries to maximize the flash window the menu bar at the top is visible and cuts off some of the content.
is it possible to detect when the user tabs away from the presentation so the clip will pause automatically and i can tell the user to click to continue? i know this code will work fscommand ("fullscreen", "true"); that will make the presentation fullscreen again but i need the movie to pause if the user clicks a link. i have seen this before in games where the game will pause if i tab to another program and i have to click to continue.
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Aug 25, 2010
I have found solution for my previous problem:
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.hitz = 0;
this._alpha = 0;
but now I have a new one! After fifth click browser keeps opening hundreds of new tabs! I think it's because flash keeps playing movie. There must be some kind of loop and every loop flash opens new tab. I tried to add stop(); in few different places but still no result.
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Apr 7, 2010
I'm noticing some unexpected behavior. Some time in the last few months, a change in either Firefox, the Flash player, or both, has made it so that Flash movies that are in inactive browser tabs no longer execute in real time. They appear to still execute, but only in bursts, and not in a predictable way. This is a problem because I develop a Flash-based (Actionscript 2.0, Flash CS3) multiplayer game that maintains a network connection and allows players to chat, etc.
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Jun 28, 2010
I just upgraded to flash player 10.1 and there's an issue with a program that I've been working on. I'm copying text from a mysql table that is formatted with spaces and newlines (including spaces and newlines at the beginning of the text) into a textArea in Flex 3.5. Before the update,it worked fine. Now when AS retrieves the text from the table, it does not include the spaces and newlines at the beginning of the text.I'm using xml to retrieve the text.
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Apr 17, 2011
Is there any way I can embed HTML in flash? I know I can do this with text boxes but is there any other way I can do it? If not I know theres is the load feature where I can load text from a text file. With the html text box editing, Can i link that to the text file?. As in when you edit the text box with html could i have the textbox's instance name equal to the text file? With this my issue is with the <a href> in one textbox, I would like when i click those it open another text file in a different text box.
Clarification: I have two text boxes in my flash file.One has current products. And the other is the description of the product they select. I would like a way to edit and change the products in the first text box without having to keep using the FLA file. Which is why i am using this code
var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
function onLoaded(e:Event):void {trace(;}
myTextLoader.load(new URLRequest("myText.txt"));
The contents of myText.txt are <a href=(not sure what to put here)> Product 1 </a> But all that does is put it in the text output section in flash.It does not show it in flash. I need help getting it to show up in a text box.That is the first part But the main problem is im not sure how to code the a href correctly so that when i click it, another text file opens in the second text box.So that when a user clicks on a product ,like "Product 1" It opens the correct description text file in the second text box.
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Dec 12, 2010
I made this 3d object with Illustrator and I would like to make a small SWF of the object revolving with Flash. No need for interactivity. Is there a simple way (accessible to a layman such as myself) to go about it?
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May 18, 2010
click projects button(# 2 from left to right in the toolbar) => click one of the cubes, it will display severa small windows. on topright most, there is a minimize button,
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Jul 2, 2010
I have a flash video/audio player that I pass different source files, but it becomes glitchy after changing the source file. How can I, via html/javascript, reinitialize the flash object?
I am using swfobject.js along with the ExternalInterface Actionscript 3.0 class to communicate between the two. I tried just setting the data attribute of the flash object to the name of the swf that it already was using. This actually does reset the object, but, after doing so, it can no longer communicate back to flash.What is the method that I should use to simply reload the flash object as though it was the first time it was loading?
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Aug 27, 2011
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Aug 31, 2009
I'm kind of new to flash, and I'm working in CS3 AS3. Here is my code. - Home is my button instance name
Now, _top, _self, I can't get anything to work for what I want to do. What I'm trying to do is make it so when I click a link, it opens it in the SAME tab. I have seen many (dozens) of these problems, but none seem to help. On firefox, it openes in a new tab, (I have it set so windows open in new tabs), on IE it opens in a new window, and in chrome it opens in a new tab. Please help me fix this problem,
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Dec 7, 2010
how to put tabs in application using only actionscript, there are lot of examples there using flex mx controls for tabnavigator, but i want to use only actionscript or flashscript.
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Oct 13, 2009
Is it possible to create gradient text with text in a text field, without using a different object?
I have three text fields sitting right next to each other, to create a row. Some times the text is longer than the width of the text field, I don't want to widen the the text field to make it fit, I just want to fade the last 20 - 50 pixels of the text out.
Is this possible to do without using an object above it, such as a gradient?
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Jul 29, 2011
I am creating a decision tree in flash (where someone answers questions which eventually gets them to a preferable conclusion). I have been using code snippets to link the different frames. I have created an animation that I would like to play when the user gets to the conclusion (I will use the 'click to go to frame and play' code snippet) but how can I turn the animation file into a single frame or object but still function as a animation. I tried saving as a SWF and drag into my project so it could appear as a object but it only plays in another window.
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Dec 6, 2011
i created a flash website but the problem is the size is to large to fit on screen i have imbeded buttons, Movies clips, masks, and about 7 different scenes in this 13 mb movie what do i do to make the physicle size of the objects on screen so i can view it on my sceen?
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May 23, 2010
I am fairly new to flash and I have started to attempt to modify a template that I found online to make it my own. The thing that I am having problems with is the URL Links. There are 5 different clickable tabs on the header that I have, and when you edit it in flash cs4, each one is the same image when you edit it. The only way in which you can change what each one of them says is by editing them in the library. This isn't the problem. I want to link these tabs to different pages on my website. When I edit one of them, all of them change to the same url link. The file is too large for me to upload I think.
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Feb 28, 2012
I have five tabs (moviclips). On the first interactio it moves to the appropriate tab but it does not work afterwards. The following is the code:
taba.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotaba);
tabb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotabb);
tabc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotabc);
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