Professional :: Flash CS5.5 BUG: The Input Line Is Too Long?

Jan 21, 2004

I'm developing iOS app and I include huge of file list as Included Files on Air for IOS publisher.But I found a bug. When I insert more than 73 external files to compile for iOS - Flash return error:
During my investigation works I understand - this error do not affect ADT tool for compiling iOS or Android. When I include many files to project - all this files sends as parameters to external file adt.jar.But flash can't send huge amout of parameters.
I googled this issue and found - any other app can have this bug looking on wrong parameters sending options.this is only Flash CS5.5 bug, not ADT. How I understand this? I can use command line for compiling with all this parameters and command line compile succesful.

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this.createEmptyMovieClip ("Envolvente", 100);
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[actionscript 3, CS4, PC, ("p1empty" and "p1compare" are frame labels)]
on (release){
if (input1.text == ""){


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import flash.display.Sprite;


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Aug 4, 2010

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The text is centered and say Arial black and font size = 40 pts.
The problem is there is to much spacing between each line.
How do I "scootch" it up so it looks like this

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May 30, 2010

im following some suggestions to cut my flash website into a few sections to make preloading a bit easier.
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Feb 21, 2011

I'm trying to make about a minute long animation of two koi fish.

1. Fish slowly swim in frame
2. Fish swim in circle a couple times
3. 4 food pellets drop into water
4. Fish eat them one at a time
5. Fish slowly swim out of frame

I've finished step 2, but now I want to go back and do step 1. I've attatched a picture of my koi and I was wondering if there was any way I could flip the image of them and tween them to make it look like the fish were moving their bodies all in flash.

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